Inflammation of the nail bed on the finger


Onychia, paronychia


Dry and chapped hands can cause inflammation of the nail bed due to small wounds.

Nail bed inflammation is an inflammatory process of the nail bed. The nail bed of the finger is the area that lies below the nail and shines slightly reddish through it. The fingernail grows from the nail bed. The nail bed inflammation is caused by pathogens such as fungi or bacteria that penetrate the cuticle as a result of a small lesion and trigger a local inflammatory reaction. There are two different forms. On the one hand there is the inflammation, which is limited to the nail bed and with a collection of pus below the fingernail (Panaritium subunguale) goes hand in hand. This must be differentiated from inflammation, which extends from the nail bed to the surrounding skin areas (Panaritium paranguale). The affected finger is usually very red, swollen and painful. The inflammation usually heals without complications after a few days. In rare cases, a chronic course can set in.


The Inflammation of the nail bed on the finger is created by a local inflammatory reactionresulting from the penetration of Microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria or viruses, is triggered. The most common pathogens are Staphylococci. The nail bed is quite well protected below the nail, but it is small lesions on the surrounding skin can be a possible entry point represent for the germs. These small lesions or injuries often go unnoticed and, for example, can get through small cuts, bruises of the finger or through ingrown nails arise. Also one false nail care, such as Too short cut or filed nails, can cause small wounds or tears in the cuticle. Even people who are in a constant contact with cleaning agents are at risk from a Inflammation of the nail bed on the finger to get sick as the detergent Skin irritation cause and a rough, cracked and dry skin can arise.

To the other risk factors also include patients with a known diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders, neurodermatitis or a weakened Immune system.


The Inflammation of the nail bed is the most common inflammatory process on the finger. Especially women are often affected, there with you due to regular manicures fast small cracks in the skin can arise that allow entry for the pathogen.


The first sign of the onset of acute inflammation of the nail bed is usually itching, which is followed by reddening of the infected area. The skin is usually warmed up and swelling develops, which can often be very painful. The pain is usually described as pulsating or throbbing and can change over time. In the beginning it is often pressure-dependent and increases in intensity as the inflammation progresses, so that even the smallest movements or touches of the affected finger can trigger a strong pain reaction later. After a while, pus collects under the nail plate, causing severe pain.

This collection of pus can open and empty on its own. If this doesn't happen, surgery may be needed to stop the inflammation from spreading to the tissues around the finger. If this happens, there is a risk that the infection could reach the bone and cause inflammation of the bones (osteomyelitis). Another consequence of inadequate treatment of acute inflammation of the nail bed can be growth disorders of the nail. The damaged fingernail can also die off and then fall off. The severe swelling can often lead to a relieving posture and restriction of movement of the inflamed finger. In rare cases, acute inflammation of the nail bed is accompanied by fever or swelling of the lymph nodes.

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Chronic nail bed inflammation is not limited to just one nail, but usually affects several at the same time. In contrast to acute inflammation, there is little or no pain. The surrounding skin can be slightly reddened and the affected nails are usually discolored yellow-green.

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The acute inflammation of the nail bed is a common condition on the finger. Heal in most people slight inflammation goes away on its own after a few days. Is this Immune system healthy and not damaged, you can wait a day or two to see if the inflammation subsides on its own before consulting a doctor. At the latest after three to four days and progressive symptoms or worsening pain, you should get one Appointment with the family doctor or also at Dermatologist arrange. Usually that's enough clinical examination to make the diagnosis. To secure the diagnosis, it is possible to use a Smear the infected area to take. This allows you to tell exactly which one Germ is responsible for the inflammation.

Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger

Depending on Degree of inflammation, you can get an acute First treat nail bed inflammation yourselfbefore consulting a doctor. First of all, it helps that bathe affected fingers once a day. You can use warm water and add substances such as Tea tree oil, chamomile or onion extract to use.After a 10 minute bath, the skin of the infected finger becomes soft and any calluses that may be present can dissolve better, so that a better way to drain the pus is created. The substances added to the water, such as chamomile, relieve inflammation and positively support the healing process. In many cases, it can help Bandaging and immobilizing fingers after daily bath. You can look into the pharmacy disinfecting solutions ask. Often used Povidone - iodine in the form of Creams or ointments. It relieves itching and prevented due to it disinfectant properties a further spread of germs.

For the Treatment of strongly festering areas, one can try ammonium bituminosulfonate. This is popularly known as the "train ointment". This ointment also works anti-inflammatory and softens the surrounding skin so that the pus can drain away by itself. If the nail bed inflammation doesn't get better after three to four days, you should consult a doctor. This can do a few more prescription drugs prescribe. If you have a fever and a general feeling of illness, or if you have a large, inflamed area that has spread, the doctor can prescribe an antibiotic. Usually this is a substance that belongs to the group of penicillins, as these mainly act against the most common pathogens (staphylococci).

If it is an inflammation caused by viruses, you need an ointment that a Antiviral includes.

Is a Causal nail fungus, must be a antifungal ointment be used. There is no decrease after several days or weeks Inflammation of the nail bed on the finger, you can get an x-rayrecording of the finger Have it done to see how far the inflammation has spread and whether deeper tissues or bones involved are. If the accumulation of pus under the nail plate cannot empty by itself, there may be a minor surgery necessary. Here the doctor takes local anesthesia of the finger make a small incision so that the Pus can drain from the side of the nail plate. Sometimes it is also necessary remove whole nail platebut the nail will grow back completely after a few months. The finger is then fixed with a bandage and immobilized to aid healing. Important is never even a festering abscess to open, because there is always the risk of spreading the inflammatory germs.

At a chronic inflammation of the nail bed should look for a possible Researched the cause become. Since these inflammations often arise on the basis of a chronic illness, the Treat the underlying disease well.


The most important thing is that Avoidance of the risk factors. You should avoid using strong detergents and be careful with nail care. The fingernails should be cut and filed round at regular intervals so that they do not grow in. To Prevention of cracked and rough skin it makes sense to do it regularly moisturizing ointments to apply. When working in the garden you should wear glovesso that no germs can enter any existing wounds. For people with chronic diseases like diabetes or wound healing disorders should be carefully watch small woundsas it is fast too serious infections can come.