Risk of infection from otitis media


Acute otitis media is a disease that can be caused by both viral and bacterial pathogens. The causative pathogens are less directed against the middle ear, but rather cause an extensive infection, which ultimately causes inflammatory processes within the middle ear.

How long is otitis media contagious?

An otitis media itself is not contagious. However, the previous cold or flu.

The risk of infection can last from a few days to over a week, in some cases even longer.

The nose and throat are connected to the tympanic cavity of the middle ear via the ear trumpet. Normally, the respiratory ciliated epithelium inside the ear trumpet ensures that its so-called cilia move towards the throat. With this stroke of the cilia, contagious germs are usually kept away from the tympanic cavity. If this protective mechanism fails, germs of an infection can enter the middle ear and cause an otitis media. The duration of the risk of infection of the underlying otitis media infection depends on various factors.

An uncomplicated otitis media usually lasts a week.
As long as the germs are present, there is a risk of infection. Once the germs have been killed by the body's immune system or by antibiotics, the risk of infection is over, even if the body still has to regenerate.

How contagious is otitis media to pregnant women?

Not the otitis media, but the causative infection is contagious for pregnant women.

Mostly it is a droplet infection that can be transmitted through air or skin contact.

Since the immune system of pregnant women is weakened in some cases, the risk of infection with the underlying infection can be greater. Since medication should be avoided if possible during pregnancy, an infection in the nose and throat area can last longer.
In the case of a pregnant woman, this also harbors the risk of germs being carried into the middle ear and thus the risk of otitis media. Therefore, contagious situations should be avoided and the immune system should be strengthened.

Read more on the topic: Infections in pregnancy

How contagious is otitis media to babies?

Not the otitis media itself, but the underlying condition is more contagious to babies and toddlers than to children or adults.

Since a baby's body first has to build up its immune system, babies are only very poorly protected from germs.

The baby's immune system can hardly defend itself against germs that are transmitted through the air or through skin contact.

In addition, the ear trumpet, the connection between the throat and the middle ear, is still very short in babies, so that germs can quickly get into the middle ear. Around two out of three children develop an otitis media at least once in the first 3 years of life, and often more frequently.

A baby with otitis media cries a lot, is restless, and tilts its head from side to side, as well as touching its ears frequently. To protect a baby from infections and otitis media, protective measures should be taken accordingly. Contact with people who have a cold, flu or other infections should be avoided at all costs.

Read more on the topic: Otitis media in the baby

Is otitis media from kissing contagious?

The germs of the underlying infection can be spread through kissing.

However, the risk of infection is lower when kissing than when shaking hands, for example.

This is due to the fact that there are fewer pathogens in the mouth in comparison and that these germs then get into the stomach by swallowing.
Once in the stomach, they encounter stomach acid. The pathogens of an infection that has triggered an otitis media, for example, usually do not survive this.

Is otitis media contagious when taking an antibiotic?

The risk of infection from the underlying otitis media infection is not eliminated immediately after taking an antibiotic.

Depending on the disease, the risk of infection after taking the antibiotic after the 2nd-3rd Day over.

Usually the antibiotic has killed the bacteria after 48 hours.

The risk of infection in a person with otitis media is then over, but the person concerned is not yet healthy.It is therefore strongly advised to give your body the necessary regeneration time even if the risk of infection is reduced or excluded.

In the case of otitis media, even if it is no longer contagious, it is advisable to continue to take care of yourself until the person concerned is really healthy again. The risk of infection also depends on how the person affected reacts to the antibiotic.
Therefore, the risk of infection can be individual to a certain extent. In the case of very immunocompromised people, the risk of infection may last longer.

What can you do yourself to prevent infection?

In order not to infect yourself, you should minimize situations in which germs fly in the air.

If this is not possible, care should be taken, if possible, that no air conditioning systems distribute germs in the air and rooms with many people should be ventilated frequently.

Heating air also increases the spread of germs by drying out the mucous membranes. Dry mucous membranes are more susceptible to pathogens.

Therefore, care should generally be taken to keep the mucous membranes moist by ensuring that they drink enough water and, if possible, that the air is humidified.

In the event of contact with surfaces susceptible to germs or skin contact with unfamiliar hands, hands should be disinfected or washed thoroughly.

There is controversy as to what is more effective. When in contact with people, a distance of about 2 meters should be maintained. Researchers found that a sneezer can fly 12 meters. However, in some situations this distance is difficult to maintain.
In addition, the general immune system should be strengthened through adequate intake of vitamins and nutrients and exercise (at best in nature). In order to prevent the infection of others, you should keep your germs with you if possible. If possible, as an “infected person”, you should avoid close contact with others, shaking hands and the like.

If you have to sneeze, it is recommended that you sneeze into the crook of your arm rather than your hand, as the germs are passed on directly or indirectly via the hands (e.g. via door handles).