Inflammation of the belly button


Inflammation of the Belly button can have various reasons and causes. The causes can vary depending on Age of the patient. Doctors also refer to the inflammation of the navel as "Omphalitis" called.
Omphalitis occurs mainly in the Newborn age on. In adolescence and young adulthood, among other things Piercings represent a cause of inflammation.
Also certain chronic skin conditions like that Inverse psoriasis, which is a special form of psoriasis can cause inflammation of the belly button. Also can Contact allergies cause inflammation of the belly button.

Read more about the topic here: Navel piercing - inflammation


Inflammation of the navel, like many other inflammations on the body, presents the typical signs of inflammation. Redness, swelling, overheating and pain in the navel occur.
It is possible that if the navel is inflamed, purulent or bloody secretions may leak out of the navel. The belly button can also bulge out when inflamed. In addition, inflammation of the belly button can ooze and smell bad.
Inflammation may cause itching in and around the belly button.

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  • Pus in / out of the navel
  • Belly button is bleeding - what could be behind it?

If psoriasis inversa is the cause of the inflammation of the navel, you can find slightly raised scales in or on the navel, which may also be found in other places. The inverse form of psoriasis is mainly found in areas with skin folds.
As a result, it occurs primarily in the armpit area, the gluteal fold, but also in the area of ​​the navel.

Read more about the topic here: Red spots around and above the navel

Inflammation with pus

In addition to redness, there can also be a Pus formation and oozing Be signs of infection of the belly button. The pus arises from the fact that the pathogens that settle in the area of ​​the belly button trigger the body's immune system. This then activates the white blood cells, which begin to render the pathogens harmless. The breakdown product becomes visible in the form of pus.
After the first reddening of the belly button, there is usually an oozing of clear liquid. This may then be followed by cloudy fluid in the form of pus.
Pus formation is evidence of an existing infection. As a rule, treatment should be started as soon as possible.


Inflammation of the navel in newborns leads to an infection of the small umbilical cord that remains after delivery. Since it represents an open portal of entry for a few days to weeks, it is particularly easy for bacteria and other germs to penetrate the body and cause infection and inflammation.
This often results in mixed infections from bacteria that are normally on the skin without causing the disease.

These bacteria are called, for example, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, Klebsiella, Proteus mirabilis or E.coli.
Since newborns do not yet have a fully developed immune system after birth, they are significantly more susceptible to pathogens than adults or older children. This is why this otherwise harmless pathogen can lead to an infection of the navel in newborns. This pathogen can also be found in children with inflammation of the belly button.
There are certain risk factors for inflammation of the navel in newborns that make it more likely to get infected. These include above all a low birth weight of the baby, other existing infections, a congenital immune deficiency or a poor general condition of the baby. From this it can be concluded that premature babies are particularly prone to inflammation of the navel.
An unusually long birth or a previous infection of the placenta (Plaster cake) during pregnancy can be risk factors for an infection of the navel of the newborn.

Read more on the topic : Inflammation of the belly button in the baby

In the inverse form of psoriasis, the normally typical areas of skin such as the extensor sides of the extremities are not affected. This typically results in a different distribution pattern. In the inverse form, the affected areas of skin are more likely to be found in places in the body where skin folds can be found. Typical places for the inverse form are therefore skin folds under the arms, in the groin area, on the anal fold or even in the navel.
The affected skin will appear red and possibly very slightly flaky. The typical scaling as known from "normal" psoriasis does not occur in most cases with the inverse form. The scaling is much weaker and you may not even find any scales, just reddening.

A nickel allergy, for example, can also be the cause of an inflammation of the navel. As a trigger for this, for example, trouser buttons can be considered, which then lead to a so-called contact allergy through direct skin contact. In adolescence and young adulthood, piercings can also be a reason for inflammation and for a contact allergy in the area of ​​the navel.

Read more on the topic:

  • Inflammation of the belly button in adults
  • Belly button stinks - what's behind it?

Figure causes a navel infection

Figure Inflammation of the navel: stages of inflammation (middle) and possible causes (A - F)

Inflammation of the belly button -

  1. Umbilical ring -
    Umbilical annulus
  2. Middle umbilical fold -
    Plica umbilicalis mediana
  3. Redness of the navel
  4. Swelling and
  5. Discharge of purulent
    or bloody secretions

    Causes a
    Inflammation of the belly button:

    A. - infection
    of the small remnant of the umbilical cord
    (Period - birth up to four weeks)
    B. - Navel piercing -
    possible entry points
    for bacteria
    C. - Chronic skin diseases
    like psoriasis inversa
    (a form of psoriasis)
    D. - Contact allergies -
    z. B. Nickel allergy
    (Pants buttons, piercing)
    E. - Pregnancy -
    Tension of the abdominal wall
    Growth and Child Movements
    F. - After a laparoscopy
    (Laparoscopy) -
    possible settling of bacteria

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Inflammation of the belly button after a laparoscopy

The laparoscopy (Laparoscopy) is a minimally invasive method for examining the interior of the abdomen.

