Yellow bowel movements


Yellow bowel movements are a symptom that can present itself in many ways. The yellowish color of the stool can range from a light yellow shade of brown to a distinct yellow tint.

An almost colorless bowel movement with a light yellow shade is also possible as a variant. Such a yellow discoloration of the stool can basically occur with any consistency, so both yellow diarrhea and very hard yellow stool can occur.

In addition, the stool itself can have a natural brown color, but there are also yellowish mucus deposits or yellow undigested pieces of food. Basically, yellow bowel movements, from a harmless variation in color to serious illness, can indicate all sorts of digestive problems.

Read more about this in our main article: Colors of bowel movements

Causes of yellow bowel movements

  • food

    • Yellow vegetables

    • Food rich in carbohydrates

    • Diet change

  • Organic causes

    • Liver (Inflammation, cirrhosis, blood congestion, tumor)

    • Bile (Jam, lack of production)

    • Pancreas = pancreas (missing enzymes, blockage, tumor)

  • Medication

    • Antibiotics

    • Prokinetics

Yellow stools after antibiotics

Antibiotics are drugs that are used against bacterial infectious agents. However, the antibiotics do not only work against the bacteria that cause the disease. Rather, all bacteria in the body (including those that occur naturally there) attacked by the active ingredient.

Since the digestive system in particular is dependent on the harmonious interaction of many different bacteria, antibiotic therapy can significantly disrupt digestion for some time. After antibiotics, changes in the consistency and color of the stool usually occur for a few days.

Most of the time, the stool becomes a little more fluid and even diarrhea. The color often changes in the direction of a greenish discoloration or yellow bowel movements.

Are you more interested in this topic? Read more about this in our next article: Side effects of antibiotics

Yellow stool after biliary surgery

The bile acids form an important pillar in the digestive system. They have the greatest influence on the digestion of high-fat foods. It is only through the bile acids that the body is able to absorb the fat content from the food.

If the bile builds up and the secretion of bile acids is reduced in the digestive tract, fat digestion can be disturbed. Even after biliary surgery, the production of bile acid is initially disturbed, so that the high-fat food cannot be digested well. This results in yellow bowel movements. In addition, there is often a so-called "fat stool", which shines due to the fat content.

For more detailed information on this topic, see: Complications after a gallbladder removal

Yellow stools in liver disease

Liver disease can stain stool yellow by two different mechanisms. On the one hand, a disease of the liver can block the outflow of bile and thus cause yellow bowel movements by reducing fat digestion.

On the other hand, liver diseases occasionally lead to yellowing of the skin, the sclera (the whites of the eyes) and also of bowel movements. This is due to the accumulation of yellow breakdown products of the red blood pigment.

Possible triggering liver diseases are inflammation (hepatitis), cirrhosis of the liver or (benign or malignant) Liver tumors.

Can yellow stools be indicative of cancer?

Discoloration of the stool, especially if it persists for a long time, can generally indicate cancer. With cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, the balance of the digestive organ is disturbed, so that the stool can change its color and consistency. However, yellow stools are more likely to indicate a tumor in the liver, biliary tract, or pancreas.

Due to the cancer, important digestive enzymes are no longer released, the digestion, especially of fats and proteins, is disturbed and yellow stools result. In principle, yellow stools can therefore be an indication of cancer, but in most cases there are other reasons for the color changes.

Our next topic might be helpful to you too: Symptoms of liver cancer

Diagnosis of yellow stool

The diagnosis of yellow stool should always be started with a medical history. The doctor in charge asks about the duration and type of symptoms as well as possible triggers and thus receives important information about where the color change in the stool is coming from.

Then the stomach should be listened to and felt carefully. The intestines and liver are examined. Then, depending on the suspected cause, a blood sample is taken for laboratory tests. An ultrasound can also provide information about the disease. If necessary, the stool must be examined for pathogens.

Further diagnostic steps depend on the suspected cause of the yellow stool.

These symptoms tell me that my yellow stool is abnormal

Yellow bowel movements are generally suspect at first unless there is an obvious explanation (Diet with yellow foods, drugs with the side effect "can discolor the stool", etc.) can be found. However, in many cases these are normal deviations in the color of the stool.

If the symptoms only last for a few days and if they are a one-off event, a pathological cause cannot be assumed. On the other hand, if the yellow stool occurs regularly or if there is an inexplicable change in color that does not return to normal, the cause of the yellow stool should be investigated.

In most cases, abnormal yellow bowel movements are associated with other complaints. Most often it also occurs:

  • stomach pain
  • nausea
  • Vomit
  • diarrhea
  • Constipation

However, systemic symptoms such as malaise, tiredness, decreased performance, headache, exhaustion, etc. can be indications of a pathological cause of yellow stool.

