Homeopathy for flatulence

Homeopathic medicines for flatulence

As homeopathic medicines The following are possible for flatulence:

  • Asa foetida
  • Carbo vegetabilis
  • Lycopodium
  • Mandragora e radice
  • Allium sativum

Asa foetida

  • Much Flatulence combined with stomach pressure, rancid, foul smelling belching (constant and violent)
  • Tormenting globe feeling in neck
  • Complaints rise from the bottom up (for example from Intestines over the belly too chest, heart and head)
  • Exhausted after eating
  • Pressure in the upper abdomen and chest
  • Short of breath, faster irregular pulse
  • Quickly changing mood from laughter to crying
  • Nocturnal aggravation
  • stinking secretions

Typical dosage of Asa foetida for flatulence: Tablets D4 / D6

You can find further information under our topic: Asa foetida

Carbo vegetabilis

  • Enormous flatulence which also press against the heart and can trigger heart problems and heart anxiety
  • Bad breath
  • much belching and pressure in the stomach
  • Often emaciated, weakened people with a tendency to Circulatory collapse with a cold sweat. Skin pale and bluish
  • Aversion to milk, fatty foods and alcohol

Aggravation in the evening and at night and in warm, humid air, improvement in fresh air

Typical dosage of Carbo vegetabilis for flatulence: Tablets D4, D6

You can find further information under our topic: Carbo vegetabilis


  • Digestive troubles that can be traced back to liver dysfunction
  • Despite having a good appetite, feeling full after a few bites, sour belching, sour vomiting
  • Constipation with cramps and the formation of hemorrhoids
  • Violent flatulence which can also cause heart problems
  • Often the abdomen protrudes hemispherically because of the accumulation of air

The symptoms worsen in rest and warmth (especially warmth of bed).
Better with fresh, cool air and continued exercise.

Typical dosage of Lycopodium for flatulence: drops D12

You may also be interested in this topic: Home remedies for a bloated stomach

Mandragora e radice

  • Feeling of fullness with violent Flatulence
  • Much belching, with relief from eating
  • stomach pain 1-2 hours after eating
  • Fasting pain im stomach with relief from eating or bending backwards
  • Fat, sweets and stimulants are poorly tolerated
  • Abdominal cramps at night, especially in the liver region
  • Burning pain in the gallbladder radiating to the right shoulder blade
  • constipation with bulbous stools but also diarrhea with cramps
  • Chair light yellow to gray

Improvement through warmth, lying down and rest.

Typical dosage of Mandragora e radice for flatulence: Tablets (drops) D3

You can find further information under our topic: Mandragora e radice

Allium sativum

  • Belching after heavy meat consumption, heartburn, Flatulence
  • Burning and heaviness in the stomach
  • constipation
  • Flatulence can press against the heart and cause discomfort
  • After a stomach overload, bad mood up to and including depression

Typical dosage of Allium sativum for flatulence: Tablets (drops) D2 / D3

You can find further information under our topic: Allium sativumCantharis