Cramps in the hands


A Cramp is defined as the contraction (contraction) the muscles of a certain area. As a rule, a cramp is short-lived and therefore is one of permanent muscle contracture and one Muscle spasm to delimit.
Cramps in the hands are mostly with Pain connected and temporarily lead to functional failures.

The cramps can differ in severity from person to person and have very different causes.

Cramps can be divided into three different groups, the so-called paraphysiological convulsions most common. These occur in healthy people under certain conditions.
There are also symptomatic convulsionsthat occur in the context of another underlying disease and idiopathic convulsionsthat have no identifiable cause.


The Causes of cramps in the hands can be very different.

Most often the paraphysiological convulsions due to a malfunction of the Mineral balance (Electrolyte balance) of the body. Mostly are the minerals Calcium and magnesium responsible for the occurrence of muscle spasms.

A disturbance of the electrolyte balance can for example by heavy sweating triggered, but also by Alcohol consumption or reinforced physical activity.
A magnesium deficiency favors the onset of muscle cramps, as it plays an important role in the Development and termination of muscle contractions plays.

Elderly people in particular are often affected by muscle cramps, as the mineral balance is affected by a lower hydration being affected.
Also Pregnant and menopausal women often have a changed composition of the minerals and can suffer from muscle cramps, which, however, unlike symptomatic cramps, are not associated with an illness.

The symptomatic convulsions can be triggered by different diseases. Which includes Circulatory disorders, muscle disorders, neurological disorders and hormonal disorders, like for example Diabetes mellitus.

The cramps occur along with one bluish tint of the hands and pain on, so you can click on the so-called Raynaud's Syndrome Clues. This is often related to basic rheumatic diseases on.

Also certain Medication can cause cramps in the hands. These are above all Chemotherapy drugs, antihypertensive drugs, and hormonal contraceptives.

By taking cortisone

Muscle cramps are a commonly reported symptom when taking cortisone. The drug, which is rich in side effects, can have severe effects on hormones and metabolic processes in the body.
Electrolyte shifts are also affected, and relative nutrient and mineral deficiencies can occur. The occurrence of a cramp indicates a deficiency in a substance involved in muscle function, which can be determined by medical blood tests.

Cortisone is a hormone that is produced in the body in the adrenal cortex.
Cortisone has many important roles in the body. It is responsible for the physical response to stress and controls the blood sugar level in order to be able to provide energy reserves in stressful situations.
In addition, the hormone regulates the water and mineral balance and takes on important tasks in the inflammatory response. Cortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This property is used in the therapeutic application of cortisone. The drug is mainly used for inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or for overreactions of the body in the context of bronchial asthma.

If cortisone is taken as a drug over a longer period of time, the body's response to this is to reduce the body's own production in the adrenal cortex.

If the cortisone is now withdrawn or, at best, slowly tapered off, this can lead to a cortisone deficiency. Then various processes in the body can no longer be optimally regulated.

If this affects the water and mineral balance, it can lead to muscle cramps in the hands or in other limbs. Since magnesium is primarily responsible for muscle function, the additional intake of magnesium can help relieve cramps.

Rheumatic diseases

If the cramps in the hands occur as part of an underlying rheumatic disease, they often do so in connection with the so-called Raynaud's Syndrome. Here the hands are particularly under stress and with cold bluish in color and noticeably cold.
The reason for this is one Spasm of the blood vessels in the hands and a consequent poor blood circulation.

Lots Rheumatism patient suffer Cramps in the hands or in the feet and legs.
The taking of magnesium can help relieve the cramps and associated pain.

After chemotherapy

Chemotherapy uses very aggressive drugs that inhibit the growth of cells and cause cells to die.
However, these drugs do not differentiate between cancer cells and healthy cells. Therefore, in addition to tumor cells, chemotherapy can also damage healthy cells and, depending on where these are located, the patient may experience symptoms.

Nerve cells are often damaged. These are mainly the small nerve endings that are in the hands or feet, for example.

Symptoms can range from tingling to numbness and pain. Cramps can also be a possible consequence. These symptoms usually go away on their own after completing chemotherapy.

For multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a rare neurological disease that can cause numerous symptoms all over the body. However, muscle spasms are a typical symptom of a progressive MS disease. In most cases, the disease comes on in relapses, progressing over the years and causing more and more neurological damage. This leads to nerve damage, which can lead to weaknesses, muscle cramps and, in the long term, paralysis in the entire musculature of the body.

