Bach flower therapy: health and disease

Negative soul concept

The negative soul concept and that of Dr. Bach associated physical symptoms and illnesses, which affects health and illness.

Arrogance / pride (Don't want to bend over)
Rigidity, stiffness, arteriosclerosis, Rigidity in thinking

cruelty (Merciless, hurt with words, disregard others)
Because you inflict pain on others, you suffer from pain yourself.

hate (Outbursts of temper, anger, anger)
Nervous overload, hysteria, autoimmune diseases.

egoism (Overestimation of oneself, circles around oneself)
Neuroses, hypochondria, depression.

Ignorance (Refusal to see the truth and learn from mistakes)
Visual and hearing disorders.

uncertainty (Indecision, lack of determination)
Coordination disorders, fluctuating values ​​(e.g. blood pressure), mood swings

greed (Lust for power, disregard for the freedom of others, claim to property)
Sufferings that take away freedom, movement disorders, paralysis.

The therapeutic approach according to Dr. Brook

His diagnosis is not based on physical symptoms but on the associated negative mental states (health and illness). As a result of contradicting actions between the intentions of the soul and the personality, they can ultimately become the cause of physical illness.
Negative states of mind but are not combated as symptoms, because that would keep them energetically upheld. Rather, they are “flooded”, so to speak, by superordinate harmonic energy vibrations, which, as Bach says, “melt away like snow in the sun“.

The flowers used by Bach for Bach flower therapy come, as he says, "of certain higher order plants". Each of them embodies a certain soul concept (health) or vibrates, expressed energetically, in a certain mood frequency.
Each of these vegetable soul concepts corresponds to a certain soul concept in humans.
All are in the human soul 38 soul concepts (Health and illness) of the Bach flowers and thus the Bach flower therapy as soul concepts, energy potentials, virtues or divine sparks.

Dr. In 1934 Bach wrote about the effects of his flower essences:
Certain higher order flowers, bushes and trees growing in the wild have the power to increase our human vibrations and to open our channels for the messages of our soul, our higher self, through their high vibration.
To flood our personality with the virtues we need, and thereby wash out the (character) defects that cause our suffering. Like beautiful music, they are able to elevate our whole personality and bring us closer to our soul. Thereby they give us peace and release us from our suffering.

They heal not by attacking the disease directly, but by flooding our body with the beautiful vibrations of our higher self, in theirs Present the disease away melts like snow in the sun.

There are no real cure without it the change in attitude to life, des Peace of mind and des inner happiness (Health and sickness).

In other words, the Bach flower essence acts as a kind of catalyst and restores the contact between soul and personality that was blocked at this point.

The soul can make itself heard again in the personality. Where there was disharmony and paralysis, life flows in again. Bach wrote about this: "Where people don't" more completely himself"Was, he will again"entirely himself“.

The personality finds its way out of human confusion and limitation, back to the soul potentials and virtues that give our existence on this planet meaning and harmony.

Have been since time immemorial Medicinal plants used. However, Bach differentiates between plants that alleviate suffering (most of our medicinal plants) and those that are enriched with divine healing powers. He calls them “plants of a higher order” or “the happy fellows of the plant world” and found them all intuitively.
Sometimes it was enough for him to put a petal of the corresponding plant on his tongue to feel its effect on body, soul and spirit. These are non-poisonous plants and not used for human nutrition. Some of them are also in the other form Herbal medicine (phytotherapy) used, but the majority of them were counted as weeds by then. It is important that the plants are only collected in the wild and in certain natural areas. As cultivated plants, the described divine healing powers no longer have.

The Bach flower therapy Is always understood as an accompanying measure, which can have a preventive or additional effect on the patient's soul (health)!

They are not a means of combating certain physical symptoms or diseases in the sense of a drug!