Rash on the chest


A rash can have various causes and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or burning.
The rash may appear with blisters or pimples, it may consist of blotches, or it may be raised.
A rash on the chest can occur with general symptoms such as fever if the rash occurs as part of an infection.
Often times, a rash is harmless, but it should be shown to a doctor so that they can assess what caused the rash and whether further treatment is needed.


A common one root cause for rash on the chest is that Bran lichentriggered by a mushroom which occurs on everyone's skin, but leads to a brownish rash in some people.
The psoriasis lead to a red rash on the chest with scales covering the red spots.
Also an infection with chickenpox can be the cause of a rash on the chest. As part of a allergic reaction it can be so called Hives (Urticaria), which can occur on other parts of the body in addition to the breast.


Often, the rash is accompanied by itching as a further symptom.

Depending on the cause of the rash on the chest, the Rash of red spots or brownish spots of different sizes.
The spots can also settle on the skin and are then called papules. However, bubbles can also form. Symptoms such as itch (see also Itchy rash) or Burn come.
With infections such as chickenpox, you can General symptoms how fever and Exhaustion come.

Read more about the topic here: Blistered rash


The diagnosis of the rash on the chest can be made by one General practitioners or one Dermatologist be asked. With many diseases, one look at the rash is often enough to make the diagnosis. If a fungal infection is suspected, some material can be obtained with the help of an adhesive strip and examined under a microscope.
If the diagnosis is unclear, a Sample the skinaffected by the rash. Here, after local anesthesia, a punch of a few millimeters is removed and the sample material is then sent to the pathologist for further examination.


The treatment of the rash on the chest depending on the cause of the rash. A family doctor or dermatologist can make the correct diagnosis and recommend appropriate therapy.
This can depend on the cause of the rash from the application of certain Anoint or through the taking medication consist.
In many cases, a rash on the chest will go away on its own even after a few days without treatment. However, some rashes, such as psoriasis, have a protracted course and can persist for a longer period of time despite suitable therapy.

Many herbal active ingredients are also suitable for treating skin rashes, as they have anti-inflammatory and itching effects. They also donate moisture and strengthen the skin.

You can read more information on this topic here: Home remedies for a rash

Rash on the chest in men

A common cause of Rash on the chest in men is this seborrheic eczemawhich also often affects the scalp and face. This leads to a rash with red papules, yellowish scales and severe itching can also occur.
The cause of the condition is unclear, however tight clothes, to oily skin care and heavy sweating cause the disease. Men are more often affected by the disease than women.
Furthermore, it can be in men Bran fungus come in de technical language as Pityriasis versicolor referred to as. This is where the yeast spreads Malassezia furfur increased from which to normal Skin flora every person comes. This The rash is brownish and blotchy, can cause dandruff and itching. The skin underneath does not tan in sunlight, so the spots appear lighter to the surrounding skin.

Another cause of rash on the chest in men is that psoriasis. Characteristic are small to palm-sized, sharply delimited, round, red spots with severe scaling. These spots can also appear on the back, head, or knees and elbows. Psoriasis can also lead to joint inflammation and nail changes.

Also one Shingles, a flare-up of the varicella zoster virus infection responsible for childhood chickenpox, leads to a rash on the chest in men.
It often occurs in older or debilitated people and goes with them small vesicles on a red background hand in hand. Typically a dermatome is affected, so a skin areathat is supplied by a nerve. The causes shingles severe pain and itching.

Another cause of rash on the chest in men can be a Drug eruption be, so a Medication rashin which there is an allergic reaction to certain drugs such as Painkiller or Antibiotics comes. This rash is typical small spots and can affect the whole body.

In the Hives, one allergic reaction the skin to various external influences such as medication, food or immunological processes, a rash on the chest can also occur. This leads to a reddening of the skin and plateau-like elevations of the skin, the so-called Wheals.
Other causes of rash on the chest in men can be Viral infections like measles or exotic diseases like malaria or dengue fever.

Rash on the chest in the woman

It comes with the F.rough to a rash on the chestcan have various causes. A common cause is this psoriasis, also called psoriasis. This results in small to palm-sized, round, red spots that are very flaky. Other typical places where psoriasis occurs would be knees or elbows or the lower back. Psoriasis can be accompanied by joint inflammation.
Another cause of breast rash in women can be Intertrigo be. Here it comes to one redden, oozing, inflammatory rash especially in the Chest wrinkles. The rash may be sore or itchy and typically has a pustular edge. Intertrigo occurs as a result of profuse sweating or friction and is mostly caused by the in humans Skin fungus Candida albicans triggered.

In older women it can become one Shingles come, a reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, which rests in the nerve roots after an infection with chickenpox in childhood until the immune system is weakened. Shingles usually affects a dermatome, i.e. that Skin area, the is supplied by a nerve and can pull from the chest to the back. It often causes severe pain and itching and is characterized by water-filled blisters on a red background, some of which may already be open.
Also Infections with other viral diseases like the measles or exotic viruses such as dengue virus can cause a rash on the chest.
Likewise, a hives, an allergic reaction with red skin Wheals and having severe itching or an allergic reaction to a drug cause a rash.

Rash on the chest in the child

Common causes for Rashes on the chest are the typical teething problems. These also affect the stomach and back, one then speaks of the body trunk, but also arms and legs.
Since the rashes of some childhood diseases are very similar, the child should be presented to a pediatrician if the fever or pain is severe. In general, they are less and less common nowadays, as most childhood diseases require a vaccination.
If the rash on the chest is spotty and accompanied by a fever, it may be measles, Scarlet fever or rubella act.

