Eczema in the genital area


Eczema is a mostly acute or chronic inflammatory reaction of the upper layers of the skin. Eczema can be anywhere where there is skin. As a rule, areas of the skin that come into contact with chemical or plant-based foreign substances are particularly badly affected. A distinction is made between eczema in the genital area acute from chronic Shape.

For more information, see the main Eczema article.

Symptoms of eczema in the genital area

The eczema in the genital area is characterized by a sudden onset of reddening, followed by flaking and then blistering. The vesicles can then open up and empty the liquid contents. In addition to reddening, scaling and blistering, itching is one of the main symptoms of eczema in the genital area, which is often described as agonizing. It occurs a short time after the redness.

The entire process of acute eczema can take a few hours or days. The mechanism of the disease works in such a way that the immune system forms so-called memory cells as soon as it comes into contact with a foreign substance. These cells remain inactive in the area of ​​the skin until the body comes into contact with the same exogenous substance again. An immune reaction is triggered, in some people an excessive immune reaction, which is then referred to as an allergic reaction.

Why some people have this type of overreaction and some do not is largely unknown. What is clear, however, is that there is a genetic component.

Itching of eczema

Itching in the genital area often occurs as an accompanying symptom of intimate eczema. This is triggered by the skin changes in the affected regions and the associated dehydration. It is important not to counteract the itching with scratching, as this will only make the situation worse. This also irritates the skin and can lead to open areas in the genital area. A doctor should be consulted in good time, who can initiate suitable therapy so that the eczema can be treated as early as possible and the damage to the skin is kept as low as possible.

Read more on this topic at: Itching in the vagina

How contagious is eczema in the genital area?

There is eczema in the genital area usually not contagious, if it is not associated with a bacterial or viral superinfection. If it is a contact dermatitis or a skin reaction caused by internal stress, there is no risk of infection even with intimate contact. However, since it cannot be ruled out that an additional infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi has already taken place, one should avoid intimate contact and wash your hands particularly thoroughly after washing or creaming your genital area and after using the toilet. It should be confirmed by a doctor that it is eczema and not an infection and appropriate treatment should be initiated. Then there is no risk of infection.

Causes of eczema in the genital area

Causes for a acute eczema in the genital area and thus factors that stimulate the immune system can ultimately be all substances that are foreign to the body. Both chemical and herbal products that have come into contact with the skin in the area are counted among the possible triggers. Often it is skin or washing lotions that are applied to the genital area for cleaning and care that lead to eczema in the genital area. These can be perfumed care products or pure substances that have not been mixed with fragrances.

Read more on this topic at: Contact dermatitis

At the chronic intimate eczema skin changes usually occur through a slightly different mechanism. The symptoms of redness, itching, scaling and blistering occur in chronic eczema in the genital area as well as in acute. However, the symptoms do not come one after the other, rather all symptoms appear at the same time.

The triggers for chronic eczema are also foreign substances, but mostly of a toxic nature. Very strongly irritating substances that are applied in the genital area can lead to the symptoms of chronic eczema in the intimate area. Despite the medical distinction between acute and chronic eczema, the cause is often not that easy to pinpoint. Especially in the genital area, it also happens that a questionable eczema is actually hiding psoriasis, which can cause similar symptoms and which can also look similar. In women, the entire genital area can be affected by skin eczema; in men, the spread is mostly limited to the skin of the testicles.

Enzyme peels can also help to ensure the purity of the skin and allow the pores to breathe. One example of this is the Dr. Severin enzyme peeling from the pharmacy.

Diagnosis of eczema in the genital area

Eczema in the genital area is mostly due to allergies.

The diagnosis is usually made by a Eye diagnosis posed. Typical reddish skin changes in the genital area of the patient as well as specified severe itching put skin eczema on the shortlist of diagnostic options. Besides the physical exam but should definitely also Health survey (anamnese) receive a supporting function.

So patients should be asked whether they Care products such as lotions or creams recently changed to have. Another important question is to clarify other existing allergies. Patients who suffer from other allergies such as House dust allergy, pollen allergy or the like, are much more at risk of developing eczema in the genital area. Also a close connection with the appearance of Neurodermatitis is being discussed.

In many cases, it remains unknown what triggered the allergic inflammatory skin changes in the genital area. Often you try that Replace any newer lotions or creams, such as Laundry detergents, shower gels and shampooin order to rule out possible causes. It can also be helpful to first omit one of the products, then another. So it could be found out which product may be responsible for the Skin discomfort could be.

