Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

The symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on the degree of the disease. Severe pain only occurs with a higher course.

The main symptoms of hemorrhoids are itching and pain caused by skin irritation.

With degree 1 hemorrhoids, patients often notice symptoms such as intestinal bleeding, which can be seen as bright red stool deposits or on the toilet paper. There is no pain here yet.

Read about this: Blood in the stool from hemorrhoids

2nd degree hemorrhoids rarely cause bleeding, but the patient often experiences symptoms such as Burn, painful sitting or Oozing of hemorrhoids.

in the 3rd degree stage patients suffer from symptoms such as itching, Pain and the increased Excretion of mucus. Bleeding hardly occurs here either.

4th degree hemorrhoids are strong now painful and it comes like this Ulceration, i.e. tissue defects in the anal mucosa that can bleed.

Hemorrhoidal hemorrhage can rarely be very severe. Especially when the Blood pressure in the arteries or blood flow through them is greatly increased liver for example by a Cirrhosis of the liver is disabled. In this case there is a back pressure in the veins of the hemorrhoids and heavy bleeding can occur, which even in extreme cases may require a blood transfusion.