Homeopathy for skin diseases with the appearance of swelling and wheals or blisters

Homeopathic medicines

The second phase of skin inflammation will be the following homeopathic medicines used:

  • Apis (honey bee)
  • Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac)
  • Cantharis (Spanish fly)

Apis (honey bee)

  • That swelling increases skin is bright red
  • The pain is burning and stinging, accompanied by great heat (like after being stung by a bee) and very sensitive to touch
  • General feeling of bruising
  • Heat is not tolerated
  • Better by cold and fresh air

Typical dosage of Apis (honey bee) with skin inflammation: Tablets D6

Further information is also available at: Apis (honey bee)

Important NOTE

If the symptoms are severe and persistent, there is one homeopathic self-treatment is not indicated. Caution especially with children and older, debilitated people. Danger of dehydration!

Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac)

  • The skin begins to redden and swell after the first phase Blow of different size to form.
  • The vesicles often turn into suppurations at the top
  • Violent pain, burning and itching
  • Often times, these rashes are very persistent and keep coming back
  • Everything is made worse by wetness and cold and when you are at rest
  • Improvement through exercise
  • Very restless patients.

Typical dosage of Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac) with skin inflammation: Drop D4

Further information is also available at: Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac)

Cantharis (Spanish fly)

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Large bubbles form throughout with a little reddened area
  • The strong burning pain is characteristic of the remedy

Typical dosage of Cantharis (Spanish fly) with skin inflammation: Tablets D6

Further information is also available at: Cantharis (Spanish fly)