Therapy of eczema in the genital area

The therapy / treatment of eczema in the genital area depends on the one hand on the type of eczema, on the other hand also on the stage (acute eczema). In principle, a treatment attempt with cortisone-containing lotions and creams can be tried. These should be used regularly 1-2 times a day for a few days.

It is important to note that drugs containing cortisone are not long-term drugs. There are guidelines on how long cortisone lotions and creams should be used. An application of over a week should be well discussed. The treatment must be ended after two weeks at the latest. If cortisone is administered in excess, there is a risk of permanent damage to the skin, e.g. Skin atrophy or bleeding.

Read more about this on our website When does a rash need cortisone?

Furthermore, one orientates oneself according to the Condition of the skin in the area of ​​eczema. Moist pads should be placed on wet skin. By the edition with Chamomile oil soaked cloths can have a healing effect as well as with Put on black tea (Teabag). Is it a acute eczema to the stage of dry skin redness or even flaking should be an oily skin moisturizing treatment be performed. There are also numerous drugs and substances made from the Herbal medicinethat can be used in the treatment of eczema.

Next chamomile and black tea also come with eczema in the genital area Sage leaves for use. You will be one disinfecting, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects attributed. Even preparations whose ingredients are derived from the Marigold exist, can be used to heal eczema. This plant is next to one anti-inflammatory also one immune stimulating and said to have a healing effect.

Plants like too Witch hazel and Bittersweet stalk are sometimes used very successfully in the treatment of eczema in the intimate area. The most important rule after developing eczema is this Switching off the triggering source. The victim should all potentially be eligible Exchange substances and replace with others. This is the only way to guarantee adequate treatment of eczema. An eczema treatment that is taking continued contact with the triggering substance carried out will inevitably not be successful.

Ointment for eczema

In most cases of eczema in the genital area, the doctor will prescribe an ointment containing cortisone. Cortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect and downregulates the immune system so that the excessive reaction is contained. The cream should then be applied to the affected area twice a day. The duration of use must be precisely discussed with the doctor. Mostly it takes about one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the eczema. It is important not to use the cortisone cream for longer than prescribed, as it can damage the skin with long-term use and the layers of the skin become thinner and therefore more sensitive.

Home remedies for eczema

Sitz baths with chamomile can help against the symptoms of eczema in the genital area. These have an anti-inflammatory effect and are primarily intended to relieve itching. They can be used in both men and women.

Compresses soaked with cooled chamomile tea or black tea can also be applied to the affected areas several times a day to relieve the symptoms. If the skin is very dry, chamomile or marigold ointment can improve the situation.

Homeopathy for eczema

From a homeopathic point of view, sulfur is accorded a very high priority in therapy for all forms of eczema. However, it must be remembered that the therapy can lead to a massive initial deterioration. Apis mellifica is particularly suitable in the early stages. If the itching is the worst symptom and seems almost unbearable, Arsenicum album can be used. Rhus toxicodendron is often used for blistering eczema. All homeopathic remedies can be taken as globules in various potencies several times a day. In the D15 potency, most of these remedies can be taken three times a day.

Care tips for patients

Patients who suffer from eczema in the genital area can take some measures to make the treatment even more effective or even more effective Risk of recurrence to reduce skin eczema in the genital area. This includes in addition to Turning off the source of eczema that too Avoidance of alkaline substances to Intimate hygiene.

At the time the eczema occurs, patients should wash mainly with clean water. Lotions or Soap should be at this time not used become. To tight-fitting and abrasive underwear should also not be worn during this time to avoid the Do not irritate the skin unnecessarily. Synthetic and moisture-retaining clothing should rather not be worn and against replaces products containing cotton become.

There too Parasitic and fungal diseases can often lead to protracted and agonizing eczema in the genital area, should one prophylactic fungal treatment was considered if the eczema in the genital area does not heal within a few weeks. In many patients, the eczema disappears in the genital area after a while Itching, however, often remains.

At the itching (Pruritus) there is an additional risk of psychosomatic component, which should be taken into account instead of making numerous attempts at treatment with lotions and creams. As a rule, should After the eczema has healed, there is no more itching be.

