Flu medication


Flu caused by influenza viruses is often accompanied by a pronounced feeling of illness. High fever, fatigue, headache and aching limbs as well as involvement of the respiratory tract occur suddenly. While the increased body temperature drops again after two to three days, the remaining symptoms gradually subside after another two to four days. In addition, the feeling of illness persists for a long time. The symptoms are not equally pronounced in all cases and can be misinterpreted.
An otitis media is a common flu symptom in children.

In view of the pronounced symptoms, the focus is on alleviating them. In the first two days after the onset of the disease and a proven influenza virus, so-called Neuraminidase inhibitors be taken. Since their Effect, however, controversial medical treatment of the individual symptoms is recommended.

Definition - drug groups

The following flu medications are some of the best known:

  • Wick medinait®
  • Boxagrippal®
  • Grippostad®
  • Meditonsin®
  • Neo Angin®
  • Mucoangin®
  • Lemocin®


Ibuprofen® is the group of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and belongs to the Non-opioid analgesics on. Besides the pain-reducing effect, it inhibits Inflammation and also works fever lowering.
Cyclooxygenases are enzymes whose job is in the production of prostaglandins (these belong to the Eicosanoids) consists. These mediate an inflammatory response. Ibuprofen® takes hold Inhibition of Cyclooxygenases in this process.

Ibuprofen® is available in pharmacies up to a dosage of 400 mg without a prescription and can be taken in solid as well as liquid form. The anti-inflammatory component is only to be expected from a daily dose of 2400 mg.

You can find more information at: Ibuprofen®.

When can I take Ibuprofen®?

Ibuprofen® is used in particular in the Treating mild to moderate pain used. Areas of application are in addition to rheumatoid arthritis, Headache and toothache and Musculoskeletal complaintss. In the context of flu symptoms such as Headache and body aches as well as to lower the fever, Ibuprofen® can also be taken.

When should I not take Ibuprofen®?

Ibuprofen® should be used in the event of known intolerance to the active ingredient itself or to others NSAIDs not be taken. Are in the past Bleeding or ulceration in the gastrointestinal tract occurred, Ibuprofen® must not be taken. The same applies to bleeding that is still active, known ones Liver and kidney disease and with strong Functional restriction of the heart. Ibuprofen® should not be used under the age of 15.

Side effects of Ibuprofen®

Due to its side effects in the gastrointestinal tract, Ibuprofen® is only in Combination with an acid inhibitor suitable for long-term use. Diarrhea and nausea, indigestion and stomach pain are some of the most common side effects. Headaches and visual disturbances are less common.

You can find out more about this topic at: Side effects of ibuprofen.

Interactions with Ibuprofen®

In combination with anticoagulant substances such as Marcumar exists one increased risk of bleeding, because Ibuprofen® itself also counteracts coagulation. If aspirin is used therapeutically, the blood-thinning effect can be reduced. Drugs with little variation in dosage can also interact. These include, for example lithium and Digoxin.

Ibuprofen® in combination with alcohol

The simultaneous use of alcohol and ibuprofen® can result in severe side effects and interactions.

You can find more information at: Ibuprofen and alcohol.

Ibuprofen® during pregnancy

Ipuprofen® can to to the last trimester of pregnancy be taken.

Ibuprofen® during breastfeeding

Ibuprofen® is suitable for symptom relief during breastfeeding.


Just like Ibuprofen®, Paracetamol® comes in the treatment mild to moderate pain for use. As Non-opioid analgesic it works by inhibiting the Cyclooxygenase enzyme. In addition to providing pain relief, the drug has one Lowering of fever result. Thanks to its good tolerance, children can be treated with Paracetamol®.

When can I take Paracetamol®?

Paracetamol® can be taken with flu-like infections and cold symptoms, as well as with minor pain and headaches. Usually it is Paracetamol® in tablet form. Suppositories, on the other hand, are used in children and infants.

Paracetamol® is often used in combination with other active ingredients as well caffeine offered. In this way the pain reliever component is reinforced.

