Figure femur

Right femur image: from the front (A) and from the back (B)

Thigh bone
Femur, os femoris

  1. Femoral shaft -
    Corpus femoris
  2. Great Rolling Hill -
    Greater trochanter
  3. Femoral neck -
    Collum femoris
  4. Femoral head (femoral head) -
    Head femoris
  5. Headband pit -
    Fovea capitis femoris
  6. Small rolling hill -
    Lesser trochanter
  7. Inner femoral knot -
    Medial epicondyle
  8. Outer femoral knot -
    Lateral epicondyle
  9. Articular surface for the kneecap -
    Facies patellaris
  10. Bone crest between
    the rolling hills -
    Crista intertrochanterica
  11. Roughness for the approach of the
    gluteus muscle -
    Gluteal tuberosity
  12. Rough line -
    Linea aspera
  13. Inner joint gnar -
    Medial condyle
  14. Intergranular pit -
    Intercondylar fossa
  15. External articular knot -
    Lateral condyle

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