Particularly triggering factors for eczema in the genital area

Besides the causes like Care products and lotions, which can ultimately lead to eczema on any part of the body's skin, there are some peculiarities in the genital area that must be clarified. So the cause of eczema in the genital area can also be one Intolerance reaction on

  • Tampons
  • Intrauterine cavity (Spiral)
  • Portio caps
  • latex (Condoms) or
  • Bandages, insoles Etc.

be. Fungal infections of the vagina can also lead to severe eczema in the further untreated course, which must be treated. Also chemical suppositories and other gynecological drugs can ultimately lead to the development of eczema in the genital area via the active ingredient. It comes after Sexual intercourse to develop eczema in the genital area, must ultimately also examines the partner more closely if there is insufficient treatment.

At a Latex allergy one woman should be another Contraception options instead of the condom. It is especially important to pay attention to accompanying symptoms in addition to eczema. Should also vaginal discharge join in, the triggering factor could most likely be one Fungal infection act. In addition to eczema in the genital area, there are others Skin changes before, it could most likely be an allergic systemic reaction of the body (e.g. Food allergy or Drug allergy).

With recurring eczema in the genital area should be next to one Dermatologist definitely one too gynecologist and a urologist be sought out for further investigations in the Genital area perform

Eczema in the genital area in women

The eczema in the genital area can spread in women Spread over the entire genital area. The The extent to which it spreads depends on the cause of the eczema. In women it is often a contact eczema, which is an excessive response to certain chemical stimuli. In women, it is usually either condoms or intimate wash lotions or creams that lead to these symptoms. Intimate wash lotions should therefore always be as free of perfume and other additives as possible. Tampons or panty liners can also cause eczema. In addition, a spiral (Intrauterine device) that can be used for contraception cause a skin reaction. Also Creamsthat are used for medical reasons can be a Contact eczema in the genital area trigger. These include, for example ointments containing antibiotics.

Such skin reactions are more common in menopausal womenbecause the lack of estrogen makes the vagina drier and the skin more prone to irritation. The risk of superinfection of the eczema with bacteria or viruses is also higher for these women.

But bacteria, viruses or fungi can also cause symptoms that are very similar to those of eczema. However, these infections are often accompanied by additional abnormalities such as blistering or purulent discharge.

Eczema in the genital area in men

In men, eczema in the genital area does not usually affect the entire genital area, but is limited to the skin of the scrotum. Contact eczema caused by the ingredients of intimate wash lotions or creams is also common in men. If the penis is also affected, or if blistering occurs, a bacterial or viral infection must be considered. This can also be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Also read: Itching on the testicles- what's behind it

Eczema in the genital area during pregnancy

Many women suffer from one eczema attached to itching, Burn and discharge in the genital area. Often there is one Fungal infection responsible for. In the pregnancy Much changes in the woman's body, especially that hormonal change can lead to various problems. For example, a hormonal imbalance leads to severe problems Mood swings. These hormones can also create an imbalance in the body Skin bacteria cause. Useful bacteria are displaced by harmful bacteria in the vagina, causing itching, discharge or foul smelling Painful intercourse. When a smear The eczema of the genital area during pregnancy can in most cases be a Fungal infection be diagnosed.

Also through mechanical irritation the sensitive skin in the genital area can lead to eczema during pregnancy. Severe itching in the genital area is not uncommon, as water is stored in the tissue during pregnancy and the Blood circulation is slowed down. This can lead to itching, which leads to frequent scratching and which can irritate the skin and even develop eczema. In addition, small wounds make it easier Scratch the invasion of fungi or bacteria, which can also cause eczema in the genital area.

Eczema genital area in the baby

The most common genital eczema in babies is especially between the ninth and twelfth months of life the so-called Diaper rash. It turns into a red, inflammatory Genital rash, at the Po and to the Thigh wrinkles. The eczema can be dry or oozing, and sometimes it develops Pustules. This eczema in the baby can be without proper treatment with one Skin fungus or bacteria become infected. A Yeast eczema is also often associated with antibiotic use and can lead to eczema in the baby's intimate area. A bacterial infection can be accompanied by other symptoms like fever to be accompanied. The Diaper rash is created by the permanent moisture in the genital area, especially if the diaper is not changed in time. Eczema in the intimate area in the baby is initially caused by changing the diaper regularly treated. The skin should be kept dry and clean. Fresh air and longer periods without a diaper also accelerate the healing of eczema.