Burning of the anus


A burning sensation in the anus can have different causes, but in each case it is very uncomfortable for the person concerned. Many patients do not go to the doctor for a long time out of a feeling of shame, although the doctor can usually help simply and easily, for example with the prescription of ointments.


Burning in the anus is triggered by various causes. The most common are listed below:

  • Food intolerances and spicy foods
  • Wrong toilet paper or underwear that is too tight
  • Anal fissures
  • Worm infections
  • hemorrhoids
  • bacterial infections
  • Antibiotics
  • Fungal diseases
  • other rare diseases

Food intolerance or spicy food

Certain foods can cause a burning sensation after a bowel movement or in the anus if they are over-sensitive or intolerant. Spices that are too hot are also a reason for burning sensations in the anus.

Read more about this: Food intolerance

Wrong toilet paper or underwear

A burning sensation in the anus will also result too rough toilet paper triggered. Underwear that is too tight leads to permanent mechanical irritation of the anal area and can also trigger a burning sensation in the anus. As a reaction to soaps or moist toilet paper with fragrances and preservatives, anal eczema can develop, which causes a burning sensation in the anus.

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Anal fissures

If a patient has stools that are too hard, pressing too hard when going to the toilet can tear the mucous membrane of the anus, creating anal fissures. These anal fissures cause a burning sensation in the anus during or after a bowel movement.

Find out more about the topic here: Anal fissure and Torn anus


Many people suffer from hemorrhoids, which, while harmless, can also cause pain and burning in the anus. Hemorrhoids make anal hygiene more difficult after going to the toilet, any remaining stool residues then cause irritation of the skin in the anal area and burns in the anus. Up to 70% of all adults have hemorrhoids, which vary in severity. The lighter degrees of severity are not visible from the outside, but can still cause a burning sensation during and after a bowel movement.

Find out more about the topic here: Burning in the intestines

Worm infections

Anal infections such as pinworms are also possible triggers of anus burning sensation. When a pinworm infection occurs, the females lay their eggs in the area of ​​the anus, which causes burning and itching. Children in particular are often affected by worm infections.

Read more on this topic at: Worms in the intestines

Burning sensation in the anus from antibiotics

By taking Antibiotics become fights pathogenic bacteria. The intestinal mucosa is of colonized by many good bacteriathat aid digestion. Unfortunately, taking antibiotics can fight these good bacteria as well. The longer a patient has to take antibiotics, the more likely it is that they will also kill good bacteria. If the bacteria that normally colonize the intestinal mucosa die, the intestinal flora gets mixed up. Even Fungal infections in the intestine are then possible. As a result, the lining of the intestine and around the anus is irritated, causing it to Burning of the anus comes, which occurs mainly during bowel movements. A burning sensation in the anus during or shortly after ingestion is not uncommon. It is best to use the anus after each bowel movement clean with water and then to dry off. If the symptoms are worse anti-inflammatory ointments or Hip baths for example with chamomile useful to soothe the skin. The burning sensation in the anus after antibiotics can drag on for a few days to several weeks.

Burning sensation in the anus from fungus

Fungal infections in the anal area can be caused by a weak immune system or by taking Antibiotics arise. Candida albicans is the most common fungus that causes anal skin disorders and anus burning sensation. Next to the Burn kick on the anus Dandruff, Redness or Vesicles on. In most cases, a few days of special treatment is sufficient Anoint From the Active ingredients against fungi (Antifungal drugs) contain.

Other diseases

Other causes of burning sensation in the anus are skin diseases such as psoriasis (psoriasis), which can also affect the anal area. Systemic diseases like diabetes or kidney disease can also cause itching and burning sensation in the anus.