Several small incisions are made in the abdominal wall, including also in the area of ​​the navel, through which the surgeon can insert various instruments as well as a camera and a suction device.
In this way, a variety of abdominal surgeries such as a Gallen surgery possible without having to make a large abdominal incision. Avoiding a large wound reduces the associated risk of infection.

Nevertheless, it is possible that bacteria can settle in the small incisions after the laparoscopy, causing local inflammation, which significantly slows the healing process. In addition, the abdominal skin is an area that is tense with almost every movement and thus stressed. It is therefore advisable to keep bed rest as much as possible after a laparoscopy. If the scar in the area of ​​the navel becomes inflamed, the classic signs of a navel infection can occur.
In most cases there is reddening and swelling of the tissue surrounding the belly button and the development of tenderness. Many affected patients also describe profuse oozing from the scar. In this case, you should allow a lot of air to the scar and stress it as little as possible. If there is no improvement, a doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory ointment or antibiotic.

Inflammation of the belly button due to a navel piercing

At a Navel piercing a small canal is usually pierced in the upper area of ​​the belly button.
Since there are two connections to the skin, namely the puncture site and the puncture site, there are also two possible entry points for bacteria. There is a high risk of infection, especially in the period immediately after the sting, when the wound has not yet healed.

For this reason, it is important to keep the piercing and the surrounding area as clean as possible and to wear an air-permeable plaster over the navel so that the clothing does not cause additional friction and irritation of the wound or bring bacteria into the wound. When choosing a piercing studio, extensive hygiene precautions should also be taken.
If the belly button becomes inflamed, it helps to let as much air as possible into the inflamed area. In this way, the wound can heal well and the bacteria are denied the pleasant, moist habitat. In case of aggravation, a doctor should be contacted using an anti-inflammatory ointment or a antibiotic can prescribe. Most of the time it is still not necessary to remove the piercing.

Read more about the topic here: Navel piercing inflammation


With an early infection of the navel in newborns, a local disinfection be enough. If the inflammation is more advanced, there is often a Hospitalization as well as a Administration of antibiotics necessary. Antibiotics used for this often belong to the group of so-called Penicillins and Aminoglycosides.

The treatment of psoriasis inversa is often difficult and lengthy. The affected areas are as important as possible keep dry and not to wear clothing that is too tight, as it can rub against the skin and worsen symptoms. Anti-inflammatory Baths With chamomile or Marigold can have a soothing effect.
Short term one can also apply one to the inflamed areas Cortisone cream Instruct. However, it should really only be a short-term treatment, as cortisone cream skin-thinning effects Has.

Is a Navel piercing or a Trouser button If the navel is inflamed, it should be removed immediately. Contact allergies caused by buttons can be avoided by tucking your T-shirt into your pants, for example, and thus avoiding direct skin contact. The inflamed area should now disinfected become and with anti-inflammatory creams, such as Betaisodona, be treated. If the inflammation worsens or the wound starts to fester, it is important to see a doctor immediately. Because here too it is Risk of complications highsimilar to the umbilical infection of the newborn, that the infection can spread.

Treatment with ointments

If inflammation of the belly button has occurred, which manifests itself as reddening, oozing or pus, treatment should be initiated promptly. You can put disinfectant solutions or tinctures in the navel, or you can put ointments locally in the navel.
Bepanthen® is particularly effective for minor infections of the belly button. The ointment can be given into the navel several times a day and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Betaisadona® ointment or Betaisodona wound gel, whose constituent iodine also has an antibacterial effect, has a stronger disinfectant effect.
For more severe infections that do not respond to the aforementioned ointments, a direct antibiotic ointment should be given into the navel. Various preparations are available here. The antibiotic neomycin, which is very effective against bacterial infections in the navel area, is often used.


Prophylactically, one can use an adequate one in newborns Umbilical hygiene respect, think highly of. The navel should be possible dry and free of urine or feces being held.
If you suspect an umbilical inflammation, it is important to do so if possible act early, as the spread of germs represents a great risk.
In psoriasis inversa one can prophylactically Avoid tight clothingwhich has an abrasive effect on affected areas of the skin. Rubbing often worsens the symptoms.
When choosing one Piercings and trousers, you should always make sure that high-quality materials are used that have a low allergenic risk. You should also have a sufficient hygiene Pay attention to the area of ​​the navel and the entire body.