When should I not take Paracetamol®?

When known Hypersensitivity Paracetamol® should not be taken. Do you have any previous illnesses? liver, of the kidney or an increased bilirubin content of the blood, Paracetamol® may only be used with a doctor's agreement.

Side effects of Paracetamol®

If Paracetamol® is taken correctly, side effects are rarely to be expected. If Paracetamol® is taken in low doses over a long period of time, headaches can occur.

High doses over a long period and an overdose (from six grams) can lead to liver damage up to one Liver failure hand in hand.

Interactions with Paracetamol®

The combined intake of Paracetamol® and Sleeping pills such as Anti-epileptic drugs can to significant side effects to lead. If the metabolism of Paracetamol® in the liver is disturbed, poisonous breakdown products can arise in addition to liver damage. Paracetamol® also affects the breakdown of the antibiotic Chloramphenicol and of drugs that affect gastric emptying. They are also metabolized by the liver. During treatment with the HIV drug zidovudine, Paracetamol® may only be taken in consultation with a doctor.

Paracetamol® in combination with alcohol

Since both alcohol and Paracetamol® are metabolized via the liver, a Avoid combining the two.

Paracetamol® in pregnancy

Paracetamol® should only be taken for a short time during pregnancy. There is one Consultation with the attending physician important.

Paracetamol® during breastfeeding

The same recommendation applies to breastfeeding as to pregnancy.


A blocked or runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of a flu-like infection. The nasal mucous membrane becomes irritated and can suffer minor injuries. Dexpanthenol is the Precursor of a B vitaminwhich is converted into its active form in the body. It supports the Wound healing and works anti-inflammatory. Available as a nasal spray, it also promotes Moistening and cleaning of the mucous membrane.

When can I use Dexpanthenol?

Dexpanthenol as a nasal spray can with persistent cold be applied. It promotes the healing process of the damaged mucous membrane.

When should I not take dexpanthenol?

Dexpanthenol should not be used if hypersensitivity is known.

Side effects of dexpanthenol

When using dexpanthenol, hypersensitivity reactions such as reddening or irritation can occur.

Interactions with dexpanthenol

There are no known interactions between other drugs and dexpanthenol.

Dexpanthenol in combination with alcohol

Side effects in combination with alcohol are not known.

Dexpanthenol in pregnancy

Dexpanthenol can be used during pregnancy.

Dexpanthenol in breastfeeding

Dexpanthenol can be used during breastfeeding.


The active substance Xylometazoline is available in the form of drops, ointments and sprays and is used in the symptomatic treatment of runny nose. It is a so-called Sympathomimeticthat to a Narrowing of the blood vessels in the nose leads. In a short time the mucous membrane of the nose swells. In addition, the secretory flow is reduced. The effects last for about six hours. Because of its side effects, xylometazoline should no longer than five to seven days in a rowe can be applied.
Xylometazoline is available both as a single preparation and in combination with other active ingredients such as dexpanthenol.

When can I use xylometazoline?

Xylometazoline supports nasal breathing in case of a cold by adding it to the Swelling of the mucous membrane contributes and the secretory flow reduced. Other areas of application are sinus infections and middle ear infections.

When should I not take xylometazoline?

Xylometazoline In addition to the local, it can also have a systemic effect throughout the body. At Hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes mellitus and glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), use is only recommended with a doctor's agreement. If hypersensitivity is known, the use of xylometazoline should be avoided.

Infants and young children should not be treated with xylometazoline. The systemic effects of the drug may cause respiratory inhibition.

Side effects of xylometazoline

Common side effects affect one Irritation of the nasal mucosa. An increased re-swelling of the mucous membrane with decreasing effect can also be observed. Tolerance to the active ingredient can occur after high dosages and use over a long period of time. In addition to the so-called Medicinal rhinitis, a dry, burning nasal mucosa is to be expected.In a few cases, headaches, insomnia and an increase in blood pressure are observed.

The application of Xylometazoline can be addicting.

