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Examination of hip arthrosis

Examination of hip arthrosis

the orthopedic information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of hip osteoarthritis examination is clearly described.

Pelvic floor training

Pelvic floor training

the gynecological information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of pelvic floor training clearly explained.



In the case of vertigo, the person concerned feels as if he is driving a carousel and can usually name the direction. There are many different causes of vertigo, and most of them are in the place of balance, the inner ear

Duration of a pinched nerve

Duration of a pinched nerve

Entrapment of a nerve is very painful. The pain can occur suddenly from a wrong movement or from an accident. Depending on the location and cause, the duration of the illness differs, however

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Tendovaginitis (stenosans) de Quervain

Tendovaginitis (stenosans) de Quervain

the medical information portal with a lot of helpful information on the subject of tendovaginitis de Quervain.....

Nocturnal teeth grinding

Nocturnal teeth grinding

the dental information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of teeth grinding at night that is easy to understand for laymen.

Eye pain

Eye pain

Dr. - your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of eye pain explained to laymen.

Which drugs help with low blood pressure?

Which drugs help with low blood pressure?

Many, especially young, patients suffer from low blood pressure. This is often noticeable in the form of reduced performance and fatigue. There are several medications that can help with low blood pressure.

Gastrointestinal problems

Gastrointestinal problems

the internal information portal. Here you will find understandable information about gastrointestinal problems simply explained.

Editor'S Choice 2024

Homeopathy for chronic back pain

Homeopathy for chronic back pain

the naturopathic information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of chronic back pain and homeopathy that is understandable for laymen.....

Jaw muscles


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