Mouse arm


Monotonous, repetitive movements very often lead to overloading of the arm.

The colloquial term "mouse arm" describes the unspecific clinical picture of the RSI syndrome (Repetitiv Strain Injury, German: Injury due to repeated stress). The term mouse arm hides various clinical pictures such as pain or inflammation in nerves, tendons and muscles. With the mouse arm, the movements in the arm and hands are very painful and only possible to a limited extent due to overload.


The symptoms associated with a mouse arm can be varied and non-specific. First of all, symptoms such as loss of strength, numbness and abnormal sensations (e.g. tingling) occur. In the course of the disease, pain occurs when moving and at rest. These symptoms are not limited to the fingers and the elbows, but migrate over the entire stressed region, i.e. up to the shoulder / neck area. Furthermore, complaints such as incorrect movements or muscle cramps can occur.

Only in a few cases are the complaints assigned a medical name. The following designations can indicate a mouse arm:

  • Inflammation of the bursitis (bursitis) on the elbow
  • Muscle aches (Myalgia)
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer's Elbow (Lateral epicondylitis or. ulnaris)
  • Overleg (ganglion cyst)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which constricts a nerve
  • Hand-arm vibration syndrome
  • Inflammation of the stylus process
  • various tendon diseases and inflammations.

Appointment with an elbow expert?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".

As a former performance-oriented tennis player, I specialized early on in the conservative treatment of the elbow.

You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert


The mouse arm is a young disease, in which the causes and development processes have not yet been clarified in detail. However, one knows that the mouse arm goes through overload arises. The overload stems from same, repetitive movements and sequences of movementsthat damage the stressed structures.

The term “mouse arm” is misleading because one could believe that the multifaceted clinical picture is only triggered by the use of the computer mouse. Rather are all sorts monotonous movements, so not just clicking the mouse, responsible for the development of the mouse arm. In many professions, monotonous movements are performed every day. Office workers, programmers and PC / video gamers who tap and click with their fingers every day are affected. But assembly line workers, cashiers and sign language interpreters also make demands on theirs hand- and Arm muscles especially strong every day.

But not everyone is equally at risk, but differs in physiological and psychological properties the likelihood of suffering from a mouse arm. These stresses arise initially minor injuries (Microtraumas) that cannot heal sufficiently if the breaks between exercise are not long enough. This results in greater damage over long periods of time, which can manifest itself in different forms (see symptoms).

In addition to the physio-mechanical causes are also psychological factors involved in the creation of a mouse arm. Those affected associate the pain with the associated movements (pain memory). This explains why patients are initially symptom-free after a long break, such as a vacation, but already suffer from the spectrum of symptoms after a few hours.

From this it can be deduced that the causal spectrum of the mouse arm is in different phases structured: First of all, the number of micro-injuries due to acute overload increases. Furthermore, if the breaks are too short, the number of unrepaired tissue increases and one develops motor programmed pain sensation, the Pain memory.


The diagnosis of a mouse arm is difficult, because most of those affected show no consistent picture of complaints. In addition, imaging techniques such as the roentgen, CT or MRI no signs of illness, injuries or changes to be seen. Therefore, there is still no standardized diagnosis for the mouse arm according to the ICD code, which systematizes the diagnoses.

The diagnostic measures when a mouse arm is suspected are therefore limited to the complaints and symptoms of the patient and clearly recognizable symptoms. Important for diagnosing a mouse arm are Information about the profession and those related to it Movements. The following factors are important: Total length of employment in years, as well as the daily activity duration, Motion cycles, Break organization, Posture and movement abnormalities, the Arrangement of work equipment and the psychological component (e.g. stress factors). If this information matches the organic findings, the mouse arm can be diagnosed in the acute and chronic form.


The therapy of the mouse arm aims at one to create a long-term pain-free relationship and the patient to lead back to the old efficiency. Basically, it is not advisable to completely immobilize the affected body parts, but a break from the stereotypical movement can help the diseased compartments to recover. Fulfill this purpose Bandagesthat it is suitable for the most varied of body regions (wrist, Elbow etc.) there. The relief through pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs or surgical measures usually only lasts for a short time and is therefore only for acute conditions healing. That is why it is important that the Movements are changedthat lead to the symptoms, in order to treat the mouse arm sustainably and to prevent it from becoming chronic.

Further therapy of the mouse arm initially includes the work environment. Changes can be made there by using the Workplace is better designed ergonomically and more alternative movements, break the usual patterns. There is also special computer keyboards or micethat make movements more comfortable and ergonomic. Also the Sitting position and the correct position of the monitor play a crucial role as well as that Hand holding angle and Forearms. Dynamic sitting relieves stress Musculature additionally, for this are ergonomic office chairs or Exercise balls suitable. By regular breaks with stretching exercises during work the Muscles loosened up and provide relief in support of physiotherapy.


But the mouse arm should also be treated outside of the workplace. Physiotherapeutic exercises help here and are on the one hand movement exercises that erase the old, painful movement patterns and are intended to help you learn new movement patterns, and on the other Heat and cold treatments. The heat is used to do this Relax muscles and the To alleviate pain. In addition, the temperature-dependent stimuli stimulate the annoy.

Furthermore are for therapy of the mouse arm Touch and stretching exercises, such as general gymnastics suitable. There are numerous simple exercises that anyone can do easily to loosen up their muscles. A simple example is that fist: after you have spread your fingers quite wide, you clench them skin into a fist. Then loosen your hand again and start again. A Massage ball for the hand offers additional opportunities to train the muscles. In addition, the treatment also includes the use of Functional tapes (Kinesio tapes). The aim of the Kinesio tape is to increase the blood flow to the affected muscles, which means that the muscles relax.

In addition to conventional medical therapy options, the Naturopathy With acupuncture also a possibility for additional therapy of the mouse arm.


The most important thing is regular breaks to insert from the movement and at this time stretching for the claimed Joints close. Furthermore, the risk of a mouse arm can easily be reduced by using the Mouse loosely in hand holds that "Click speed" decreased, switches between mouse and keyboard and seeks a balance to the stressful activity in his free time.


The prognosis for a mouse arm depends primarily on the patient himself. Proper behavior can prevent a mouse arm from developing. The earlier the symptoms are noticed, the better the prognosis, because the damage is even smaller and that Pain memory has not been activated. With small changes in the workplace it is easy to prevent the mouse arm itself, or a deterioration if the mouse arm is in place. If the person concerned goes to the doctor too late, the treatment is more difficult and the prognosis is worse.