Lose weight by jogging


It has been known for many years that weight loss is most likely to lead to success through an all-encompassing lifestyle change. In addition to permanently changing eating habits, this also requires regular physical activity. One of the most popular endurance sports is jogging. In terms of calorie consumption, jogging is one of the most effective measures for weight loss.

How often should you jog?

When you start jogging, you should first gradually increase your physical activity. Regular but short units should be completed, especially at the beginning.

There is no precise data on how often you should jog to lose any percentage of weight. In general, when it comes to losing weight, a negative calorie balance is the key to the goal. As a result, the more you jog, the more calories you burn and the more likely you are to lose weight.

Nevertheless, the goal should not be to go jogging every day as the body also needs periods of rest. There is no optimal number of training units per week. Regular jogging 3 to 5 days a week is recommended.

How long should you jog?

For beginners in the field of endurance sports, it is crucial to slowly increase the sports dose. The goal can be a training session lasting between 45 and 60 minutes.

However, the decisive factor here is regularity. Jogging for 60 minutes every 3 weeks will not bring any results. 30 minutes of jogging 3-4 days a week, however, is very good. However, more important than exact numbers is to listen to your own body and to follow it. While some runners feel most comfortable with 45 minutes of training, others prefer to run 90 minutes.

Training plan

It is particularly important for beginners not to want too much too quickly. If the running layman undertakes a jogging distance of 10 kilometers in 45 minutes on the first day of training, this leads to unnecessary frustration.

Therefore, there are various tips for beginners on how best to start jogging. Some plans recommend only brisk walking for half an hour three days a week for the first 1-2 weeks. Other training plans skip phase 1 and start straight away with short jogging sessions. A few minutes of jogging should be replaced by a few minutes of brisk running.

At least 3 training units per week should be carried out regularly, whereby the duration of the jogging phases should be increased slowly - but not too quickly. Depending on the training plan, you should be able to jog for 30 minutes at a time after 8-12 weeks. Which variant is the most suitable depends on the individual overall condition and physical requirements.

An example of a training plan could be:

  1. Week:
    30 minutes of brisk walking 3 days a week.
  2. Week:
    Alternating between jogging and brisk walking for 30 minutes 3 days a week. 2 minutes of slow jogging should be replaced by 2 minutes of brisk walking.
  3. Week:
    On 3 days a week, a 30-minute alternation between 4-minute jogging units, replaced by 2-minute walking phases.
  4. Week:
    On 3 days a week 35 minutes with 5 jogging units of 5 minutes each, replaced by 2 minutes of brisk walking.
  5. Week:
    On 3 days a week 30 minutes with 5 jogging units of 5 minutes each, interrupted by only 1 minute of brisk walking.
  6. Week:
    On 3 days a week 36 minutes with 3 jogging units of 10 minutes each, followed by 2 minutes of brisk walking.
  7. Week:
    On 3 days a week 32 minutes with 2 jogging units of 15 minutes each, interrupted by a walking unit of 2 minutes.
  8. Week:
    30 minutes of slow jogging at a stretch, 3 days a week.

How quickly can you see success?

It is currently being discussed that weight loss through exercise alone is far overestimated.This has to do with the fact that every week around 250 minutes of endurance training would be necessary for a small success to be noticeable on the scales. For example, 250 minutes would mean about 4 training units of 60 minutes each per week. This is unthinkable for someone who is just starting out with endurance training. And many people who are regularly active in sport do not get 250 minutes of endurance training per week.

In the Ärzteblatt it is also stated that a daily energy deficit of around 500 kcal is necessary to lose weight. 500 calories less per day, according to the article, could be achieved, for example, by moderate jogging for 7-9 hours per week, provided that the diet is not additionally adjusted in the sense of a reduction in food intake.

These figures make it clear that the sole effect jogging has on weight should not be overestimated. Only the combination of a healthy diet, regular sporting activity and adherence to certain calorie limits lead to success as an overall package. Therefore, no reliable information can be given as to the time within which weight loss can be achieved through jogging alone.

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How much can you lose weight by jogging?

As already mentioned above, the weight loss that can be achieved through jogging alone is unfortunately often overestimated. In the end, the key to success is above all a combination of regular physical activity, a healthy and balanced diet while adhering to the individually defined calorie deficit, sufficient fluid intake and a healthy lifestyle.

How much can be removed in this way varies greatly from person to person. That is not to say that jogging is a useless weight loss measure. It is only important that sport alone - if it is not practiced in excessive form - does not lead to long-term success.

Accompanying measures

The most important accompanying measure for weight loss while jogging is a consistent change in diet. However, jogging should be seen as an accompanying measure of the change in diet than the other way around. The key to losing weight is a negative energy balance. This means that the body has to use more energy than is supplied to it. And not just twice a week but as consistently as possible every day.

Depending on the initial weight and weight loss goal, an energy deficit of around 500 kcal per day is recommended. In addition to the calorie deficit, attention should also be paid to a balanced diet that contains sufficient fiber as well as fruits and vegetables. In addition to jogging and changing your diet, the daily amount you drink also plays a role. At least 2 liters of fluid should be consumed daily. Beverages that contain sugar should be avoided.

You can also find out more at: Lose weight by changing your diet

What diseases can jogging trigger?

ITBS - The runner's knee

The iliotibial ligament syndrome, ITBS for short, is one of the typical jogging diseases. It is often colloquially referred to as the runner's knee.

