Therapy for gout

A distinction must be made here between the therapy of acute Attack of gout and the therapy of increased uric acid (Hyperuricemia).
The goal of treating an acute attack of gout is to relieve pain and contain the inflammatory reaction.

For the treatment of an acute attack of gout it was mostly used in the past Colchicine, the poison of the autumn crocus. Today, due to the many side effects (especially diarrhea and vomiting), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDse.g. Indomethacin, Diclofenac), through which the pain of the gout attack can be controlled just as well.
Therapy with a steroid (cortisone) make sense.
The following applies during pregnancy Phenylbutazone (Butazolidin®) as the agent of choice.

Aim of treating the chronic gout is the avoidance of acute gout attacks, kidney stones, damage to the kidney, further joint damage and the recovery (regeneration) of damaged joints.
To achieve this, it is necessary to lower the uric acid level to normal values.

There are three starting points for treating hyperuricemia:

  1. Reduction in purine intake through a low-purine diet and abstinence from alcohol.
    If the uric acid level does not exceed a certain concentration, one can be pure dietary treatment with the aim of permanently lowering the uric acid level through a change in diet, and no drug treatment is required.
    With a low-purine diet, it is important to ensure that above all meat consumption is reduced. Meat, fish and sausages should be on the menu at most once a day.
    Beans, lentils and other legumes are also rich in purine. Milk and dairy products, as well as eggs, are low-purine foods.
    Of the Consumption of alcohol influences uric acid levels in the blood on several levels. On the one hand, alcohol inhibits the excretion of uric acid via the kidneyOn the other hand, excessive consumption leads to acidification of the blood, which further lowers the solubility limit of uric acid (uric acid precipitates more quickly). The very high purine content of the beer must also be taken into account.
    It is also important to note that fasting cures or zero diets may cause a gout attack. During fasting, the body produces more ketone bodies, which inhibit the excretion of uric acid via the kidneys. Overall, a weight reduction e.g. through sport, especially Endurance sports but have a positive effect on the disease.

    Uric acid in foods

    Foods high in uric acid

    food mg uric acid / 100 gr

    Mushrooms 800

    Spleen 600

    Lung 500

    Kidney 400

    Beans 500

    Goose 250

    Fish 400

    Prophylaxis and prognosis

    Those with a hereditary predisposition can regularly have their uric acid levels determined in their blood as a precaution so that an increase can be noticed in good time. In the case of increased uric acid levels, a change in diet, weight reduction and a reduction in alcohol consumption can normalize the levels again and thus prevent possible illness.

    Overall, gout has a good prognosis. Most more serious complications can be prevented if consistent therapy is started early. If gout is treated appropriately, the quality of life, ability to work and longevity of these patients do not differ from those of healthy people. Overall, living with gout means above all a change in lifestyle and diet.
    Permanently elevated uric acid levels are statistically associated with a shorter life expectancy and damage the cardiovascular system.


    Gout can also be positively influenced by various homeopathic medicines.
    Please also read our topic: Homeopathy for gout