
Toadflax - enjoy as a tea

Latin name

Linaria vulgaris

Common names

Flax, woman flax

Plant description

The toadflax gets up to 60 cm high, has narrow leaves and at the end a cluster of closely spaced, yellow, spurred flowers.

Heyday: July to September

Occurrence: Here, toadflax is widespread on stony fields and roadsides.

Plant parts used medicinally

The toadflax without roots is used for the manufacture of medicinal products.


  • Flavone glycosides
  • Choline
  • Peganine (Alkaloid)

Medicinal effect and application

Toadflax is not considered by conventional medicine, but natural medicine uses toadflax

  • Hemorrhoids and
  • Phlebitis


Toadflax tea: Take 1 heaped teaspoon of cabbage and pour a large cup of boiling water over it, let it steep for 10 minutes, strain.
Throughout the day Drink 2 cups.

Side effects

At normal doses, none are known to have been consumed by toadflax.