Nux vomica

German term


Use of Nux vomica for the following symptoms / complaints

  • Morning sickness and tendency to vomit
  • Alternating between loss of appetite and cravings
  • Stomach pain about half an hour after eating
  • Gas cramps
  • Inclination to vomit and feeling of tension in the Liver area
  • Difficulty urinating due to spasmodic narrowing of the urethra
  • Irritable, overworked people with a sedentary lifestyle on the one hand and hectic city life on the other
  • Quick temper
  • Contradiction is not tolerated
  • of irritant abuse (tobacco, alcohol) used
  • Dullness and confusion in the head and over the eyes especially in the morning
  • everything is tense
  • Early awakening and restless sleep, therefore tiredness and headache in the morning.

improvement through rest.
aggravation through irritants, food and early in the morning.

Use of Nux vomica for the following diseases in homeopathy

  • migraine and a headache
  • acute and chronic Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and gut
  • Constant, futile urge to stool
  • bleeding hemorrhoids

Active organs

  • Central and vegetative nervous system
  • Vascular nerves
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • liver
  • bladder
  • kidney

Usual dosage


  • Tablets (drops) Nux vomica D3, D4, D6, D12
  • Ampoules Nux vomica D3, D4, D6, D12 and higher.
  • Globuli Nux vomica D6, D12, D30

Prescription up to and including D3!