Figure swelling of lymph nodes in the groin

Figure Lymph node swelling in the groin: possible causes (A-C) and treatment (D-F)

Swelling of the lymph nodes
in the bar

  1. Inflamed lymph node
  2. Lymphatic vessels -
    Vasa lymphatica
  3. Groin area (light blue) -
    Inguinal region
  4. Inguinal lymph nodes -
    Nodi lymphoidei inguinales
  5. Inguinal canal (yellow) -
    Canalis inguinalis

    A - infections
    Man (inflammation of the glans,
    of the epididymis)
    Woman (inflammation of the vagina,
    the external genital organs)
    B - injuries
    with a contaminated wound
    blood poisoning can occur
    C - swelling after vaccination
    (e.g. buttocks after tetanus vaccination)
    D - The regions concerned
    should not be refrigerated
    E - medical massage,
    manual lymph drainage
    F - taking Schüssler salts,
    Antibiotics, antivirals

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