Treat an inflammation of the belly button early, the likelihood of complications is rather low. However, if you wait too long or don't notice the inflammation at the beginning, it can quickly become one Procrastination the germ of the "open gate“Of the navel get into the bloodstream. As a result, it can become a so-called sepsis as well as one Inflammation of the peritoneum come. Possibly you can Collections of pus, as Abscesses are referred to in the liver form. Inflammation of the inner layers of the tissue may also be a possible complication Heart occur what as Endocarditis is known.

Inflammation of the belly button in the baby

A Inflammation of the belly button (also Omphalitis is a bacterial infection that should not be underestimated Newborn occurs.

One speaks of a newborn from the moment of Birth up to four weeks of age. In the womb, the unborn child is supplied with vital nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. It thus establishes a connection between the maternal placenta (Plaster cake) and child.
After the delivery, the umbilical cord with the help of sterile (sterile means free from germs and bacteria) Tools cut and locked with a clamp. This step is of great importance, because an open, severed umbilical cord represents a portal for germs to enter the child's bloodstream.

After about five to fifteen days, the umbilical cord stump should dry out, turn bluish, and eventually fall off. In some cases a small wound can form at this point, which with every diaper change should be cleaned carefully with water and mild soap. The skin of a newborn is also extremely sensitive to bacteria in the first few months of life.
in the Womb She was always protected from germs by the surrounding amniotic fluid. In addition, there is the not yet fully developed immune system of a newborn, because without contact with bacteria, no suitable defense system could develop. If bacteria now settle, the body has little chance of fighting them itself. This is why it is particularly important in the case of newborns See a doctor for signs of inflammation in the area of ​​the belly button to seek out.
The main signs of a Inflammation of the belly button are reddening, swelling, overheating and a purulent, foul-smelling discharge from the navel. But not only the navel can become inflamed, but also the surrounding tissue. If a navel infection is not noticed in time, the bacteria can enter the child's bloodstream Blood poisoning develop (sepsis), which can mean an acute danger to life.

In most cases it manifests itself through fever, Hypothermia, Poor drinking, Drop in blood pressure, Pulse rise, Breathing disorders and Defense tension in the area of ​​the abdomen, which means that the child tenses the abdomen due to pain when touching the abdomen. The blue line to the heart, which is popularly described, is not a sign of blood poisoning.
In any case, a navel infection must be treated with antibiotics as quickly as possible, because the longer it can progress, the greater the risk of blood poisoning. Depending on the cause bacterium, The age of the child and the extent of the inflammation, the doctor will select a suitable antibiotic or an antibiotic ointment. In particularly severe cases, surgical removal of the inflamed tissue may be necessary. However, if a navel infection was discovered in good time and successfully treated, it has a very good prognosis.

Inflammation of the belly button in children / toddlers

Inflammation of the navel occurs in children and toddlers relatively often in front. Most of the time, the incipient inflammation is noticeable through a reddening of the navel.
The main reason for this is bacteria that are normally found on the skin and then migrate to the navel. Inadequate cleaning, also promoted by poor accessibility, can lead to an infection of the skin in the belly button. Very deep navel can make cleaning more difficult.
Untreated or very severe infections of the belly button can also cause the Inflammation spreads and in the inner abdominal area transgresses. In severe cases it can also happen that a Fistulous duct between the navel and the abdomen. Urgent surgical treatment is urgently needed in this case.

Inflammation of the belly button during pregnancy

In the pregnancy navel infection is by no means uncommon.

Due to the constant growth of the child in the abdomen, increasing tension builds up in the abdominal wall, which can cause small cracks in the skin.
Usually such small wounds heal quickly and are often not even noticed, but due to the constant tension of the skin in the area of ​​the abdomen during pregnancy as well as the strong movements of the child, healing wounds can quickly rupture again. If bacteria then settle in the small wounds, inflammation can quickly develop. In many cases it will be a navel infection itching, Dandruff, Crusts, Redness, Oozing as well as a bad one odor described.
As self-therapy it is possible to use the belly button First clean it carefully with lukewarm water or chamomile and then let it air dry, because bacteria prefer a humid environment.

If there is still no improvement, it is advisable to contact a doctor. In order to prevent a navel infection, extensive hygiene is particularly important. If there is tension in the belly button area, mild, moisturizing, fragrance-free care creams can be used. Otherwise it is a preventive measure to keep the navel clean and dry at all times.