The iliotibial ligament, called the iliotibial band, consists among other things of the tendons of two muscles. It pulls the knee joint from the lower pelvis to just below. In the event of overload due to excessive training sessions, incorrect load or insufficient stretching exercises, there is constant friction between the iliotibial tract and the lateral condyle of the femoris, a part of the thigh bone just above the knee joint. This causes irritation.

There is sharp pain on the outside of the knee joint. At first the pain only occurs when jogging, later also when walking. They significantly restrict mobility due to pain. Resting, possibly cooling, and pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory therapy are the means of choice. Regular stretching and strengthening exercises are used for prevention.

Read more at: Runner's knees

Achilles tendon inflamed

Achilles tendon pain is also a fairly common symptom among runners. The Achilles tendon is used to insert the calf muscle in the area of ​​the heel bone. If the tendon becomes inflamed due to overload (Achillodynia) there is typically sharp pain in the area where the tendon is attached, i.e. in the area of ​​the heel bone.

At the beginning the pain is usually present as a start-up pain, so it disappears after a few minutes of walking. If the inflammation does not heal, however, the pain can spread and persist even with simple walking. A hardening of the lower calf muscles can also occur. There are many possible causes: incorrect footwear, poorly developed calf muscles, insufficient stretching exercises.

If there is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon, jogging should be paused. Regular cooling and drug pain therapy are used. As a preventive measure, you should pay attention to the right footwear for jogging. In addition, regular strengthening and stretching exercises for the calf muscles should be done.

Learn more at: Achilles tendonitis

Osteoarthritis in the knee joint

The question of whether years of jogging promotes the development of osteoarthritis in the knee is still controversial. So far there is no reliable evidence that jogging at leisure leads to knee osteoarthritis (Gonarthrosis) leads. However, it seems certain that long-distance runners (competitive athletes) have a significantly increased risk of knee osteoarthritis.

So far, there are no sufficient studies to be able to rule out with certainty that regular jogging for years favors degenerative changes in the knee joint. According to current studies, moderate jogging does not seem to be an essential risk factor for the development of knee osteoarthritis.

You can find more information at: Knee osteoarthritis

What are the alternatives to losing weight?

It has already been pointed out several times here that jogging alone is usually not a sufficient means of losing weight. Rather, the combination of regular physical activity and a change in diet is the best solution. Diet usually plays a more crucial role in weight loss than exercise.

Still, sport is an important factor. In addition to jogging, there are many other options for endurance sports. Sports such as cycling, Nordic walking, swimming or regular workouts on a bicycle ergometer, treadmill or cross trainer are also useful alternatives to jogging.

Also read: Lose weight with exercise

Who is jogging to lose weight not for?

Jogging as an endurance sport for losing weight is not necessarily suitable for everyone. When deciding which endurance sport is most likely to be considered, previous illnesses and starting weight play an important role.

People with a very high starting weight may run the risk of putting excessive strain on the musculoskeletal system through jogging. For this reason, walking or other sports such as swimming, cycling or using the cross trainer may be better than jogging units for significantly overweight people.

Jogging is also not the sport of choice for patients with previous illnesses in the musculoskeletal system, for example osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint, meniscus or ligament damage in the knee joint or ligament damage in the ankle. Here, joint-friendly sports such as walking, swimming or cross trainer training are also available. Patients with heart or lung diseases should consult their doctor before starting endurance sport and advise them which types of sport are favorable and which are rather unfavorable.

Is there a yo-yo effect when jogging?

Jogging alone is usually not enough as a means of losing weight. At the same time, the diet must also be changed. If the desired weight has been achieved with a combination of regular endurance sport and a healthy, balanced diet, there is a risk of the dreaded yo-yo effect.

The yo-yo effect usually arises when the person concerned falls back into old behavior. Diet is no longer taken so seriously, there is no desire to jog and the calorie deficit that has been maintained for months quickly shrinks and the calorie balance is suddenly no longer negative but positive again.

On the scales this is shown by a slow increase in body weight. In these moments, it is important to take countermeasures quickly to avoid a real yo-yo effect. Regular endurance training should be maintained and attention should also be paid to diet. Small rewards in between encourage stamina.

That could be interesting for you: Lose weight without the yo-yo effect - how does it work?

Is jogging and alcohol compatible?

Alcohol is relatively high in calories. For example, a glass (100 ml) of red wine has almost 70 kcal, a glass (300 ml) of beer has around 139 kcal, a glass of sparkling wine (100 ml) has around 80 kcal, a glass of vodka (2 cl) has around 45 kcal and a glass (300 ml) caipirinha has about 320 kcal.

Basically nothing speaks against occasional moderate alcohol consumption during the weight loss phase. Of course, alcohol consumption should not take place immediately before or after endurance training if possible. However, it is crucial to note the calorie content of the alcohol consumed, otherwise the calorie deficit necessary for weight loss will quickly shrink and weight loss will stagnate.

Medical evaluation "Lose weight by jogging" by

Overall, jogging is certainly a sensible and effective measure for losing weight, provided it is integrated into an overall concept. This overall concept should consist of jogging and a change in diet, whereby a daily calorie deficit is crucial in order to achieve weight loss success. The calorie deficit can be achieved by restricting calories when eating, but also by consuming calories through jogging.

Jogging alone, which takes 30-60 minutes about 3 times a week, will in most cases contribute little to weight loss if eating habits are unchanged and more calories are ingested than burned.

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