Pubic mound


Under the term pubic hill (also: Venushügel, Venusberg, Schamberg, Mons pubis) one understands a protrusion in the woman, which extends over the pubic bone (Pubis) or the vulva.

Location of the pubic mound

The pubic mound begins where the large outer labia (Labia majora pudendi) converge (Commissura labiorum anterior) and then merges into the lower abdominal area.

The survey is due to the fact that, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, more subcutaneous fatty tissue is deposited under the skin at this point.
This is why men in principle also have the ability to develop a pubic mound, but due to the lower amount of estrogen in the blood, this is much less pronounced, if at all, than in the female sex.


During puberty, due to the changing hormonal balance, many external changes take place in girls, which are known as secondary sexual characteristics. Due to the hormonal changes, the pubic mound also grows. The development of pubic or intimate hair, which partially or completely covers the pubic mound after puberty, also belongs to the secondary sexual characteristics.
Nowadays, especially in western cultures, there is a very widespread trend among women to remove their genital hair more or less completely, usually by shaving. This has on the one hand aesthetic and on the other hand hygienic reasons.

Read more on the subject at: What happens in puberty?


The expression of the pubic mound differs from woman to woman. How strong the protrusion is depends on various factors such as genetic predisposition, hormone concentrations in the blood and body stature. A "norm" does not actually exist here. However, some women find a clearly visible pubic mound uncomfortable and annoying, whereas there are even some men who see a noticeable bump in the side silhouette at this point as erotic.


There are two types of genital piercings that run through the pubic mound: Christina and Nefertiti piercings.

Can you make the pubic mound smaller?

A pubic mound, or even venus mound, is the name given to a cushion of fatty tissue that is located in front of the pubic bone of a woman. This fatty tissue can enlarge due to hormonal fluctuations. A large number of women find such an enlargement of the pubic mound unaesthetic. A possible solution for reducing the pubic mound is a surgical procedure. Excess fatty tissue is permanently removed so that the pubic mound is visually and structurally reduced. However, a balanced diet, sufficient exercise and a healthy lifestyle should first be focused on before an operation. If necessary, an improvement can already be seen as a result.

Liposuction on the pubic mound

Excess fat in a pubic mound reduction is removed using the usual liposuction method. The region around the pubic mound is first anesthetized locally and then a cannula is inserted into the fat deposits of the pubic mound through a small incision. In the following, as much fat is sucked off as agreed in a previous consultation. Depending on the amount of fat extracted, a slight tightening of the skin in the treated area may then be necessary. The treatment usually lasts one to a maximum of two hours. After the treatment, a special bodice must be worn for 2-3 weeks in order to ensure even wound healing and thus the ideal result.

Read more on the subject at: Liposuction

Cost of a pubic mound correction

The cost of a pubic mound correction can vary widely. Since a pubic mound correction is classified as a purely aesthetic correction, the health insurance company does not cover any part of the treatment costs in the vast majority of cases. The price depends on the amount of fat extracted and the type of anesthetic. The usual anesthesia takes place locally only in the area of ​​the pubic mound. In exceptional cases, however, analog sedation (“twilight sleep”) can also be used. In general, however, it can be said that the majority of the treatments cost between € 2000 and € 3000.

Itching on the pubic mound

Itching in the genital area is a frequently complained symptom. The itching is usually found in the area of ​​the inner and outer labia, but women rarely report itching in the area of ​​the pubic mound.

Typical features of such an itching in the area of ​​the pubic mound are increased itching, especially when wearing tight clothing. The skin is usually flaky and very dry. The most common causes of such complaints on the pubic mound are psoriasis, an allergy to certain underwear or pubic lice. In the event of persistent or recurring symptoms, a dermatological examination should be carried out in order to determine the exact cause and thus initiate suitable treatment.

Inflammation of the pubic mound

Hair growth is very pronounced in the area of ​​the pubic mound. External interventions, such as shaving, waxing or epilation of the genital area, can lead to hair ingrowth in the pubic area as well. The resulting blockage of the sebum glands can eventually lead to an accumulation of pus in the form of pimples or even to an inflammation in the area of ​​the pubic mound.

Read more on the subject at: Skin itches after shaving

Particularly in overweight people, other causes of inflammation in the area of ​​the pubic mound can be the "overwhelmed" macrophages. They break down the fats from burst fat cells. When they can no longer keep up with their work, they send out messenger substances that cause an inflammatory reaction.

Inflammation of the pubic bone, which lies directly behind the pubic mound, can also spread to the pubic mound and cause the inflammation there to spread and cause severe pain. To find out the exact cause of inflammation in the pubic area, a gynecologist or dermatologist should be consulted.