Read more here on the subject: The course of multiple sclerosis

With exertion

So-called paraphysiological cramps often occur with increased exertion.
When you sweat more, water and minerals are eliminated from the body and the balance shifts.

Since the minerals are also responsible for the contraction and subsequent relaxation of the muscles, this can lead to muscle cramps.

Magnesium and calcium in particular play a crucial role.Calcium is the trigger for muscle contractions and magnesium ensures that the calcium can be quickly absorbed into the cells and then transported out again.
So a magnesium deficiency due to excessive sweating often results in muscle cramps.

The regular intake of magnesium supplements often helps if there are increased cramps in the hands during exertion. In the case of a magnesium deficiency, the body is not able to maintain its balance in the muscle cell, which is why the muscle cell can be excited and cramp, apparently without cause. The most important measures after muscular exertion and the occurrence of cramps are physical rest, relaxation, immobilization, massage and stretching of the affected muscles.

Read more on the subject at: magnesium

Due to a lack of magnesium

Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common causes of spontaneous muscle cramps. It is not a dangerous disease, but only a relatively increased magnesium requirement during muscular activity. With increased muscle work, the muscle cells consume and need more nutrients, electrolytes and minerals. Even with a balanced diet and sufficient supply of magnesium, increased muscle activity can lead to a sudden magnesium deficiency. At the cell level, hyperexcitability with a tendency to cramp arises from even small triggers. On the hands, even more writing can put such an extra strain on the muscles and cause cramps.

Read more on the topic here: These signs indicate a magnesium deficiency


Depending on the cause of the cramps in the hands, they can appear differently.

A spasm is characterized by being one involuntary contraction of certain muscles comes, which is often associated with pain.

In the area of ​​the hands, several fingers are often affected, which then cramp at the same time and cannot be released on their own for the time being. Since the pain is often very severe, those affected often try to release the cramps with the other hand and stretch their fingers.

A cramp can last for different times and can be triggered by a wide variety of situations. For some people, cramps occur mainly under stress and tension, for others they are related to alcohol consumption.

Accompanying symptoms, such as bluish discoloration of the hands or coldness, can be clues to the so-called Raynaud's Syndrome which leads to impaired blood circulation.

Duration of the cramps

Cramps in the hands can be of varying duration.
A single seizure lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.

Depending on the cause of the cramps, they occur more or less frequently and may depend on the situation. How long such a seizure will last cannot be predicted.
There are also individual different measures to alleviate the discomfort and shorten the spasm.


In order to diagnose cramps in the hands, the subjective assessment of the patient plays a major role.
It is important that the doctor finds out if the cramps occur in certain situations, for example under stress or coldoccur more often.
Any underlying diseases should also be queried, examined and thereby confirmed or excluded.

In most cases, a shift in the mineral balance is responsible for the cramps and the ingestion of magnesium and possibly a Refrain from alcohol the occurrence of cramps can be prevented or at least reduced.

Is there a suspicion hormonal disorders or basic rheumatic diseasesso can a Blood count Provide information about the exact diagnosis.


The therapy for muscle spasms in the hands depends on the underlying disease.
When on investigation Circulatory disorders, hormonal disorders or neurological damage are found, they should be treated and this should lead to relief from the cramp symptoms.

For cramps in the hands that occur without a known underlying disease, taking Magnesium supplementsto reduce the frequency and severity of cramps.
In addition, the patients find various methods pleasant. Raising the hand helps some, while others massage or stretch the hand to ease the pain.

If the cramps tend to occur in the cold, wearing gloves can provide relief. If you have a circulatory disorder, it may be necessary to take certain medications.

Cramps in the hands and legs

Often cramps occur not only in the hands, but also in the Legs, preferably on the toes.

This can be the case with various underlying illnesses, but also with seizures without any disease value.
If there is a magnesium deficiency, it often happens that not only the hands but also the legs are affected, as the deficiency exists throughout the body. The hands and feet are also often affected in Raynaud's syndrome.

Cramps in the hands during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an enormous burden for the body and is associated with many changes in the body and the hormone balance.

That too Balance of mineral and water balance is postponed. This can be the cause of the appearance of cramps in the hands.
Especially a change in the Calcium and magnesium balance are responsible for it. Taking magnesium supplements can be very helpful here and alleviate the symptoms.

But the increased physical strain, which brings with it an increased need for nutrients, is also a cause of the cramps.
Cramps occur more and more from the middle of pregnancy, as the stress increases with the child's weight.