These symptoms accompany my ovulation


Ovulation, also known as ovulation in medical terminology, takes place around the middle of the cycle every month. For many women, ovulation occurs around the 14th day of the cycle, but the time until ovulation varies depending on the length of the cycle.
The female cycle is subject to hormonal influences that are responsible for the characteristic sequence and also for any complaints or symptoms. The high concentration of the luteinizing hormone (LH peak) leads to ovulation, which some women even feel. The following article looks at symptoms that ovulation can cause.

I can tell when I am ovulating by these symptoms

Ovulation takes place around the 14th-17th century. The day of the cycle takes place, unless a hormonal contraceptive is used that suppresses ovulation.
Some women perceive ovulation as a characteristic sharp pain, also known as middle, ovulatory or intermenstrual pain. Only a small proportion of women notice this pain at all, and these women also have an irregular median pain. The description of the pain can vary from woman to woman, with some women describing it as stabbing and others as oppressive. If there is middle pain, it is usually found on one side in the lower abdomen. However, it is often difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the pain.

The main causes of middle pain are brief, small bleeding that irritates the peritoneum or pain from the jumping follicle itself. Middle pain is not suitable for natural family planning, as it occurs only very irregularly and even then cannot be reliably differentiated from another cause of pain. Prolonged abdominal pain, colic or even very strong pain intensities speak against a middle pain and have other causes.

Are you interested in this topic? Read more about this under: Identifying ovulation yourself

Abdominal pain during ovulation

You may experience mild abdominal pain during ovulation. They are often attributed to slight irritation of the peritoneum from the jumping egg. This type of abdominal pain is also known as middle pain. It always occurs unilaterally, depending on which side ovulation occurs in that month.

Middle pain is described as stabbing pain that starts at points and lasts only for a very short time. Abdominal pain that lasts for several days should be clarified by a doctor, as infections, injuries or other causes may be possible. Ovulation cannot be determined with certainty based on the middle pain.

Read more on the topic: Ovulation pain

Intermenstrual bleeding due to ovulation

Ovulation can be accompanied by light bleeding, which is not called intermenstrual bleeding, but rather spotting. Another term for this type of bleeding is spotting. This ovulation bleeding is a low level of genital bleeding caused by a drop in hormones.

This is due to a drop in estrogen that occurs immediately after ovulation. However, spotting can occur for many different reasons or as part of the normal female cycle, so that it is not possible to reliably infer ovulation based on spotting.

Read more on the topic:

  • Spotting
  • Ovulation bleeding

Back pain during ovulation

Some women feel a kind of pulling in their backs when they ovulate. This back pain is different from back pain of other kinds, such as those that occur with herniated discs, injuries or other diseases. The back pain that occasionally occurs in the female cycle is more of a kind of pulling, tense pain of dull intensity.

The pain is often localized in the lower third of the back and also affects the pelvic girdle. Light exercises, such as stretches, and exercise can help release tension. A hot water bottle can also help. The pain usually only lasts for a short time.

Also read: How can you induce ovulation?

Bloated stomach

So-called gastrointestinal complaints, which also include the bloated stomach, occur more frequently in the second half of the cycle and then usually belong to the symptom complex “premenstrual syndrome”. The gastrointestinal symptoms are complaints of the digestive tract. Many women not only suffer from various specific and unspecific complaints during or immediately before menstruation, i.e. premenstrual, but even during the ovulation phase. The exact reason for this is unclear.

The bloated stomach is often subjectively perceived very differently. It can manifest itself in a feeling of fullness, real flatulence or increased belching. However, since the bloated stomach is a very unspecific symptom and can have many causes, the time of ovulation cannot be determined based on this symptom. If you have a bloated stomach during ovulation, it can help to adjust your own diet a bit for this period. Easily digestible foods and soothing teas should be preferred over flatulent foods.

Read more on the topic: Home remedies for a bloated stomach


Nausea during ovulation is rather atypical. However, since the female cycle is experienced very individually, it is quite possible that in the middle of the cycle - i.e. at the approximate time of ovulation - nausea may occur in some women.

Persistent nausea, on the other hand, suggests other causes, such as an infection or migraine. Persistent nausea and a missed menstrual period can also indicate early pregnancy.

Read more on the topic: Signs of pregnancy

Chest pain during ovulation

Chest pain is a common symptom of Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS for short. Typically they appear a few days before your period and are manifested by chest pulling and tension. Not every woman experiences this chest pain, and women with chest pain do not experience it every month. More rarely, chest pain occurs immediately before or during ovulation. However, depending on the menstrual cycle, this is also possible.

