The fingernail


The nail is understood to be the horny plates formed by the epidermis on the phalanges of the feet and fingers. The fingernail protects the end links from external influences and increases the sensation of touch on the fingertips thanks to its abutment.


Several structures are part of the structure of the fingernail:
The Nail plate, embedded in the nail pocket, forms the outermost layer and consists of several layers of dead cells from the epidermis and the protein Keratin, which gives the fingernail its hard properties.

The nail plate rests firmly on the nail bed, which is firmly attached to the underlying periosteum. In contrast to the nail plate, it contains numerous nerves and blood vessels. The folds of skin on the sides of the fingernail, the nail wall, form a splint for the growing fingernail and stabilize it. The lower part of the nail is formed by the nail matrix or the nail root, which is responsible for the constant regeneration of the nail.
The white crescent moon, the lunula, is the visible part of the nail root. The cuticle above protects the root from bacteria and infections. The fingernail grows an average of 0.5-1.2mm / week, but can vary individually.

Nail changes and diseases

Diseases on Fingernail can innate, acquired or cosmetic be conditional. An ingrown fingernail is caused by incorrectly shortening the fingernail, which presses into the lateral folds of the skin and can cause severe pain.
Cross grooves on the fingernail are often caused by damage to the matrix, but they can also have more complex causes. It would be safe to clarify this with a doctor. Longitudinal grooves are often age-related and rather harmless. A Inflammation of the nail bed caused by bacteria or fungus (Nail fungus).
It is accompanied by redness in the affected area, a throbbing pain and sometimes swelling.
Changes in the fingernail can also indicate numerous peripheral ailments of the body.
For example, the structure of the nail, Watch glass nail, be an indication of a reduced oxygen supply in the case of congenital heart defects or chronic lung diseases.

Torn fingernail

Tearing fingernails is a common problem that affects women preferentially.
Fragments of the nail come off even during everyday activities and the nail bed can tear, which is painful and can lead to inflammation.

The most common cause of a cracked fingernail is a nail that has been damaged by chemicals such as dish soap and nail polish remover.
In addition, a vitamin deficiency caused by severe diarrhea or an unbalanced diet can lead to an unstable nail. A deficiency in vitamins A, B7, B12, C as well as folic acid, calcium and iron has a particularly negative effect on nail strength.
But skin diseases such as nail fungus, neurodermatitis and eczema also cause the nail to tear easily.
Cancer patients often suffer from brittle nails long after chemotherapy, as the therapy leads to both a thinned nail and greatly slowed growth, so that the damaged nail regenerates late.
An underactive thyroid also leads to torn fingernails due to a slowed metabolism.

If the nail is already torn, it should be shortened as much as possible and filed smooth to avoid deeper tearing. A repair gel can then be applied. To avoid a torn fingernail, you can use nail protection creams, which restore the natural flexibility of the nail, and hardening nail varnishes.
A vitamin or mineral deficiency should always be excluded.
You can also read our topic: Torn fingernail

Fingernail fungus

Nail fungus on the finger usually arises from Thread fungi.
A common route of infection is an untreated one Athlete's footwhich passes to the fingernail through skin contact. For this reason, the feet should also be examined in the case of a fingernail fungus, as this is where most of the fungal diseases occur in humans due to the warm and humid climate that is popular with fungi. But also a Shaking hands or sharing Towels are important sources of infection.
Every fourth German has had a nail fungus at some point, especially diabetic and obese people are affected.
Also Antibiotics and drugs that relate to that immune system affect, lead to an increased incidence of fingernail fungus.

The nail fungus falls through his white-yellowish Discoloration that spreads over the nail in spots or streaks and leads to a loss of the normal nail gloss.
If there is an additional infestation of bacteria, the nail can also turn green or even black to dye. Also can be deep Longitudinal and transverse grooves as Nail beads arise. With an advanced fingernail fungus, the nail structure dissolves and the nail crumbles.

If a fingernail fungus is suspected, a dermatologist should be consulted. The fingernail fungus can with special antifungal nail polishes or Anoint be treated. To do this, as much of the affected nail as possible should be cut off and the nail surface roughened so that the active ingredient can penetrate well. At the same time, care must be taken to thoroughly clean all objects that have come into contact with the nail fungus to prevent re-infection. The treatment takes about three months.
If the local treatment is insufficient, it may be necessary to take anti-fungal medication.

Fingernail chewing

Regular fingernail biting is a visible sign of one mentally stressful situation and occurs more frequently in children and adolescents.
If it goes so far that the fingernails are chewed down into the nail bed, it is a type of Self harm and needs to be examined more closely by a psychologist as it is a sign of unprocessed, mostly early childhood trauma.

(Further information can be found under "chewed fingernails'.)