
German term

Broad-leaved mountain laurel

Use of Kalmia for the following diseases in homeopathy

  • Inflammation of the joints after previous infections
  • Inflammation of the heart

Use of Kalmia for the following symptoms / complaints

  • rheumatic pain in the back, lumbar region, spine and in all joints associated with numbness and stabbing heart pain that shoots into the left arm
  • Pulse often slow and weak
  • Oppression of the heart
  • Breast stitches
  • fear
  • For muscle and joint problems, as well as heart problems after surviving infections or due to a focus of illness in the body, an important remedy in addition to the search for the cause

All complaints are very dependent on the weather

Active organs

  • heart
  • Joints
  • Muscles
  • annoy

Usual dosage

Common doses / uses in homeopathy:

  • Tablets Kalmia D2, D3, D4
  • Drops of Kalmia D2, D3, D4
  • Globules Kalmia D6, D12, D30