Very few women experience chest pain during ovulation. Cooling compresses or light massages of the affected tissue can help relieve the tension, especially in the case of chest pain. However, strong pressure should be avoided as it tends to make the pain worse.

Read more on the topic: Chest pain when ovulating

a headache

Headaches are often a relatively unspecific symptom that can occur in the context of various conditions and diseases.
Headache may occur during ovulation. However, it is not a common ovulation symptom. In women who are already prone to headaches, for example migraines, headaches may become more pronounced as they ovulate.


Ovulation is not really noticeable for the vast majority of women. Fatigue is not one of the typical symptoms that can rarely occur during ovulation. In the case of chronic or prolonged fatigue, causes such as an underactive thyroid, a vitamin deficiency or a chronic disease can come into question.

Temperature change

During the female cycle, the basal temperature is also subject to cyclical fluctuations. Immediately before ovulation, the basal temperature drops slightly and then increases with a jump of about 0.4 ° C to 0.6 ° C. The basal temperature then reaches a temperature of 36.7 ° C to 37.0 ° C within 48 hours after ovulation.

These constant changes only occur with regular cycles and can be seen particularly well if the temperature curve has already been determined for a few months. With a regular cycle, ovulation can be limited relatively precisely to a time window of 48 hours. The temperature changes arise due to hormonal influences.

Hot flash

Hot flashes are typical symptoms of menopause, also known as climacteric. They are caused by the typically falling estrogen level during this time and are perceived by many women as very annoying. Hot flashes are atypical during ovulation.

Read more on the topic: Hot flash

How does the discharge change?

The woman's natural discharge changes immediately around ovulation.
The cervical mucus becomes thinner, more glassy and pulls threads. It is also called spinnable. There is also a reason for this: the mucus plug, which serves as a woman's natural barrier, becomes more permeable for sperm and makes fertilization possible. The spinnability of the cervical mucus can therefore be an indication of ovulation.

Read more about this: How does the discharge change during ovulation?

This is how the cervical mucus changes

The cervical mucus is subject to characteristic fluctuations depending on the cycle phase. However, the changes are not constant in every cycle, so that the time of ovulation cannot be reliably predicted by the nature of the cervical mucus. The cervical mucus forms a natural barrier on the cervix, the so-called mucus plug. On infertile days, this mucus plug makes sperm ascension, i.e. the sperm ascension, more difficult.

However, this plug of mucus is not completely tight, so there is a certain probability that sperm can still pass through. If you take a closer look at the cervical mucus on these days, you can see that it has a coarse and firm consistency.

During the ovulation phase, the cervical mucus becomes thinner and more permeable for sperm. This change in the cervical mucus is primarily due to the effects of the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is the dominant hormone in the first half of the cycle. Shortly before ovulation, the concentration of estrogen increases sharply.

The estrogen has reached its highest concentration around 2-3 days before ovulation. During this time, the cervical mucus becomes particularly thin and permeable. The cervical mucus becomes spinnable so that it can be pulled up between two fingers to form threads. If you look at the cervical mucus under the microscope in this phase, the so-called bracken phenomenon becomes apparent. The dried cervical mucus shows fern-like crystallization patterns. This change is very typical of ovulation.

More information on this topic: How does the cervical mucus change during ovulation?

That's how long the symptoms last

Ovulation occurs at a different time during the menstrual cycle for every woman. The menstrual cycle not only includes the duration of the menstrual period, but also includes the entire hormonal control loop of the woman. This usually takes between 25 to 31 days. These different cycle times are due to the variability of the first half of the cycle.

The first half of your cycle is characterized by high levels of the hormones FSH and LH, which trigger ovulation. This usually happens around the 14th day of the cycle. The symptoms of ovulation can start before ovulation and therefore vary in duration depending on the length of the cycle. The duration of the symptoms still depends on the type of complaint. The middle pain that some women experience when ovulating is usually very short-lived. The sharp pain can last anywhere from a few seconds to hours.

Prolonged pain is atypical and may suggest other causes. Other symptoms, such as headaches, bloating, gastrointestinal complaints or breast tenderness are very non-specific and can also occur around ovulation. A duration of a few days but also a few hours is possible. However, very long-lasting and intense complaints should always be clarified by a doctor, as other causes may come into question.

You may also be interested in this topic: The duration of ovulation and fertile days

How is the mood changing?

Some women experience mood swings during their cycle.
These mood swings seem to occur especially just before menstruation and are often expressed in a depressed mood. In connection with other symptoms, the term premenstrual syndrome is also used. However, a change in mood cannot really be seen during ovulation.