Interactions with xylometazoline

Interactions are not to be expected with normal use. Overdosing can include in combination with Antidepressants and antihypertensive drugs lead to side effects.

Xylometazoline in combination with alcohol

No adverse effects are known in combination with alcohol.

Xylometazoline in pregnancy

Xylometazoline must not be used during pregnancy be applied.

Xylometazoline while breastfeeding

The use of xylometazoline during pregnancy is not recommendable.

Dextromethorphan - against dry coughs

Finds in the treatment of irritable cough Dextromethorphan Application. The active ingredient belongs to the group of so-called Antitussives (suppresses the urge to cough) and works in the central nervous system at the cough center. Dextromethorphan is available in both liquid and solid form and can be taken several times a day after meals. In the event of an overdose, the active ingredient has a psychoactive effect.

When can I take dextromethorphan?

Dextromethorphan is used in the treatment of dry coughs.

When should I not take dextromethorphan?

Dextromethorphan must not be taken in case of hypersensitivity. Pre-existing diseases in the area of ​​the lungs and the respiratory tract are also a contraindication. These include bronchial asthma, one chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), one lung infection as well as other diseases that are associated with insufficient respiratory function.

Side effects of dextromethorphan

The most common side effects when taking dextromethorphan are constipation, Dizzy spells and nausea. In addition, increased symptoms of tiredness can occur.

Interactions with dextromethorphan

There are interactions with so-called Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, to which different Antidepressants (Moclobemide, Selegiline) and drugs for Parkinson's treatment are counted. Furthermore, serotoninergic drugs and dextromethorphan interact. For this reason a combination is contraindicated.

Dextromethorphan in combination with alcohol

The consumption of alcohol should be avoided when taking dextromethorphan. It exists Risk of increased side effects.

Dextromethorphan in pregnancy

The drug may only be taken in consultation with a doctor and after assessing the benefit and risk during pregnancy.

Dextromethorphan while breastfeeding

Dextromethorphan must not be used during breastfeeding become. The respiratory paralyzing effect of dextromethorphan on the infant is possible.

Home remedies

Many flu symptoms can be relieved with simple home remedies

Become common Home remedies used in conjunction with drug therapy. But they also help relieve less severe symptoms. Different home remedies come with that Lowering of fever and the Loosening congested airways for use.

A home remedy for lowering fever that has been tried and tested for many generations are the so-called Calf wrap. Soak two towels in lukewarm water and then wring them out. The still wet towels are wrapped around the calves without tension and covered with dry towels. They stay there for about 15 minutes. The body temperature that has risen as part of the fever is given off in the form of heat to the cooler towels. That way it goes down fever. The process can be repeated two or three times.

chicken broth is another well-tried home remedy for combating the symptoms of illness. The flu and all of its symptoms weakens the body and requires in addition to sufficient Hydration, also the Absorption of vitamins and minerals. These are abundant in the broth. In addition, it works antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Vegetarians can alternatively use vegetable broth and supplement it with fresh vegetables.

One should be special during the flu Emphasis on hydration lay. In this way, two symptoms are combated: the fever, which destabilizes the circulatory system, and the mucus in the airways. The thinner the mucus, the easier it is to remove it from the nasopharynx. Some types of tea are particularly suitable for this. ginger tea has anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effects. Linden blossom tea helps dissolve the mucus. Elderflower tea a similar effect is ascribed. Has been for several centuries chamomile known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Peppermint- such as Sage tea are also counted among the symptom-relieving teas.

If nasal breathing is impeded and the mucous membranes in the nasopharynx are irritated, this can be Inhaling hot water vapor help. It loosens the mucus, moisturizes the mucous membrane and alleviates the symptoms of coughing. Special ones are best suited for this Steam inhalers from the pharmacy. Alternatively, you can boil salted water in a saucepan, take it off the stove and add tea leaves if you like. Subsequently inhale the rising water vapor for about ten minutes. If you put a towel over your head and cloth, less steam is lost to the environment.