Healing of Sudeck's disease


Many patients who attend a Sudeck's disease suffer, wonder if a cure is possible. You can read various things on the Internet. The problem with Sudeck's disease, in English too CRPS, For "complex, regional, pain syndrome“Is that its genesis not fully understood is.
This complicates the therapy, because without knowing the cause, only the symptoms can be treated, not the actual cause.


Sudeck's disease is treated with painkillers and glucocorticoids

There is a cure for Sudeck's disease possible in principle. However, not within days by means of an operation, but in the form of one multimodal concept. This is based on Occupational therapy, physical therapy, local as well as systemic drugs and Application therapy.
Since every patient is different, one must first slowly find out what helps with Sudeck's disease. In addition to strength building, for example through manual work in the course of occupational therapy, the treatment also includes Water baths, Lymphatic drainage and passive joint mobilization to choose from.
With a lymphatic drainage Lymph fluid derived from the swollen tissue to remove any lymphatic congestion.

Also ultrasound therapy, acupuncture and ointment dressings can aid healing.
The drug approach relies first of all on analgesics, so Painkiller. Most pain relievers not only relieve pain, but also relieve pain anti-inflammatory, which is important in the therapy of Sudeck's disease.
With the help of Glucocorticoids inflammation can be combated systemically. In the case of drug treatment, however, it should always be borne in mind that they also include a number of Side effects which can affect the success of the therapy.
Therefore, every patient has to be approached slowly in order to create the perfect therapy concept.
A cure is definitely possible, but it requires it patience for the patient and treating person, as well as a corresponding cooperation of the person concerned.

Appointment with a hand specialist?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

In order to be able to treat successfully in orthopedics, a thorough examination, diagnosis and a medical history are required.
In our very economic world in particular, there is too little time to thoroughly grasp the complex diseases of orthopedics and thus initiate targeted treatment.
I don't want to join the ranks of "quick knife pullers".
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You can find me at:

  • Lumedis - orthopedics
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, appointments can only be made with private health insurers. I ask for understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Lumedis - Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

Duration of healing in Sudeck's disease

The healing time for Sudeck's disease can be very different. In fact, more than half of those affected experience an improvement or even complete resolution of the symptoms over time. The prognosis is particularly favorable for children. The healing time can take weeks to months. In some cases the symptoms become chronic, so that there is no possibility of a complete cure for the patient with the pain disappearing.

How can I positively influence healing?

  • A young patient's age influences complete healing and shortens the healing time in Sudeck's disease. In children, the disease often progresses well with a complete decrease in symptoms.
  • In addition, the start of therapy plays a decisive role in the course of the disease. In order for those affected to have the chance of an improvement in their symptoms, the disease must be diagnosed as early as possible and treated appropriately. Prompt treatment has a very positive effect on the healing of Sudeck's disease.

Read about this too: This is how Sudeck's disease is treated correctly

What negatively affects healing?

There are factors that have a negative impact on the healing of Sudeck's disease and thus promote the chronicity of the symptoms. Older age has a negative effect on the course of the disease.

Other factors are a late diagnosis and a correspondingly late therapy. The healing process often takes a long time and the symptoms sometimes become chronic. If left untreated, many sufferers develop mental illnesses at the same time, as the complaints make them very difficult. Such complicating factors also have a negative effect on the healing process.


In most cases the Sudeck's disease chronic. However, over 50% of patients have one Symptoms wear off, to the point of complete disappearance. Chronification is only the case if the pain lasts for many years ignored and not treated were.

root cause

It is currently believed that the trigger is a small injury which is sometimes not even noticed by the patient. As a result, the injury is healed by a malregulation of the sympathetic nervous system blocked and a vicious circle develops.
The non-healing wound causes one Sympathetic response, and this in turn takes care of more Sensation of pain.
It is not easy to break this vicious circle, since the sympathetic is a network of nerves that runs through the entire body, and absolutely essential for survival is. Switching off the sympathetic is therefore not possible.

It is also discussed whether the pain is associated with a Dysregulation of the pain response related. Too many pain mediators may be released in certain people when they are injured, and thereby a Sudeck's disease initiated.

Please also read our article on this Sudeck's disease causes.