Read more under our article Painful bowel movements


Burning in the anus is often associated with pain and itching. Sometimes the itching is so strong that the affected patients feel they have to scratch themselves constantly or can only sit very restlessly. The most common symptoms:

  • itching
  • diarrhea
  • Blood in the stool
  • Burning sensation in the genital area

Read more on the topic: Pain in the anus and Itching in the vagina

Diarrhea as an accompanying symptom

Many people also suffer from a burning sensation in the anus when they have diarrhea. In most cases this is completely normal and harmless. Diarrhea differs from normal bowel movements in composition. For example, it still contains digestive juices from the small intestine because the intestine can no longer digest completely due to frequent visits to the toilet. These digestive juices are more acidic than normal stool and therefore irritate the skin in the anal area much more strongly, which promotes a burning sensation in the anus. The skin on the anus is also stressed by frequent visits to the toilet and the strong pressure when using the toilet. Frequent wiping also promotes sore skin in the anal area and a burning sensation in the anus. It is important to treat the diarrhea and to drink a lot. If the burning sensation in the anus is very bad, a zinc ointment or an antiseptic ointment can help to alleviate the symptoms. In the case of diarrhea, it is even more important than usual to keep the skin around the anus dry, as stool and wound fluid irritate the skin around the anus and increase the burning sensation.

Blood in the stool

Bloody stool or bleeding from the anus is noticeable as blood on the toilet paper or as a build-up on the stool. Bleeding from the bowel and anal area is avoided hemorrhoids, Tears in the mucous membrane on the anus, Inflammation of the rectum or through Colon cancer caused. Blood in the anus does not always have to be caused by a malignant disease. At the Anal eczema It can also happen that there is blood in the anus, that the inflamed skin tears and can bleed as a result. The blood can also be deposited in the stool. If the bleeding was caused by anal eczema, the bleeding should go away with therapy.

Burning sensation in the anus and vagina

Since the vaginal and anal regions are locally very close to each other, various problems in one region can spread to the other. Often there are intolerances. This can only be due to excessive friction, for example after using the toilet or while washing. There may also be allergic reactions to certain substances that are worn on the abdomen. Soaps or shampoos can also cause a stinging sensation.

However, due to the proximity of the regions, infections caused by fungi and bacteria can easily spread. In addition to yeast infections you can also STDs be transmitted. The most famous representatives of these diseases are Gonorrhea (gonorrhea), Chlamydia or syphilis.

Read more on the subject at: Sexually transmitted diseases

Burning sensation on anus and glans

Genital infections with sexually transmitted diseases can also occur in men. This can include Herpes viruses, fungi, gonorrhea or chlamydia be. The urethra and the glans can inflame themselves and it can Itching, weeping rash, and discharge come. The infections can spread to the groin and anus region.

Eczema and hypersensitivity reactions of the skin are also very common on the glans. The cause can be substances such as latex or polyester with which the genital region comes into contact. First and foremost, the area must be spared and kept clean. Shampoos and soaps that are too aggressive should not be used. To combat infections of the glans penis and the anus, antibiotic and antifungal ointments as well as disinfecting ointments can be applied locally. In case of doubt and long-term complaints, a urologist or family doctor should be consulted.

Which doctor?

The first port of call for a burning sensation is the Family doctor. Many of the diseases and causes that lead to burning in the anus can be recognized and treated by him. Should he need a second opinion, he'll be patient with Burning of the anus to a Gastroenterologists (Gastrointestinal specialist) or Proctologists (Rectum specialist).


