Exercises against a hunched back


At a Hunchback (Syn .:Scheuermann's disease) one Hyperkyphosis, it is an excessive curvature of the thoracic spine. Our spine is shaped like an S Lordosis (Protrusions) and Kyphosis (Back bulges) alternate in order to be able to cushion loads and at the same time enable stability and movement. The section of the cervical spine is arched forward, the thoracic spine backward and the lumbar spine arched forward.

A disease that is relatively common in our population is one excessive expression of this arching back of the thoracic spine - a so-called rounded back. Tension, disc wear, pain and an unsightly posture arise. Can cause a hunchback Stunted growth being in the youth, men are increasingly affected here. Additional triggers are Bad posture, excessive strain, diseases such as osteoporosis in old age and also psychological factorswhich influence the posture of people.To compensate for the rounded back in the thoracic spine, there is an excessive bulge in the lower back, a so-called Hollow back. The following article deals with exercises to restore a physiologically healthy posture, including the concepts that are popular today such as Yoga and Pilates.

Appointment with a back specialist?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

The spine is difficult to treat. On the one hand it is exposed to high mechanical loads, on the other hand it has great mobility.

The treatment of the spine (e.g. herniated disc, facet syndrome, foramen stenosis, etc.) therefore requires a lot of experience.
I focus on a wide variety of diseases of the spine.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

Yoga and Pilates against hunchbacks

For the successful treatment of a hunchback, it is crucial to be active yourself. The focus is on strengthening exercises and training your own body awareness and posture. Positive successes can be seen in forms of movement such as yoga and Pilates, in which the mentioned aspects are trained with fluent exercises.
In the following some exercises that can be done easily and without material at home are presented. Basically, yoga is generally suitable for posture training, because static strengthening of the postural muscles, stretching of the front and correct breathing be integrated throughout. Some exercises especially for straightening the thoracic spine against the hunchback are for example the little cobra, the fish or the rotating seat.

The cobra

To the cobra To perform against a hunchback, go first in the prone position. The palms are placed next to the shoulders, which Elbows as close to the body as possible. The toes are elongated. The The back of the foot and the pelvis are pressed firmly into the surfaceto build body tension. The head is held in line with the spine, View towards the ground. Now the Upper body with tension from the trunk - not from the arms - slowly straightened up. Using the strength of the back muscles, this position is held for a few deep breaths. The sternum extends forward and up. Then the upper body is slowly lowered again while maintaining body tension until the tip of the nose hovers just above the ground. This process will repeated a few times.
One variation is the large cobra, in which the arms are fully extended when pushing up. Here the upper body is held less by the back muscles, but rather rests on the straight arms and stretches the front rather than strengthening the back.

The fish

The next hunchback exercise is the fish. Get to in the supine position. Both hands are placed on top of each other under the buttocks, the palms facing the floor. From this position the Shoulders rolled under the body. Of the Head is hyperextended backwardsso that the highest point of the skull is on the ground. The breastbone lolls up and out so that the back forms an arch, Buttocks, legs and heels as well as the head remain on the floor. The tips of the feet are stretched out and the buttocks tensed to build up body tension. Here, too, a few deep breaths are held and the back is then slowly laid back.

The swivel seat

Of the Swivel seat is more of a strain as an exercise against a hunched back. First, go to one upright long seatwhere you sit on the floor with your legs straight and your back straight. Now the right foot placed on the outside of the left knee. Of the left arm reaches up, and then becomes in one fluid motion brought to the right thighuntil the forearm rests on the outside of the thigh. Of the Upper body turns upright to the right and back, the right arm rests on the floor behind the body so that the chest and shoulder are opened. The toes of the extended leg are drawn in to build up full body tension. When inhaling deeply, the sternum is stretched forward and upwards, the spine is stretched out for a long time. During the slow exhalation, the upper body is turned a little further back into the stretch. Take this process a few breaths and then slowly release the tension and do the same process on the other side.


Pilates focuses on the core of the body, the so-called Power housewhich is tense throughout. The body is thus in a physiological upright position throughout the entire unit. The deep holding muscles are trained persistently and in different positions and your own body awareness is promoted. This can also counteract a hunched back.

Conventional exercises for a hunched back

Conventional therapy exercises, apart from the concepts presented, include, for example systematic straightening - Body awareness and control, as well as controlling the muscles required for straightening.
You sit down upright on a chair. The Feet are hip width apart and parallel to each other on the floor. The hands lie loosely on the thighs. Now press firm both heels in the ground and feel how tension builds up in the whole body and the spine grows, the back becomes straight and the head pushes upwards. In addition, the wrist roots can now also support and straighten the upper body even further. This Tension is held for a few seconds and intensified with each exhalation. Practice building, holding, and posture a few times to perceive the difference between the straight and the usual posture when letting go.

Exercises such as forearm support, side support, push-ups and also are suitable for strengthening the postural muscles Abdominal exercises like the beetle, sit-ups, crunches, which have a particularly positive influence on the hollow back posture.
Exercises with the Theraband can train specific muscle groups and can also be easily performed at home. For example, stand up straight, the left foot stands on the end of a Thera tape, the right hand grips the other end so that the strap is slightly stretched at about hip height. Now the arm guides the Theraband from the left hip to the top rightuntil the arm is held up straight above the head, torso and head are turned back to the right. Slowly bring your arm back to your left hip while turning your upper body forward again. Repeat this movement slowly and with tension 10-15 times and finally switch sides.

The back and stomach should always be trained equally to maintain muscular balance. To Expansion of the chest and the chest muscles do that at the end of each day flat beds on a small pillow or a blanket roll. This is placed lengthways under the thoracic spine in the supine position, the arms are placed like a U to the right and left of the body - elbows at shoulder level, hands at head level, palms facing the ceiling. The thoracic spine is pushed forward slightly by the support. In this exercise, all tension can be released while you breathe deeply and relaxed into your stomach.
In general and simplified applies to the hunchback Strengthening the back and stretching the front.

You can find more information on the topic at: Back school

Further therapeutic measures against a hunched back

In addition to the active exercises, there are some other therapeutic procedures with a positive influence on the posture of the hunched back, the release of tension and pain or restricted mobility. These include classic Massages, Manipulations from the Manual therapy, the Taping with kinesio tape, Electrotherapy and heat applications. In the case of a hunchback training that is already growing, the passive method is partly the Wearing a corset prescribed, which brings the back into the correct position through an individual production. This method is controversial, however, because the back is held passively when wearing the corset and important muscles break down.
So it depends very much on the cooperation of the patient - a point that is generally decisive for a successful therapy. Furthermore exist vibrating beltswhich are put on like a rucksack in an upright position and vibrate briefly with every curve of the back - as a small reminder to always keep your posture. In general, however, exercise, sport, strength building and body awareness are the be-all and end-all to counteract a hunched back.


Back problems and bad postures such as the hunched back are a widespread problem in our society - but with a way out. The trendy concepts like yoga and pilates essentially train everything that a promising therapy for treating a hunched back should contain - body control and perception, strengthening of the postural muscles in various starting positions, stretching and relaxation of the shortened front muscle chains and all of this combined with a positive influence on the psyche. Therapy exercises don't have to be dumb and boring, especially since they should be done regularly. The movement concepts have a promising effect for long-term success.