

The nails (Ungues) on fingers and toes are mechanical protective devices and fulfill important tasks of the tactile function by forming an abutment for the ball of the finger or toe.

A single nail consists of a nail pad, nail wall and nail bed. The nail plate is a horn plate with a thickness of about 0.5 mm, which consists of the top layer of skin (epidermis). It is firmly attached to the nail bed. The nail wall is located on the side and back of the nail. This is a fold of skin that forms a small nail pocket at the nail root. The nail bed lies under the nail plate (Lectulus) with the smallest blood vessels. These shimmer through the nail plate and make healthy nails look slightly rosy. Human fingernails grow about 1.5mm per week, the growth of toenails, on the other hand, is much slower.

Cut toenails

Toenails are in the maintenance Often neglected towards the fingernails. Nevertheless, adequate care of the toenails is no less important for example Tear of nails, Inflammation of the nail bed by ingrown nails or infections due to buildup of bacteria to prevent.

Since the Toenails harder are than the fingernails, it is recommended this cut first and then minor bumps with a file to remove. To make cutting easier, nail care can be done with a Foot bath kick off. The water should be lukewarm, depending on your mood you can use gentle additives such as Aloe vera or chamomile Add. Longer than 5 minutes however, do not soak your feet.

Then, after carefully drying your feet, it's best to start with one rounded nail scissors or one Nail clip to cut the toenails. To avoid ingrown toenails, it is important to keep the nails healthy straight, so that the edge of the nail is flush with the tip of the toe, and not to cut too short. After cutting it is recommended to use a fine file To straighten the toenails in the direction of growth in order to completely remove any protruding nail pieces.

Changes in toenails

Toenails and fingernails are always in good health pale pink to more translucent Color and solid contour. You can use it as a Indicators of deficiency symptoms and serve diseases. Are the toenails and fingernails for example brittleso this may be an indication of a defect on Vitamin B7 (Biotin), whitish nails, especially the toenails leave on one Nail fungus or Athlete's foot conclude. There are also some other disease-specific changes.

Yellowish toenails

Not only the fingers but also the toenails need regular maintenance.

Color the toenails yellowishso must this process not necessarily a disease underlie. Lots Smoker have yellow nails, the yellowing on the More frequent fingernails occurs than on the toenails. Also poor foot hygiene can be caused by deposits of bacteria cause a yellowish tinge on toenails.

In addition to regular Nicotine consumption and improper care there are also a number of Diseasesthat can cause yellow nails. Nail fungus, psoriasis and Liver disease play a role here as well as Hormone fluctuations. A very rare condition that causes yellow toenails is that Yellow nail syndrome (,,yellow nail syndrome"). Due to a growth disorder, the nails thicken and turn yellow. Other symptoms of the disease are Fluid retention in the chest (Pleural effusions), Lymphatic drainage disorders (Lymphedema) and frequent Sinus infections.

Since yellow toenails can have many causes, the discoloration is treated based on the underlying condition. So will Nail fungus With special nail polishes or hormone fluctuations due to the administration of Hormones treated. However, the yellow nails often disappear on their own when the underlying disease is treated and do not require any special treatment.

Grooved toenails

Changes in shape the toenails may have discoloration as well Hints on certain Diseases deliver. It exists two forms of grooves: the Longitudinal and transverse grooves.

Longitudinal grooves run away from the nail tip to the nail root and are mostly harmless, age-related or genetic changes.

Transverse grooves run away from left to right side of the nail and can be signs of a variety of diseases. Even the smallest Injuries, for example in the course of cosmetic treatments, can cause growth disorders of the nails and thus the formation of transverse grooves. Insufficient reception from Nutrients and Vitaminssuch as iron, calcium or zinc dissolve insufficient nail growth and consequently the formation of transverse grooves. Such deficiency symptoms can be found often in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or Radical dietswhen the nutrients cannot be absorbed or are not supplied to the body in the first place due to insufficient food intake.

Other causes of grooves in the toenails are the ingestion of various Medication, for example as part of a chemotherapy, Poisoning, for example with arsenic, or flu Diseases with high fever.

Toenails fall off

In addition to color and structural changes in the toenails, the nails can also change completely or partially peel off the nail bed. Such phenomena occur often after injuries, how Bruising or entrapment of the toe or the finger. Through the resulting bruise in the nail bed the nail rises and finally falls off, so that regrowth new nail can (see: Bruise under the nail).

As part of an existing Diabetes mellitus it can occur in the nail bed even with the smallest injuries (Minor injuries) to Circulatory disorders and come off the nail. Also count here Nail fungus, Hormone fluctuations, especially during a pregnancy or the Menopause, and Iron deficiency on the causes of falling toenails.

If the nail has fallen off in whole or in part, the exposed nail should be Nail bed protected from germs become. A dry, air-permeable bandage is ideal here. Pressure points through shoes that are too tight should be avoided whenever possible to speed healing. Ultimately, you can only get through Treatment of the causative disease prevent the nail from falling off again after regrowth or that other nails are also affected. That's why you should See a doctorwhen toenails fall off for no apparent reason. Only the doctor can correctly diagnose underlying diseases and initiate the optimal treatment. To prevent toenails from falling off, it is important that Maintain nails regularly and cut. Here you can also use the professional foot care help take advantage of.