Medicines for circulatory disorders


Before medication has to be prescribed at all, regardless of whether it is prescription or non-prescription medication, changes in lifestyle are sought in a mild stage of the disease.

This can prevent circulatory disorders and reduce their extent and progression.
These lifestyle changes include, above all, doing without or at least reducing existing nicotine, alcohol and caffeine consumption, adequate exercise, weight reduction if you are overweight and a balanced, low-fat and high-fiber diet.

If there are diseases such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes) and high blood pressure, these should be adjusted as best as possible in order to minimize influences on the blood vessels. High cholesterol should also be lowered.

Over-the-counter drugs

Come in case of circulatory disorders especially over-the-counter substances for use.
On the one hand, this includes Application of ginkgo leaves.
Gingko promotes blood circulation and can cause cell-damaging free radicals (= aggressive chemical substances) capture.

Frequently the doctor will also use the Application of magnesium recommended.
Magnesium leads to a Relaxation of the musclesso that the muscles are not tense / cramped and the Vessels not compressed as a result, more blood arrives in the periphery, such as in the legs.

Also garlic can be used for circulatory disorders. Garlic can reduce the causes of circulatory problems caused by a Narrowing of vessels come about, counteract.
On the one hand lowers Garlic increased levels of Blood lipid levels and acts on the other Hardening of the arteries (Arteriosclerosis) opposite.

Another preparation that is used is Sodium pangamate. Sodium pangamate dilates the blood vessels and generally promotes blood circulation, this especially in the brain and on Heart.


At severe circulatory disordershow an advanced stage of the peripheral arterial disease on the legs also prescription drugs prescribed.

Medicines are used that are also used in the Stroke prevention and heart attacks, which is a very severe form of circulatory disorder.
These drugs include the so-called Antiplatelet drugs. The antiplatelet agents ensure that the Platelets (Platelets) that for the Clotting of the blood are responsible not to stick together.
This means that there is less of Blood clotsthat can clog arteries, causing poor blood flow.
The two most prominent representative of this class of drugs Acetylsalicylic acid (ASS 100) and Clopidogrel.

Since in addition to the blood clots, there is often an increasing one Calcification of the vessels (arteriosclerosis) is responsible for a circulatory disorder, factors that aggravate it must be eliminated. These include, among others increased fat levels in the blood, especially in the form of cholesterol.
Therefore, with circulatory disorders too Lowering blood lipid concentrationshow the fibrates used.
However, it should before the gift a blood lipid lowering drug attempted to lower cholesterol levels by changing your diet.

Also Alprostadilwhat to the Prostaglandins heard, can Promote blood circulation.
It dilates the vessels and prevents such as the antiplatelet drug Clumping of blood platelets.

Cilostazol prevented also one Platelet aggregation and dilates the blood vessels. It also has a positive effect on blood lipid levels.

Naftidrofuryl can be used in the presence of PAD, Raynaud's syndrome and recent strokes.

Also Antagonist of calcium can be used. Calcium ensures one in the body Contraction of the muscles and thus also ensures that the Constrict blood vesselsbecause there are also muscle cells in the vessels. Through the Gift of opponents of calcium becomes this Mechanism prevented and it comes to one Relaxation of the vesselsso that a lot of blood arrives in the periphery. To this Calcium channel blockers belongs for example Nifedipine.

Circulatory disorder in the legs

If the disease is not yet too advanced, ask one of them peripheral arterial disease a Gait training the best type of therapy.
With controlled walking training, you can Bypass blood vessels (Collaterals) due to the increased need for oxygen educated be and the Blood circulation and thus also the improved pain-free stretching themselves.
For this effect it is important if possible to exercise daily, otherwise the incentive to develop bypass cycles is too weak.

Medicinal are used for circulatory disorders of the legs, especially drugs that reduce the Improve blood flow properties.
These blood circulation-promoting preparations include:

  • Buflomedil,
  • Naftidrofuryl,
  • Pentoxifylline,
  • Flunarizine and
  • Cinnarizine.

Pentoxifylline promotes, for example Blood circulation and improved the Fluidity of blood as it is the toughness (viscosity) of blood lowersby deforming red blood cells and reducing the levels of fibrinogen in plasma, which is necessary for blood to clot.
This is what happens with pentoxifylline in one existing peripheral arterial disease (PAOD) to a Extension of the pain-free walking distance.
However that is Use of these drugs controversial.

Also Buflomedil improves walking ability in a PAD by it acts antagonistically on receptorsthat for the Contraction of muscle cells are responsible in blood vessels.

Circulatory disorder in the brain

Sodium pangamate Above all, it reduces circulatory disorders in the brain.

At chronic cerebral blood flow disorders can Ergot alkaloids (Substance of the ergot fungus) namely the remedy dihydroergotoxin can be used.
This is however controversial in usesince it so far no clinical studies that actually prove the effect.

To Improve blood flow to the brain become (especially prophylactic) too like over-the-counter medication used. They will be happy for the brain to increase cognitive skills used also to decrease cognitive performance to prevent.

These include above all ginkgo, garlic and ginseng.
ginkgo improves blood circulation in narrowed vessels. The effect of the so-called Ginkgo bilobas sets after approx six to eight weeks of treatment a.

ginseng lowers blood pressure, lowers blood lipid levels and prevents one excessive aggregation of platelets.
Additionally it leads to a Relaxation the peripheral blood vessels and increases the strength of the heartso that the Body better with oxygen is supplied.

garlic prevents it too Vascular deposits (Plaques) comes and improves the flow of blood.

Circulatory disorder in the ear

Sometimes there are also circulatory disorders in the ear.
The root cause from sudden hearing loss and Ringing in the ears (Tinnitus) is still not exactly clarified, but there is likely a link between sudden hearing loss or tinnitus and Circulatory disorders on the inner ear.

If circulatory disorders manifest themselves in the ear, for example in the form of a sudden hearing loss, this also occurs Ginkgo for use, that the Promotes blood circulation and at the same time existing noises in the ears reduced.

Same goes for Sodium pangamate. Pentoxifyllinewhich is also used in the legs and improves blood flow properties also used for the ear be as it is the Improved hearing after a sudden hearing loss.

Usually one comes by default with a sudden hearing loss Cortisone infusion or tablet therapy used, there cortisone one has a protective effect on the vessels in the ear (otoprotective). However, the exact mechanism has not yet been clarified.
Also on the ear Natural remedies used to improve blood circulation. Especially the Ginkgo and ginseng preparations are used here.