Weight training without equipment


Strength training is one of the most important types of training for athletic and health success. It not only strengthens the muscles, but also has a positive influence on the rest of the so-called holding apparatus (with tendons, Ribbons and bones). Strength training is therefore not only suitable for classic strength athletes, but for target groups of all ages and genders. Elderly people can also significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis or falls through regular exercise.

Strength training in the gym or at home does not always depend on high-tech equipment. Clear results can also be achieved with your own body weight and, if necessary, everyday objects.

Basic principles of strength training

Weight training without equipment should follow these four principles

  1. Increase exercise regularly: The muscles only get a growth stimulus when they are close to theirs upper limit to be led. As a result, only intensive training brings the desired muscle growth over the long term.

  2. Observe the regeneration phase: The muscles need regeneration in order to recover from the previous stress of training. The actual muscle growth takes place after training instead of.

  3. Training vary: If the same exercises are always performed, the body can adjust to the same load and the level of training will not improve any further. thats why variety at the Weight training important.

  4. Train continuously: Unfortunately, if you take too long breaks in training, your performance level drops relatively quickly. It is very important, even when doing weight training without equipment, so to speak to stay on the ball.

Strength exercises without equipment for shoulders, chest and arms



  • Starting position: Lying down, arms supported at chest height
  • Execution: stretch arms (do not stretch completely) and bend (until the tip of the nose is almost on the ground)

Increased pushups:

  • Starting position: see above
  • This time, however, the feet are resting on a raised object

Pull-up from the incline:

  • Starting position: Hold on to the table top or rod from below, incline hanging (Upper body in the air, heels on the floor)
  • Execution: stretch and bend arms (until the tip of the nose is almost on the edge of the table); Increase in the exercise the more horizontal the starting position is, or the lower the table top or bar is

Dips on chairs:

  • Starting position: propped up between two chairs with their backrests facing each other (Feet do not touch the ground)
  • Execution: Bend your arms slowly and let yourself be lowered (until the upper arm and forearm reach a 90 ° angle), then stretch again

Strength exercises without equipment for the stomach

Cross crunches


  • Starting position: Lie on your back, legs are bent at 90 ° on a raised object or are set up at an angle
  • Execution: slowly raise your head and shoulders from the ground (in rolling motion); Perform movement slowly

Cross crunches:

  • Starting position: Lie on your back, legs are bent
  • Execution: Place your hands on the sides of your head, then bring your left elbow to your right knee and then move your right elbow to your left knee; The shoulders should first be raised (only then does the sideways movement occur)

Half beetle:

  • Starting position: Lie on your back, legs are bent at 90 °
  • Execution: head and shoulders are raised slightly, legs are alternately stretched and bent again (in slow movements, not like "cycling")

Lift legs:

  • Starting position: Lie on your back, stomach tense, spine as completely as possible on the floor (no Hollow back!)
  • Execution: legs are slowly raised (stay straight if possible), possibly move so far that the legs are pointing straight up and the pelvis is slightly raised

Side straightening:

  • Starting position: lying on your side, stretched, partner holds legs tight
  • Execution: The shoulder is slowly lifted off the floor, do not lean on the elbows!

Strength exercises without equipment for the back


  • Starting position: Lie on your stomach, arms and legs are straight and slightly raised from the floor
  • Execution: light, slow pendulum with arms and legs, Keep tension

Stretch in bench position:

  • Starting position: propped up on your knees and elbows
  • Execution: One arm and the diagonally opposite leg are stretched so that the heel, buttocks and hand form a line; Maintain tension and try to stretch

Stretching on a table / bench etc..:

  • Starting position: Lie on your stomach, your upper body is on the table up to your hips, legs are bent
  • Execution: slowly stretch your legs and bend them again, Movement takes place in the hip; Do not overstretch your legs (but form a line with the spine)

Strength exercises without equipment for the legs

Wall press:

  • Starting position: the upper body is propped against a wall with the back, legs are bent at 90 °
  • Execution: hold position (not with your hands on the Thighs prop up)


  • Starting position: Stand, arms stretched forward horizontally to the floor
  • Execution: Bend and straighten legs, upper body remains straight and arms remain stretched out

One-legged squats:

  • Execution: See abovebut one foot rests behind the back on a raised object
  • Alternative for professionals: one leg is stretched forward and held during the squat

Stabilization exercises without equipment

Forearm support:

  • Starting position: only forearms and feet on the floor; Legs, spine and head form a straight line
  • Execution: hold position concentrated (Pay particular attention that the stomach remains tense and the back does not fall into the hollow of the back)

Lateral support:

  • Starting position: When lying on your side, only forearms and feet touch the ground; Legs, spine and head form a straight line
  • Execution: Hold your position concentrated, then switch sides


A special training method that is usually practiced without equipment is the so-called Tabata. The name comes from its inventor, the Japanese Izumi Tabata.
His workout looks four minutes high-intensity exertion with different exercises. These exercises should be chosen so that as possible many large muscle groups are claimed. Therefore, exercises from the Weight training without equipment. This form of training should stimulate the muscles to grow particularly well and at the same time increase fat burning. It is important here, however, that the athlete absolutely has to go to the limit, otherwise the training with Tabata is not very effective.

Ultimately, the workout looks like this:
Eight sentences are carried out (for example with four classic exercises such as push-ups, crunches, dips or squats). Every sentence lasts 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds break, the training without equipment takes a total of 240 seconds. Advanced Tabata athletes can do it in 20 seconds 10-15 repetitionsbut it is even less for beginners.
Tabata gets best for two carried out so that the training partner can announce the times. This is the best way for the trainee to concentrate on the correct execution of his exercises. In addition, Tabata should always be used in combination with other training sessions without equipment at the end be performed. After the four minutes of maximum exertion, one is usually too exhausted for further exercises.

Benefits of strength training without equipment

Most sport beginners still have the classic image of strength training in the gym on the typical equipment such as the butterfly or the leg press. Sometimes people forget that we already have everything we need for training: Our body and its weight. With a good training plan you can save yourself the fee for the gym or the money for expensive home trainers and start strength training right away. You can achieve just as good results in strength training without equipment as in classic training in the gym with dumbbells or on machines. Relatively inexpensive aids such as Thera bands or expanders.

In addition to the cost advantage, in some cases the quality of the training without equipment is also better: Many body weight exercises (so exercises only with your own body weight) simultaneously represent one Ballance act So it is not just a certain muscle on the device that is moved by the guided movement, as in the sports studio, but also depends on the Coordination skills on. Because the balance has to be found and maintained, auxiliary muscles are also used, which have to additionally stabilize the movements.

In addition, strength training can usually be better organized in terms of time without equipment. There are no more waiting times until the desired device is available in the gym. In almost all cases, strength training can also be carried out at home without equipment - this eliminates the additional time required to go to the gym. Training no longer has to take place in closed rooms. In summer it is a good motivation to move the training from the stuffy studio to the park.