Duration of pleurisy


Pleurisy is particularly characterized by great pain in the chest area.

A pleurisy is a very painful illnessin which the pleura of the rib cage has become inflamed. The pleura is part of the Pleura. Strictly speaking, one speaks of one pleurisywhen the entire pleura is inflamed.

In a broader sense, however, it is often generalized and also referred to as pleurisy in the case of pleurisy. The Duration pleurisy can differently be long, it depends mainly on the Severity of inflammation and the common ones Comorbidities from.

Duration of illness (weeks)

How long the duration of pleurisy cannot be without Knowing the cause be answered just like that. The duration mainly depends on the Heaviness of pleurisy
Generally one can say that it is up to several weeks may need until it is completely cured. Even if there are no symptoms, you should wait a few more days until the body is completely stressed again because too early exposure to a "Relapse“And prolong the healing time. Therefore, the reloading should definitely be clarified with a doctor.

Duration and treatment of mild pleurisy

The duration of a slight pleurisy corresponds approx. 3 to 7 days. Often the cause is one Viral infection. Since virus infections generally "by itself“Heal are mostly here no special antiviral drugs - except in very severe cases - prescribed.
In addition to the treatment of the other existing disease, a Pain therapy applied, rest and light, vitamin-rich food arranged and Breathing exercises carried out. In order to be able to perform respiratory gymnastics, there must be freedom from pain, so that pain therapy initially plays a major role.
As a light breathing exercise, you can take care to consciously breathe deeply every 20 minutes. Special breathing techniques can be used by Physiotherapists to be learned.

Duration and treatment of moderate pleurisy

The duration of moderate pleurisy is about two to three weeks. Often there is one bacterial infection the cause. This will be given if fever With Antibiotics treated. Here, too, the focus is on treating the primary disease.

Duration and treatment of severe pleurisy

In very serious cases can increase the duration of pleurisy up to several months amount and thus one chronic course accept.
This can be the case in different circumstances. For example insufficient healing the existing inflammation and too early exposure or even with a serious underlying disease like one Cancer. The latter is often used with strong immunocompromising drugs treated, which can also delay the healing of pleurisy.
Especially with pleurisy caused by an existing one Lung cancer the inflammation can last a long time. If there is a larger accumulation of pleural fluid in the pleural space (Pleural effusion), a puncture must be performed during which the liquid is sucked off with a fine needle.

Inability to work with pleurisy

The duration of the incapacity for work can vary from case to case, but should be sufficient to completely cure the illness.

How long the duration of the incapacity for work is depends mainly on the type of Underlying disease from and of course from the Type of work. It is difficult to provide general information here and the commencement of activities should definitely be clarified with a doctor.
On (heavy) physical activities, such as manual or structural work, must up to several weeks can be dispensed with, in addition, substances used in construction / handicrafts, for example, can irritate the lungs and thus the pleura again Activities that involve a lot of sitting can be resumed earlier. On Sports should be avoided for a while.

Consequences of pleurisy

Mild and moderate pleurisy heals mostly without consequences from. At a severe inflammation However, it can cause the inflamed areas to heal too Bonding, Adhesions or Calcifications (Calcereal pleurisy) come.
This results in impairments of the Lung function and thus restrictions on the breathingsurgery must be performed to loosen the adhesions again.


The Pleura (Parietal pleura) dresses the Chest cavity from within. The lung is from part of the Pleura (Pleura visceralis) covered. In between there is a thin gap, the Pleural space (Cavitas pleuralis) that with a little liquid (approx. 5-10 ml) is filled, so that the pleura and pleura are at the breathing can easily slide past each other. The pleura is made up of several parts, we are dealing here with the pleura (Pars costalis), which is the inside of the Ribs covers.

Illustration of the skeleton of the rib cage (from the front)

I - XII Ribs 1-12 -
Costa I-XII
1. - 3. Sternum -

  1. Sternum handle -
    Manubrium sterni
  2. Sternum body - Corpus sterni
  3. Sword extension -
    Xiphoid process
  4. Rib - Costa
  5. Costal cartilage - Cartilago costalis
  6. Collarbone - Clavicle
  7. Raven beak process -
    Coracoid process
  8. Shoulder corner - Acromion
  9. Costal arch - Arcus costalis

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

root cause

A pleurisy usually develops as episode or. Accompanying phenomenon another disease, which is then called "primary disease" referred to as.
The most common condition that triggers pleurisy is lung infection. One is also increasing tuberculosis found as a trigger.
In any case, pleurisy needs to be as soon as possible examined and clarified as it can have serious consequences. However, if treated in good time, it usually heals without any further complications.


In principle, pleurisy manifests itself through various symptoms, which also depend on whether and which other disease is still present.
In general, a sudden, strong, painful stinging sensation in the chest is felt (chest pain), which occurs depending on the breath. The stinging usually becomes stronger when inhaling and coughing. The cough is usually without expectoration. These symptoms mean that there is often shallow breathing. If the symptoms mentioned are present, the "dry form" (Pleurisy sicca) of pleurisy spoken, but which in the course of a "wet form" (Exudative pleurisy) can pass.
In the "wet form", fluid collects in the pleural space (pleural effusion), so that there can even be a significant gain in body weight (1.5 liters are not uncommon). Thus, the control of body weight is also announced. Symptoms of the moist form are a feeling of pressure in the chest and a consequent shortness of breath. Fever and fatigue can also be other general symptoms.
The duration of the pleurisy can also provide an indication of a possible cause.