The Bach flower clematis

Description of the flowering clematis

Climbing plant Clematis that grows in forests and hedges, but is also cultivated in gardens. The beautiful flowers unfold from July to September.

State of mind

You show little interest in the present, your thoughts are completely elsewhere, you don't register what is happening around you. One is a "Daydreamer“.

Expression children

Children are in the clematis state very quiet and therefore pleasant when they are very small. But as they get older it is more and more noticeable that they are scattered are and absent seem like they're not there. "Hans look in the air" !.

The children are sensitive, in school lessons dreamy and inattentive, unfocused and without motivation. They like to be alone and they don't care what other children think of them, they are in their dream world. An artistic talent is noticeable, the children are creative and imaginative.

Expression adults

Clematis people are wanderers between worlds and withdraw from the annoying present to their own dream castles.
You always work something dazed, is rarely wide awake, likes to sleep.
Those who need clematis often suffer from a certain Absent-mindedness, the head feels empty, the memory is not the best. One is known as the "distracted professor". You often bump into objects and run the risk of being involved in accidents due to your dreaminess. Of the Self-preservation instinct is weak and when one is sick there is no real will to get well again. One gets the impression that clematis people would not mind leaving this earth to be able to be reunited with a loved one in the hereafter. You hope for a better future and forget to shape the present.

It evolves Hearing and Vision problems, Tendency to collapse (where want to be different!).

In the present there is little energy available (you need it for the dream world), you often have cold hands and cold feet.

Purpose of the Bach flower clematis

Clematis is said to help one develop healthy relationship with reality and use the creative potential sensibly. You learn to make a connection between the physical and the spiritual world and real life becomes more interesting.

Read more about clematis

  • Bach flowers
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