Pain when urinating in men


Painful urination are not only uncomfortable but also unsettling to everyone man regardless of age and state of health.
One speaks of pain when urinating if burning or stabbing pain occurs before, during or after urination, which persists for days.
Usually these pains only occur when urinating and not at rest. The medical term for this phenomenon is "Alguria“.
The cause of the painful urination can be many. A Visit to the Doctor should be done promptly if the pain is along with urination fever, pus or Blood in the urine occur.

What to do in case of painful urination

So what can you do if you suddenly feel pain while urinating and you don't really know how it happened? First of all, you should stay calm, as the causes are mostly treatable. There is rarely a really bad illness behind it.
Is a Cystitis the cause of the pain or if the pain persists for a long time should be clarified by a doctor.
If you have a fever and painful urination, no time should be wasted until a doctor is consulted, as this is one Upper urinary tract infection can act that must be treated as quickly as possible.
By means of a physical exam, one Ultrasonic and one detailed admission interview through the doctor the cause of the pain can usually be found quickly and adequately treated.

Symptoms and possible causes


fever Classically occurs in the context of inflammation.
In combination with Painful urination, and maybe painful kidney bearings should require immediate medical clarification. Such a constellation is typical for one Inflammation of the upper urinary tract (more information is available at urinary tract diseases).
This requires immediate therapeutic measures, as failure to treat it can lead to irreversible damage to the kidney parenchyma. In extreme cases, to one Urosepsis, blood poisoning caused by the inflammation of the urogenital tract.
The therapy takes place in the case of an upper urinary tract infection antibiotic and through stationary surveillance in the hospital.

However, a fever alone can also indicate other disease processes. Comes tough to the fever too night sweats, as well as unwanted Weight loss in addition, the possibility of carcinoma must also be considered. Typically cause Prostate cancer an obstruction or narrowing of the urethra, which can lead to urinary flow disorders. A tumorous disease should also be considered, especially in men over the age of 50 who complain of difficulty urinating.

Figure painful urination in a man

Figure pain when urinating: Flat section through a female and male urinary bladder from the front, inflamed on the left, healthy on the right (A, B) and median section of the female and male pelvis (C, D)

Painful urination
Urinary bladder infection

  1. Urinary bladder - Vesica urinaria
  2. Ureter - Ureter
  3. Muscle wall,
    Urinary bladder ejector -
    Tunica muscularis,
    Detrusor vesicae muscle
  4. Mucous membrane -
    Tunica mucosa
  5. Ureter orifice -
    Ureteral ostium
  6. Bladder triangle -
    Trigonum vesicae
  7. Bladder neck -
  8. Cervix vesicae
  9. Urethra - urethra
  10. Escherichia coli bacteria,
    Proteus mirabilis, mushrooms
    (Candida albicans)
  11. Ovary - Ovary
  12. Uterus - uterus
  13. External urethral mouth -
    Ostium urethrae externum
  14. Vaginal mouth -
    Ostium vaginae
  15. Anal canal -
    Canalis analis
  16. Rectum -
  17. Male member -
  18. Prostate gland -
  19. Vesicle gland -
    Glandula vesiculosa
    A. - Flat section through a female
    Urinary bladder from the front, inflamed on the left
    and right healthy bladder
    B - Flat section through a male
    Urinary bladder from the front
    C - female pelvis:
    Around the urinary bladder,
    Median section
    D - Male pelvis:
    Around the urinary bladder, Median section

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

Pain or changes in the glans penis

There are clinical pictures in which there is also pain in addition to the urination Changes and or Pain in the glans and or Itching of the glans comes. Lesions, or rubbings and ulcerative, painful areas on the glans can speak for a so-called "hard chancre". This is typical for the clinical picture of syphilis or syphiliscaused by the pathogen Treponema pallidum is caused.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that was pushed back relatively far with the introduction of antibiotics in Germany. However, around 4,000 men are still infected with syphilis across Germany every year.

A syphilis infection does not necessarily cause pain when urinating, but the ulcers that develop during the course of the disease can be secondary to such pain. Incidentally, the ulcerations on the glans disappear after a few weeks in syphilis, which does not mean that the disease is healed. Much more, it goes into a dormant state, only to return months or years later in a more severe form. During this time, the infected person is also potentially contagious to other sexual partners (Syphilis transmission), and should therefore be in medical treatment give.

Also mechanical damage at the Acorn, for example by bruise, can lead to painful urination.Since the glans surrounds the end of the urethra, it can also be affected if the glans is injured. In the event of bruising or other serious injuries to the glans, you should therefore see a doctor. Although the man's fertility is not directly endangered in this area, it can lead to long-term damage such as loss of sensitivity or circulatory disorders, which in turn can affect sex life.

Blood in the urine

Blood in the urine is used in medical terminology as "Hematuria" designated. Just a few drops of blood are enough to stain the urine red.
The cause of bloody urine can be in a Urinary tract damage or disease be justified. These start in the kidneys - where the urine is produced - and end with the glans where the urethra opens. The kidneys, upper urinary tract, bladder, prostate, lower urinary tract, and penis lie along this route. Blood in the urine can indicate damage to one of these organs.
Urinary tract infections are just as possible as Kidney stones, Drug side effects, mechanical damage or Tumors.

A sonographic examination (Ultrasonic) usually provides information about the cause. In addition, the pain is often localized in symptomatic areas, such as flank pain in the case of an inflammation of the kidney.
Incidentally, by definition, hematuria is also present if only a few erythrocytes - i.e. red blood cells - are found in the blood. However, this can only be determined by laboratory diagnostics using urinalysis and not with the naked eye.

