Rash in pregnancy


A multitude of different skin changes can occur during pregnancy, some of which occur individually or in parallel in some women and not at all in others.

Read more on the topic: Skin changes during pregnancy


The so-called Chloasma (also: Melasma or pregnancy mask) is a Skin changesthat one to the Hyperpigmentation the skin counts, so an increased color.
Chloasma can also develop independently of pregnancy, but is most common during pregnancy Phase of life to find. It is then typically brownish Pigment spots at the neck, on the cheeks or on the forehead.
In women with darker natural skin color, these spots can occasionally appear lighter than the rest of the skin. This coloration is due to the fact that the pigment melanin is stored in the skin, stimulated by pregnancy hormones. If the skin is exposed to high levels of sunlight, these spots become darker, which is why those affected should avoid sunlight if possible or wear a high sun protection factor.

Usually, the skin changes regress within three months after the end of pregnancy at the latest. It has been shown that this regression process can be supported by enough Folic acid takes, whether in natural form (for example in green vegetables, liver or whole grain cereals) or as Food supplements.

Linea nigra

An origin similar to that Chloasma has the Linea nigra. This is a dark line that goes from the navel to the Pubic bone enough.
The dark coloring is also caused by an excessive Melanin storage and forms itself back again. In addition to taking folic acid, a light massage will probably speed up the time until the affected skin area returns to normal.

Liver rash in pregnancy

Itchy skin and also small reddish skin changes anywhere on the body are mostly local, so they are due to a skin disease. But it can also be that systemic causes behind it.
Systemic diseases are mostly understood to mean Metabolic and detoxification processesthat cannot take place properly in this situation. Toxins that were supposed to be eliminated from the body build up in the body and cause an itchy skin reaction. So it can become one Bile drainage problem come, which then backs up in the liver.The lack of metabolism can then lead to one itching and cause a rash on any part of the body.

In addition to the itching on the body, there is also a Urine dark in color and one Lighter color of stool. This condition, also known as cholestasis, must be treated, as harmless and easily treatable gallstones can be behind the problem, but also life-threatening tumors.

Illustration rash in pregnancy

Figure rash in pregnancy: causes, symptoms

skin rash
during pregnancy

  1. Chloasma
    (Pregnancy mask)
    Pigment spots on the face
  2. Herpes gestationes
    (Autoimmune disease)
    very itchy wheals
    Surfaces or bubbles
  3. Linea nigra (dark line)
    from the navel to
    Pubic bone
  4. PUPP
    Pregnancy dermatosis
    very itchy nodules
  5. Candidosis (yeast infestation)
    Itching of the vagina
  6. Increased rubbing in the skin fold
    sweat, Basis for a fungal infection
  7. Weight gain (breasts, thighs)
    Skin is rubbed sore
  8. Strong stretching of the skin -
    Itching, insomnia
  9. Allergy (shower gel, washing lotion,
    Cosmetics) -
    reddish skin changes
  10. Hemorrhoids -
    Redness and itching in the anal area

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

Itchy rash during pregnancy

A rash, sometimes associated with itching, is to be considered completely normal during pregnancy. Because of the high levels of hormones in the blood, the skin becomes sensitized to many substances, which means that it is more sensitive to certain substances than under normal circumstances, and that it reacts with a rash or inflammation.
Sometimes the exact cause cannot be determined exactly, but generally it helps to be thorough Skin care Pay attention and wear loose cotton clothing, as this is the least irritating to the skin.

A common cause of itching of the vagina is the Candidosis, the infestation with a Yeastwhich also occurs more frequently during pregnancy. Also hemorrhoids occur more frequently in pregnant women and can cause redness and itching in the anal area. In principle, these diseases are also harmless.
Especially if one is suspected Candidiasis However, this should be treated, as otherwise there is a possibility that the child will feel during the birth also infected. In general, if a rash that has not been identified as a trigger and persists for more than two days without showing any improvement, pregnant women should see a doctor and have it checked out. Although there is rarely a cause for concern, it is often important for pregnant women in particular to have security for themselves and their unborn child.

Another cause of a rash is that Weight gain during pregnancy. As a result, the skin can be rubbed sore in certain areas, for example below the breasts or between the thighs, and become inflamed, reddened and painful. Occasionally, there is even a blistering or a bad smell. This phenomenon is also known as Intertrigo. It is important that those affected ensure that the reddened areas are kept as dry as possible and that they are adequately ventilated.

