
Latin name

Artemisia absinthum

Common names

Absinthe, stomach herb, worm herb

Plant description

The wormwood is waist-high, characteristic smelling herb, the stem and the lancet-like leaves are hairy silver-gray. In addition, the wormwood owns numerous, hemispherical and pale yellow flower heads. He is that Mugwort very similar in appearance and effect.

Heyday: June to September

Occurrence: The plant prefers dry soil and occurs wild in vineyards, rocky places and roadsides. Is also grown in cultures in Germany.

Plant parts used medicinally

The herb from wormwood is used to make medicinal products. Primarily the upper parts of the plant are collected during flowering. You bundle them and dries in an airy place.


  • Bitter substances (absinthin and artabsin),
  • volatile oil
  • Tannins

Medicinal effect and application

Wormwood as a drug promotes the production of

  • Bile
  • Pancreatic enzymes and
  • Gastric juice

In addition, the wormwood is effective against

  • Lack of appetite
  • Flatulence
  • Bloating and
  • in diseases of the gallbladder

People who are sensitive to bile can relieve the symptoms with a tea made from wormwood. Folk medicine also knows wormwood as Remedies for worms.

In the kitchen, wormwood is also used as a spice and is similar to that Mugwort used. Both do fatty foods through the contained bitter substances more digestible.


Wormwood tea: Pour a teaspoon of cut wormwood over a large cup of boiling water and leave it all Cover and steep for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink unsweetened.

Preferably after meals, overall up to three cups a day. At lack of appetite it is recommended to drink the tea before meals. Wormwood tea is very bitter, but should not be sweetened so as not to impair the effect.

You can buy a tincture of wormwood at the pharmacy. One usually takes from it 20 to 40 drops on half a glass of water. This mixture can, depending on the complaints, before or after meals or in between, drink in sips.

Combination with other medicinal plants

In order to achieve a better taste, the wormwood can be mixed in equal parts peppermint and Yarrow herb Mix. Of the bitter taste the wormwood is somewhat softened. Preparation and use as described for wormwood tea, including this one Drink tea unsweetened.

Side effects

are at normal dosage not to be feared. Pregnant women should refrain from using it.