Pus in the urine

pusthat occurs when urinating is a typical symptom of the sexually transmitted disease "gonorrhea“Or also known as Gonorrhea. The term gonorrhea is borrowed from the Dutch and means something like dribble. This refers to the individual droplets of pus that trickle out of the urethra when urinating before urine ("Bonjour drops")
The bacterium is responsible for gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The number of new gonorrhea infections in Germany is around ten to twenty thousand per year, with a high number of unreported cases to be expected. The therapy is very simple and takes place antibiotic.

However, this type of disease should not be taken lightly, as if left untreated it can lead to the destruction of the urinary tract or the urinary tract. In addition, if treatment measures are not taken, infertility, severe pain and necrosis can occur, which in the worst case can end in life-threatening sepsis.
In addition, during this time there is a risk of losing your sexual partner unprotected Sexual intercourse also to infect.
Tripper is much less noticeable in women, but leads to the same complications if not treated. Regardless of the cause, if there is pus in the urine, sexual intercourse should be avoided until the diagnosis has been made with certainty.

However, gonorrhea is not the only cause, too Pus in the urine can lead, but probably the best known. Next to it are still Urinary tract infections, Kidney abscesses, and Kidney infections. Depending on the stage, this manifests itself through a simple burning sensation when urinating, through red blood cells in the urine, or even through pus in the urine if the inflammation has already progressed.


STDs can act as a trigger for Painful urination to be responsible. At this point, the venereal diseases should be dealt with, which on the one hand frequently cause symptoms on the other hand directly.

Sexually transmitted diseases that can trigger painful urination are among others gonorrhea (Gonorrhea) , syphilis (syphilis) and Chlamydia. These sexually transmitted diseases usually cause immediate symptoms in the urogenital tract and are therefore usually recognized and treated relatively quickly. Long-term effects usually only occur if no treatment measures are taken or the therapy is terminated prematurely.

What all three diseases have in common is that they are caused by bacteria and sexually transmitted through close physical contact. Using a Protects condoms usually from venereal diseases.
However, gonorrhea as well as syphilis and chlamydia are also common transmitted to unprotected oral sex (both passive and active). Sexually active men and women are of course particularly at risk. The bacteria can be transmitted from the carrier via the smallest skin lesions and then multiply there. The first symptoms usually appear within a week or two.

Unfortunately, sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea take a different course in women than in men and are often not noticed, so that only the man becomes aware of the disease. In therapy it is important to both Treat parties equallyto so-called To prevent "ping-pong effects" (i.e. the alternating mutual infecting of the two sexual partners).


The Treatment of painThat occurs when urinating occurs according to the underlying cause.
Therefore, an extensive diagnosis is in the foreground for the time being, which includes, Ultrasonic, Blood culture and or Urine culture he follows. In either case, one is first Urinalysis carried out, which provides informative information for the following diagnosis.

The diagnosis can then usually be made directly or after one or two days at the latest.
Since in the majority of cases it is a Urinary tract infection acts, one closes antibiotic Therapy on. This is also used for sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis or gonorrhea, and usually does not last longer than 10 days. As a rule of thumb, the following applies here: antibiotics should always be taken until the pack is empty. Most bacteria respond to antibiotics within 48 hours. However, even after several days there are still a few pathogens left that, if eradicated not completely, begin to multiply again.

To the Pain of those affected to alleviate, will be different depending on the trigger Painkiller resorted to. The pain is rarely so pronounced that opioids have to be used, so that mostly lighter ones Pain medication such as. Ibuprofen already cause sufficient pain relief.


Taking medication can be useful in various cases. These include analgesics - painkillers - that can relieve pain. Typical, freely available pain relievers are the so-called NSAIDs-Class. They include, among others Novalgin, Paracetamol, and its two most famous representatives, Ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid - or ASS for short aspirin®. Painkillers in this group of drugs are available from pharmacies without a prescription.

Painkiller can however don't solve the cause. It is often not sufficient to carry out purely symptomatic therapy to combat pain, while the underlying disease still persists and as a result may even worsen.

The most common cause of painful urination in men, as in women, is the well-known one Urinary tract infection. Statistically speaking, women are affected by this significantly more often than men, since their urethra is shortened compared to that of men. So germs can rise much faster and settle inside the body. Both men and women are treated with medication if a urinary tract infection is suspected.
A therapy becomes antibiotic carried out, and usually takes no longer than 7 days. Uncomplicated urinary tract infections are often associated with the antibiotic Fosfomycin which destroys the cell wall of bacteria. If the therapy is successful, the pain decreases significantly within the first 48 hours and usually disappears completely within the next 5 days.
If there is no response to antibiotic therapy, it may be necessary to switch to another antibiotic such as Levofloxacin to switch. In the case of persistent pathogens, it may also be necessary to carry out a serological determination of the pathogen. In addition, pain reliever medication such as ibuprofen can be taken until the antibiotic has hit.

Home remedies

Is the cause of the pain a Inflammation of the urinary bladder, home remedies can also help relieve pain. For example, one is just as simple as it is effective Hot water bottle or a warm cherry stone pillowwhich is placed on the stomach.
In addition, should to be drunk a lotto flush the germs out of the urinary tract. As a guide, apply here 3-4 liters Every day. Special ones are best suited for this Bladder and kidney teasthat are available at the pharmacy. Nasturtiums and horseradish are also said to have anti-inflammatory properties, so that inflammation can also be combated naturally.
The home remedies usually only provide relief in the early stages. Once the inflammation is manifested it becomes a Going to the doctor is essential.
With symptoms such as blood or pus, fever, very strong pain and Flank pain No independent attempts at treatment should be undertaken at the kidney level, but a medical evaluation should be carried out immediately.