It is not uncommon for the skin to store water. In some cases, this even has a positive effect, namely that small wrinkles are smoothed and the skin has a rosy sheen or shimmer because the blood circulation is improved. With others, however, the increased water intake also makes the skin look swollen and red spots and bumps appear more prominent. However, these changes recede on their own after the pregnancy is complete.

Rash on the abdomen during pregnancy

There are several causes of a rash during pregnancy

A Rash in pregnancy can occur on the abdomen. Usually this occurs in the second half of pregnancy on. Depending on the cause the rash manifests itself differently.

There is almost always one itchingwho to great suffering or up to insomnia can lead. The itching must be not allergic be. The strong stretch skin during pregnancy can lead to such discomfort.
A first-time allergic reaction to cosmetics may show up as a rash on the abdomen during pregnancy. The rash usually takes the form of reddened and raised foci noticeable.
Are located around the navel not just redness, but also very itchy, wheal-like areas or blisters, this can be an indication of a so-called Herpes gestationes (an autoimmune disease). The vesicles burst under mechanical stress and can typically spread all over the body.
Another cause can be a polymorphic pregnancy dermatosis, the so-called PUPP, be, but with the Umbilical region left out stays and instead of bubbles rather very itchy nodules form.

Often rashes are localized near the genital area. Read more on the topic Rash in the genital area

Breast rash during pregnancy

Many women suffer from a skin rash during their pregnancy, which can have various and usually harmless causes. The rash may appear as raised or unsuspended redness on the chest area. Often this is accompanied by itching.

Due to the increased hormone levels in the blood during pregnancy, the skin can be more sensitive and react to cosmetics or washing lotions that were previously well tolerated. Painful reddening can also affect the skin below the breast.
The cause is usually the increase in size of the breasts, which leads to increased rubbing in the skin fold. If you also suffer from increased sweating during pregnancy, this area is damp and can form a basis for a fungal infection. This can be treated well with antifungal ointments. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the area remains dry. There is no risk to the child.

Independent clinical pictures that affect the skin during pregnancy, such as herpes gestationes or PUPP, express themselves with vesicles or nodules and wheal-like elevations and in the initial stage usually do not affect the chest area, but the stomach.

Read more on the topic:

  • Rash under the breast
  • Rash on the chest

Rash on the back and legs during pregnancy

A rash during pregnancy can also develop on the back or legs. Often it occurs in the second half of pregnancy. However, these regions are not often affected.

The rash usually manifests itself as a reddened and raised area. Often it is accompanied by a strong and unpleasant itching. The rash may also be scaly or oozing. There may also be red spots on the back. A rash on the legs often occurs around the back of the knee.

If there are known allergies (including hay fever) in the history of those affected or close relatives, an atopic pregnancy dermatosis could be present. If the rash is not only localized on the legs but also on the face, neck and / or décolleté, the suspicion is obvious.
The itching can cause high levels of suffering for the pregnant woman and should definitely be treated. The unborn child is not at risk.
The weight gain during pregnancy can lead to unusual friction between the thighs. This friction can cause a painful and reddened skin rash. The affected area should be cared for and kept dry.

Read more about this under: Rash on the back or rash on the thigh

Rash on the legs during pregnancy

Rashes on the legs that occur during pregnancy most often have one harmless cause. So can Allergies put on a certain shower gel or detergent behind it, which quickly disappear after avoiding these products.

Sometimes a Neurodermatitisthat then with Cortisone get stuck behind a rash on your legs.

Rash on arms during pregnancy

In many cases during pregnancy there is a reddish skin change on one or both arms. Here one can allergy on a recently used Shower gel or wash lotion be the triggering reason. Also a new one during pregnancy Neurodermatitis may be behind a rash on the arm.

The diagnostic options are rather limited. Skin swabs are only done if one Fungal attack is suspected or if there is no improvement after an initiated drug treatment. If contact dermatitis is behind the rash, detergents or shower gels should be changed. With a triggering Neurodermatitis can with one Cortisone preparation treatment is started.

It comes to allergic contact eczema and neurodermatitis reddish itchy skin changes in the area of ​​the arms. If, on the other hand, there are small reddish and itchy ones Vesicles on the arm, this is probably due to one of them Shingles. The vesicles can also open and drain fluid. This liquid is highly contagious and contact should be avoided.

Rash on hands during pregnancy

If you get a rash on your hands during pregnancy, it usually comes from a allergy on a shower gel, soap or detergent. It is important to ask whether the relevant products have recently been changed. If this is the case, new preparations should be used. With one through chemical substances triggered rash usually arise small reddish dots on the hands, which can be itchy.