Both chickenpox the rash resembles a "starry sky" because of the appearing Vesicles occur in different stages at the same time, some may still be intact, others are already open. In the so-called Rose lichen At the beginning there is a red spot from which further small foci spread, which are surrounded by a scaly edge. The cause of the disease is not known, but a connection with stress is suspected. she usually heals by itself within eight weeks, but can also last up to half a year.

If the child became ill with the Epstein-Barr VirusAccidentally treated with the antibiotics ampicillin or amoxicillin, which causes Pfeiffer's gland virus, can lead to a small speckled rash on the chest and trunk (Drug eruption) and severe itching

Rash on chest in baby

Babies can use the so-called seborrheic eczema suffer from a rash that affects the head and face in addition to the chest and with Scaling connected is. Often the babies are younger than three months old. The rash can range from Accompanied itching and can also be attacked by bacteria. In babies, this rash usually heals after a short time.

Another rash that can affect the chest is the Heat rash also called welding frizzles. In addition to the chest, the rash can affect the face, armpits, and shoulders. Small vesicles or pustules are typical. The Heat rash occur when the outside temperature is very high and the baby sweats a lot. However, because the sweat glands in infants are still small, they become clogged more easily. The pimples are harmless, but heat stroke should be avoided as the child is less able to "sweat off" the heat (Rash from sweating).

As in a child, a rash in a baby can be an infectious disease such as measles or rubella act.

Also Baby acneThis typically affects the face and can cause a rash on the chest. Small ones form here white pimples or pustules, the surrounding skin is reddened. The baby acne heals without treatment after a few months at the latest.

Rash in pregnancy

One often during pregnancy The rash that occurs on the chest is the bran, too Pityriasis versicolor called. This is caused by the yeast Malassezia furfur, which is part of the normal Skin flora is with all people. Here it comes to brownish spotswhich remain lighter in sunlight compared to the rest of the tanned skin. This fungal infection mostly occurs in people who sweating profuselywhich can be favored by pregnancy.
But others too Fungal infections can benefit from this moist and warm environment and cause a rash with accompanying itching.
During pregnancy, however, rashes with itching can occur for no apparent cause, as the Body more sensitive reacts to fragrances and chemicals. However, this should subside by itself after a few days.
However, during pregnancy the rash on the chest is of General symptoms how fever and Sore throat should be accompanied immediately A doctor should be consultedto rule out an infection that could harm the unborn child.

Rash on chest and stomach

Attacks a Rash on the chest and abdomen as well as the back, is also spoken of the trunk.
Typical rashes that affect the trunk of the body are infections with the typical teething problems.
At Scarlet fevercaused by bacteria, it comes next to you small-spotted rash typically to the so-called strawberry tongue, one glowing red tongue, as well as general symptoms with Sore throat, fever and chills.
It is similar with the measles, here is the one too Small spots on the rash and the patient suffers from general symptoms. Measles, a disease caused by viruses, is also often the Oral mucosa affected by white spotscalled "Koplik Spots". This is where the small spots of the rash merge.
These two disorders can be related to the rubella which are caused by the rubella virus. In addition to the red, small-spotted rash, it can also Fever and swelling of lymph nodes come.

Even with diseases that are caused by tropical pathogens, like that Dengue fever or the malaria You may develop a measles-like rash.
Another rash that can affect the stem is that Drug eruptionat which it becomes a allergic reaction to a drug or hives, an allergic skin reaction caused by various causes, which is accompanied by sudden red spots and wheals and severe itching.

Rash on chest and back

Affects a Rash on the chest and back, it can be the Bran fungus act, which is caused by the skin fungus Malassezia furfur. This yeast is with everyone Part of the healthy Skin flora. Brownish spots form, which remain light when exposed to sunlight compared to the surrounding skin. This fungus is not contagious and the disease is harmless.
Another cause of a rash on the chest and back can be seborrheic eczema be where it is next to the reddish rash with flaking and itching and which also often affects the hairy scalp, adjacent areas and the face. This can lead to cosmetic problems, but also bacterial colonization of the affected skin.
Also Infections With chickenpox, measles or tropical pathogens can cause rashes on the chest and back.
A Shingleswhich can occur in people with compromised immune systems, can also affect the chest and back. The causative agent is the varicella zoster virus, which triggers chickenpox and can then remain in the nerves and can be reactivated if the immune system is weak. The rash usually follows a dermatome, which corresponds to the skin area of ​​the inflamed, affected nerve.

Rash on chest and arms

Are the Chest and arms from a rash affected, this may be Neurodermatitis act, also called atopic eczema in technical terms. This rash is red, dry, scaly and itchy, however, is not contagious. Often children are affected and the disease “grows together” as they get older.
In many cases, people with eczema also have allergies such as hay fever or suffer from asthma. Another common clinical picture is that psoriasis. Red, spotty plaques, those yellowish scales are supported. Other places where psoriasis can occur are on the scalp or on the knees, but also on the back. In some cases, those affected also have joint problems.

An allergic reaction to a drug can also lead to a rash, the so-called Drug eruptionwhich starts on the trunk of the body and then spreads and is characterized by many small red spots and papules, similar to measles. Typically, mucous membranes are also affected and antibiotics such as sulfonamides or painkillers are often the trigger.

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