Homeopathy for asthma


This article is mainly concerned with homeopathic therapy in the seizure-free intervals in bronchial asthma.
In general, it is important for asthma therapy to find out and take note of the possible causes and triggers of an attack.
In the following we would like to introduce you to the most important homeopathic remedies for the treatment of bronchial asthma and inform you about the symptoms and patient groups for which they are best suited.

Also read: Homeopathic medicines for coughs

Asthma attacks resulting from anger

Bryonia / red berry bryony

  • Asthma attacks as a result of anger, hurt, or cold. Patients are generally irritable and in a bad mood. They often suffer from headaches
  • After eating, the food lies like a stone in the stomach and a bitter taste in the mouth occurs.
  • Patients complain of throat irritation when they come from the cold into a warm room
  • Dry, hollow-sounding cough, possibly painful
  • Dry cough with violent stitches when breathing and speaking, manual pressure on the chest relieves this

The symptoms improve with rest and worsen with movement.

Also read our topic: Bryonia

Chamomilla / real chamomile

  • In children and women with great nervous hypersensitivity and "irritable weaknesses".
  • Impatience and irritability
  • Restless children who want to be carried
  • During an attack, patients show a sweaty face
  • Spasmodic and tickling cough
  • Drawing pain, similar to coughing in whooping cough, audible rattle of mucus.

Worsening of symptoms in the evening and night, from warmth and anger.

You can find more information at: Chamomilla

Nux vomica / nugget

  • The patients are irritable, angry and angry up to a certain malice and insidiousness.
  • Stimulant and restless lifestyle
  • Alternation between cravings and bloating
  • Vomiting in the morning.

Coughing fits with shortness of breath are made worse by the feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
The symptoms improve with rest and worsen with anger and anger, after eating, after consuming irritants and in the early morning.

Asthma attacks resulting from excitement / arousal

With the corresponding accompanying symptoms, Bryonia or Nux vomica can also come into question.

Aconitum / blue monkshood

In the case of sudden, very violent reactions to anger, fright and excitement.

Ignatia / Ignatius bean

  • Mostly dark-haired women and children full of self-reproach and plagued by increased excitability.
  • Capricious and whiny patients with irritable weakness and conflicting behavior.
  • Most of the complaints are due to grief and horror.
  • Patients withdraw into their shell and are locked.
  • Dry tickling cough and globus feeling in the throat.
  • The irritation to cough increases and there is difficulty breathing when inhaling.

All complaints worsen after excitement, fright and fear, but also after mental and physical exertion.

Also read: Ignatia

Amber / gray amber

  • Great hypersensitivity to excitement
  • Depression and fear of people
  • hysterical features
  • The patients are often exhausted and tired.
  • You complain of insomnia because of worries
  • Strangers are perceived as a burden, you prefer to be alone and do not want to chat
  • The coughing fits are convulsive with bursts of air
  • Chest congestion and choking sensation.

Any excitement worsens symptoms, and outdoor exercise improves.

Gelsemium / False Jasmine

  • Asthma attacks after excitement and fright
  • Tremors, palpitations, and rapid breathing
  • Visual disturbances
  • The seizure is often caused by one Diaphragmatic cramp triggered.

All ailments are aggravated by warmth, sun, movement, fear, fright, anxiety and excitement.

You might also be interested in this topic: Gelsemium

Asthma attacks associated with colds, runny nose, and sore throats

Aconitum / blue monkshood

  • Cold after exposure to cold east wind
  • Sudden, stormy beginning of the infection
  • Palpitations
  • Cough without phlegm
  • Great restlessness and fear during the attack up to fear of death

The symptoms worsen in the evening and at night and in the warmth.

Aralia racemosa / American nard

  • Infection after a cold draft
  • Feeling of mucus in the larynx
  • Coughing begins shortly after lying down or after a short period of sleep
  • Whistling sound when breathing
  • Infection triggered by damp cold

Also read our topic: Aralia racemosa

Dulcamara / bittersweet

  • Infection triggered by damp cold or wet and cold weather
  • Persistent coughing fits with stubborn mucus
  • Barking cough that gets better with warmth
  • restlessness

Sticta pulmonaria / lung moss

  • Starting with a runny nose, bronchitis usually develops.
  • The runny nose is dry with dry mucous membranes
  • Feeling of sore throat
  • Dry, barking, croupy cough
  • Little expectoration
  • The cough is often triggered by taking a deep breath

The symptoms worsen at night and from cold air.

Also read our topic: Sticta pulmonaria

Asthma attacks caused by warm and humid air

Carbo vegetabilis / charcoal

  • For already weakened people with a tendency to collapse
  • Cold sweat, pale to bluish skin
  • Breathing is quick and panting.
  • Moist and warm air leads to anxiety and can trigger asthma attacks.
  • The patient has a great desire for fresh, cold air
  • Sometimes there is also an aggravating one Elevated diaphragm, triggered by flatulence in the upper abdomen. This makes the shortness of breath worse.

All complaints worsen in moist and warm ambient air, as well as in the evening and at night. Fresh, cool air relieves the symptoms.

Ammonium carbonicum / staghorn salt

  • Slack, dull patients
  • Hypersensitivity to cold
  • Coughing fits get worse in warm rooms
  • Dry cough with a feeling of suffocation that worsens at night and when it is warm
  • Difficulty breathing with the slightest exertion

Cool and fresh air brings relief during the attack.