Furthermore, a frequent hand washing lead to a rash on the hands. The reason is that the acid mantle of the skin is attacked and ultimately disturbed by the abundance of water. The acid mantle is important and represents an effective defense system against pathogens. If your hands are washed very often, this defense system becomes thinner. The skin arises dry and flaky and also reddish Most of the time, the typical, reddish, small, punctiform skin changes on the fingers do not occur, but rather extensive and larger redness on the fingers and palms.
For treatment, the frequent hand washing should be reduced and moisturizing and nourishing skin lotions can be used, under which the protective acid mantle of the skin regenerates quickly.

PUPP syndrome

The skin changes mainly occur in late pregnancy.

The PUPP is one polymorphic pregnancy dermatosis. The term PUPP stands for Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (Itchy wheal-like papules and plaques during pregnancy). The PUPPP is one frequent pregnancy dermatosis and will especially at First childbearing, twin pregnancies or in the event of severe weight gain observed during pregnancy.

The rash usually starts in the last weeks of pregnancy on the stomach, with the Umbilical region left out remains. Often arise suddenly new stretch marks. Within this it comes to Redness, swelling and the formation of small nodules (Papules). The rash goes with one severe itching hand in hand.
The rash will spread within days Thighs, buttocks, arms and upper torso out.

The therapy success with mild cortisol supplements and symptomatic e.g. against the itching. The doctor decides what exactly is necessary, depending on Severity of appearance.

The forecast the PUPPP is Well. After Childbirth it comes to one spontaneous healing of the rash. Only in rare cases does one remain Skin changes over a long period of time persist or recurs in another pregnancy. For the newborn there is no health risk.

Acne during pregnancy

Lots of women get into that pregnancy for the first time since the end of the puberty again problems with Pimples or even acne. This phenomenon is also due to the increased hormone levels. They are responsible for the production of Sebum, so oil, is cranked.
However, if there is too much of it, the pores of the skin become clogged and it can lead to pimples and even severe acne. In principle, the same rules apply to pregnant women as to other people with acne: The skin should be cleaned well with a cleanser that is not too aggressive and moisturizers should not contain any oil. Pregnant women should, however Acne medication Do not take them without consulting a doctor, as some of the ingredients in these products can be harmful during pregnancy.
Please also read our article on this Acne - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy


Targeted skin care can help prevent a rash during pregnancy as a prophylactic measure. The skin is subject to multiple stresses during pregnancy. On the one hand due to the greater stretching and on the other hand a possible hormone-related dryness of the skin. The use of moisturizing lotions or lipid replenishing bath additives can help and alleviate or even prevent a rash.

You can read more information on this topic here: Home remedies for a rash

Skin folds, such as under the breasts, should be cared for and kept dry to prevent rubbing and moisture build-up, which can sometimes lead to rashes and fungal infections. If a fungal infection actually occurs, an antifungal ointment can help and usually relieve the symptoms quickly.

Due to the increased hormone content in the blood, the skin is not only more sensitive during pregnancy, it can also react allergically for the first time to cosmetics such as shower gels or the detergent used. The affected areas of the skin should first be washed only with water. Switching to hypoallergenic products, such as those available in drug stores and pharmacies, can help. These products do not contain any ingredients that could lead to allergic reactions. These include, for example, fragrances and dyes. Products that are actually made for the care of newborns are great because the skin of infants is also sensitive.

However, a doctor should be consulted in the event of the following complaints: If the rash has lasted for several days without feeling any better, accompanied by very severe itching and the rash spreads from the first affected area or blisters on or next to the foci (which burst when subjected to mechanical stress) or very itchy nodules. This appearance may not just be the result of more sensitive skin, but so-called pregnancy dermatoses that should be treated with medication. Dermatoses of pregnancy, such as PUPP or herpes gestationes, are treated with cortisol preparations and antihistamines. Usually, the preparations are administered locally as ointments. In severe cases, oral administration as a tablet may also be necessary.

Please also read our pages

  • When should a rash be treated with cortisone?
  • Treat rash with ointments and creams
  • Tannolact


Other Skin changesthat can occur during pregnancy are Stretch markswhich are caused by the tension in the skin and appear reddish or brown depending on the skin type, and spider veins, burst small blood vessels, which arise during this time due to the increased blood volume. There are various measures that can help against the development of such skin changes; you can find out more about this under Prevent stretch marks read.