Important at Burning of the anus is a good one Anal hygiene. After a bowel movement, the anal area should be included lukewarm water cleaned and then dried. It is best to avoid using special cleaning lotions, greasy creams and damp toilet paper. These contain fragrances and preservatives that can trigger or worsen a burning sensation in the anus. A balanced diet rich in fiber and a sufficient amount of water to drink are important to have smooth stools, which leads to less irritation of the skin in the anal area. Avoiding hot spices can also help to reduce irritation to the skin in the anal area and thus the burning sensation. In addition to these general measures, the Burning of the anus treat underlying disease. Smaller ones hemorrhoids can with Infrared light or Medication wasted become. Bigger ones hemorrhoids are by means of Rubber band ligation or small operation away. To treat a Anal eczema we recommend using a Cortisone ointment, which after a while by a soft zinc paste is replaced. cortisone counteracts an excessive reaction of the immune system and thus curbs one inflammation a. The zinc paste has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect, so the inflammation is treated and a renewed softening of the skin is prevented. should that Anal eczema be colonized with bacteria disinfectant ointments or Ointments with antibiotics applied. If the pain is severe, a pain reliever ointment that contains local anesthetics and numbs the skin in the anal area. This type of ointment should not be used for one Anal eczema which has an allergic cause. It will Burning of the anus by a Fungal disease of the skin in the anal area, an antifungal (anti-fungal) ointment must be used Pinworm infection come Anti-wormer for use.

Therapy with ointments

An ointment is a drug therapy alternative to the tablet, which can be applied locally to the affected area at the location of the discomfort. Ointments can contain a wide variety of active ingredients must be selected depending on the cause of the burning sensation in the anus. Homeopathic ointments can also be used. Some ointments contain as an active ingredient Cortisol. Cortisol is an endogenous substance that can reduce and suppress an immune response. Cortisol can alleviate the inflammatory reaction, especially in inflammatory processes. However, inflammation as a result of the immune response is primarily a defense reaction of the body against pathogens, toxins and other exogenous substances that could harm the body. If there is an infection with certain pathogens, the immune reaction must not be suppressed, but the elimination and elimination of the pathogen must be promoted.

If there is a burning sensation in the anus, fungal infections may be present. Since these can be very stubborn, you need to use one Antifungal agent, an antifungal agent that eliminates fungus. This also reduces the burning sensation in the anus. Such an antifungal ointment can be prescribed by the family doctor, gynecologist or urologist. Then is a Permanent care and hygiene around the anus are important. Fungi often settle in regions of the skin that are impure and moist.

More rarely, other pathogens, such as bacteria, can also trigger a burning sensation in the anus. For this come to fight the bacteria antibiotic ointments in question. These can stop the burning sensation within a few days. If there are small open sores on the skin on the anus, these can also cause a burning sensation and also pose a risk of infection for pathogens. Help in this case disinfectant ointments in wound healing without the risk of additional infection.

However, if there is no infection in the anus region, hypersensitive skin reactions can be behind it. This is known as "Anal eczema". The triggers for this vary from allergies to certain substances to previous infections. Here is a Cortisone ointment tries to stop the skin reaction.

Therapy with home remedies

Many causes of an anus burning sensation are harmless and easy to fix. Symptoms often go away on their own within a few days. In the case of mild complaints, the healing process can be promoted with home remedies. If there are problems that persist for a few days or are difficult to bear, a visit to a doctor should still be considered.

First of all, prophylaxis for discomfort below the groin is through Regular washing and wearing of clean underwear advisable. After washing, care must be taken to ensure that the affected area dried well is. Moisture promotes many types of skin conditions. If there are known intolerances to certain fibers, gentle underwear fabrics should be worn. Also damp toilet paper can cause discomfort and should be replaced with dry if necessary. Alternatively, the anus can be cleaned with lukewarm water after a bowel movement and then dried thoroughly. Sitz baths in combination with certain herbs, such as chamomile, are particularly effective for pain in the anus region.


To that Burning of the anus During the examination, the doctor will ask you to remove your clothes and lie on an examination table with your knees bent. In many cases, the examining doctor can already use the simple Look at the Identify the cause of the burning sensation in the anus: hemorrhoids, a Anal eczema, one Fungal disease or Anal fissures are one for the doctor Eye diagnosis. The doctor probably will too examine rectallyto examine the lining of the rectum. In some cases it may be necessary to have a smear test to rule out a fungal disease. It may also be necessary to take a small sample to perform a microscopic examination of the tissue. If the doctor finds evidence of a disease of the intestine during the examination, a Colonoscopy (Colonoscopy) may be necessary to find out the exact cause.