Occasionally, specific symptoms such as yellowing of the skin (Evidence of liver or gallbladder disease) on. Serious digestive problems (more undigested food can be found in the stool, significant and unwanted weight loss within a short time) are a sign that the yellow stool is pathological.

Yellow stool with mucus

Slimy additions to the stool often indicate processes in the gastrointestinal tract. If the stool or mucus is yellow in color, the cause may be an inflammatory disease. In this case, the yellow color of the mucus is caused by pus.

But also red (bloody) Mucus may appear in connection with yellow bowel movements. This suggests a lesion of the intestinal lining and should be examined by a doctor. Occasionally, temporary build-up of mucus and yellow bowel movements are also the result of diet changes and certain foods.


Diarrhea is defined by a more fluid stool consistency associated with frequent bowel movements (at least 3 times a day). The underlying mechanism takes place in the intestine, where not enough fluid is absorbed from the preliminary stages of the finished stool.

This can be due to an increased release of fluid or a disturbed resumption. Often an imbalance in the gastrointestinal bacteria is the cause, for example due to an infection or antibiotic therapy.

You might also be interested in these articles:

  • Yellow diarrhea
  • Diarrhea after eating

Flatulence with yellow stools

In many cases, gas is caused by certain foods (Beans, etc.) triggered, but can also indicate a dysfunction of the intestinal bacteria or a disease of the digestive tract.

In the case of gastrointestinal infections, for example, the bacteria in the intestine produce a particularly large amount of gases during digestion, which causes flatulence. But also chronic inflammation in the intestine (for example ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, tumors) can cause gas and changes in the color of bowel movements.

Abdominal pain with yellow stools

Abdominal pain is a very general symptom which, in many cases, can indicate a digestive disorder. In connection with yellow stools, the cause should be suspected in the gastrointestinal tract. Food, medication or digestive disorders can be the cause of the symptoms.

The pancreas, liver, and bile can also cause abdominal pain and yellow stools. However, one should also use the other organs (Kidney, lower urinary tract, genital organs, etc.) examine. Not infrequently, the abdominal pain also has a psychosomatic (Mixture of psychological and physical causes) Component (e.g. stress).

The next topic may also be of interest to you: Abdominal pain - what to do?

Nausea with yellow stools

Like abdominal pain, nausea is a very common symptom. If it occurs in connection with yellow stool, it can indicate digestive tract disorders.

Vomiting is often added to the nausea. Bilious vomiting can indicate diseases of the gallbladder or liver. However, nausea is also a common side effect of various medications that can make bowel movements yellow.

Back pain with yellow stools

On the one hand, back pain can come from the back itself (most often from the muscles), but are also often the result of complaints in the internal organs.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be noticed not only by yellow bowel movements, but also by abdominal pain. This pain can radiate into the back or lead to reactive tension in the back muscles.

You might also be interested in our next article: Therapy of back pain

Which yellow bowel movements need treatment?

Yellow bowel movements require treatment especially if they occur due to dangerous or chronic diseases. Liver and gallbladder diseases that cause yellow bowel movements usually need treatment.

In addition to yellowing, biliary diseases also result in a change in bowel movements towards fatty stools. Liver diseases are often also manifested by yellowing of the skin and sclera (the whites of the eyes).

Gastrointestinal diseases also occasionally require treatment, especially if there is a large loss of fluid. In this case, yellow stools are usually strong and particularly fluid.

If the yellow stool is due to inflammatory bowel disease, therapy is also indicated. Likewise, many tumors (both benign and malignant) be treated.

Yellow bowel movements in the baby

Yellow bowel movements are common in babies and are mostly due to breast milk diet. Especially children who are exclusively breastfed often have very yellowish stools. In addition, in contrast to stool from adults, the stool is mushy to liquid.

However, even in babies, yellow bowel movements can indicate severe liver, gallbladder and digestive disorders. Changes in the color and consistency of the bowel movements are particularly suspicious.

For more detailed information on this topic, see: Defecation in the baby

Yellow stool in the child

In children, in contrast to adults, the stool often changes in color and consistency regardless of whether or not there is an illness. Changes in diet in particular can be reflected in children’s stool.

In addition, children tend to somatize under psychological stress (respond with physical discomfort), which is mainly reflected in the gastrointestinal area. This, too, can cause a change in color to yellow stools.

Duration vs. Yellow stool prognosis

The duration and prognosis of yellow bowel movements are highly dependent on the underlying cause. Gastrointestinal infections usually subside after a few days to weeks. Likewise, the symptoms that occur as side effects of drugs disappear some time after you stop taking them. Even yellow stools that are dependent on nutrition usually only last a few days.

In contrast, the prognosis for more serious diseases such as the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and digestive tract is less positive. Often these are chronic diseases that last for a long time (Months to years) or even have to be treated for life.

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Further general information may also be of interest to you:

  • bowel movement
  • Fat stool
  • Liver disease