Medicines for Meniere's disease


Meniere's disease


Menière's disease is a complex disease of the acoustic system of the human body, which consists of three different symptoms and can affect the patient in different ways.


At the beginning of every treatment of Menier's disease there is the medication. In an acute attack one can try first Treat symptomatically. Here would Nausea medication (Antiemetics), such as. Vomex® or MCP (Metoclopramid®) are used.

For the general treatment of the disease, drugs are then used that have a Pressure reduction of the inner ear have as a consequence. These include drugs that are in the Drainage therapy at e.g. Heart disease be used (Torasemide, HCT, xipamide Etc). Furthermore, in the drug therapy of M. Menière, a possible inflammatory reaction that takes place in the inner ear is attempted cortisone medication to prevent. Preparations containing cortisone are passed through a small opening in the Eardrum Applied in the ear and can thus work directly on the scene without developing the classic systemic side effects.

In the Labyrinth anesthesia medication tries to calm the metabolic processes in the equilibrium organ. Here will be Narcotics such as. Lidocaine® or Scandicain® used. Side effects can be a sudden seizure dizziness be, but again after draining the drug disappears.

Rather in the last instance of a treatment, if other drugs have not worked, a drug is used as a side effect inner ear damaging effect Ha: Gentamycin®. With regular use, it can do both Balance organ as well as that Damage hearing.

The former is what you want to achieve To reduce permanent vertigo, the latter is then accepted with approval. Here, too, one occurs immediately after damage to the inner ear prolonged attacks of dizzinessthat then exhausted must become. If this succeeds, the patient has a good chance of being freed from M. Menière.

An attempt to treat Menièr's disease can be both symptomatic and preventive Betahistine to be undertaken. The substance takes effect Histamine receptor of the inner ear and thus leads to one Vasodilation. Furthermore, the drug is the Excitation threshold of the equilibrium organ inhibited, which can ultimately reduce dizziness. The drug is also used to treat the symptoms Cinnarizine used, which also ensures vasodilation.

Besides the Dehydration drugs and the anti-inflammatory drugs Betahistine has a permanent place in the treatment of Menière's disease. They are to be considered numerous side effects of this drugthat of

  • Feeling hot
  • nausea
  • States of confusion and
  • General condition deterioration

pass. If these symptoms occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately.