

The spine consists of a total of 24 vertebral bodies, to which the sacrum and coccyx are connected. The spine is divided into 7 cervical vertebrae (lordosis), 12 thoracic vertebrae (kyphosis) and 5 lumbar vertebrae (lordosis). The individual vertebral bodies are separated from each other by cartilaginous intermediate discs (Band washers) separated. This is to prevent the bony vertebral bodies from rubbing against each other during movements and thus causing severe pain.

This is the main task of the spine Wearing the body skeleton. over Ribs, shoulder blade and pool the upper and lower extremities are indirectly connected to the spine. In humans, as upright mammals, the spine plays a very prominent role in the statics of upright gait. To be able to move the spine are strong Muscles, the so-called autochthonous back muscles stretched along the sides of the vertebral bodies. Next static tasks does the spine still do the job that im Spinal canal running vital nerve cells (Spinal cord) to protect.
In addition to the static component, the spine is able to absorb vibrations through the interaction of muscles, vertebrae and intervertebral discs, which pass through the body with every step. A adult human weighing 70 kg must be able to absorb a very powerful force with every step. In order not to break any bones on it, the force acting on it is controlled by a sophisticated system Pelvic bones and the spine is diverted and cushioned.

Illustration of a kyphosis and hyperkyphosis

Figure kyphosis and hyperkyphosis

Kyphosis and hyperkyphosis
(Curvatures of the

  1. Cervical spine (cervical spine)
    Neck lordosis
    (Cervical lordosis)
  2. Thoracic spine (BWS)
    Breast kyphosis
    (Thoracic hyphosis)
  3. Lumbar spine (lumbar spine)
    Lumbar lordosis
  4. Sacral spine
    or. Sacrum
    Sacral kyphosis
    (Sacral cyphosis)
    A - normal kyphosis (green)
    B - hyperkyphosis (red)
    also rounded back

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

Typical shapes of the spine

In order to be able to fulfill all of the above tasks, there is a very special physical form (lordosis in the area of ​​the neck and lumbar spine and Kyphosis in the area of ​​the thoracic spine), which of birth is applied and then changes more or less in the course of life. The Spine owns two of one turning away turns and two on one turning (when the viewer looks at someone else's back). Seen from the side, this roughly corresponds to the shape of a 2. The spinal column sections that are moving away from the observer are called Lordosis, the sections facing it as Kyphosis designated. The Overall shape of the spine corresponds to a Lordosis in the neck area (Neck lordosis), one Chest kyphosis (Breast kyphosis) and again one Lordosis in the vital vertebra area (Lumbar lordosis). At the end there is another small kyphosis, the so-called Sacral cyphosis on. The kyphosis corresponds to one Concave rotation, while lordosis is also called Convex rotation can denote.

Appointment with a back specialist?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

The spine is difficult to treat. On the one hand it is exposed to high mechanical loads, on the other hand it has great mobility.

The treatment of the spine (e.g. herniated disc, facet syndrome, foramen stenosis, etc.) therefore requires a lot of experience.
I focus on a wide variety of diseases of the spine.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert


The unphysiological kyphosis / hyperkyphosis is one of the most common misalignments Spine. Colloquially, kyphosis is also called humpback designated. The kyphosis occurs mainly in the area of ​​the Thoracic spine and, if not corrected, leads to a rapid increase in spinal flexion.

root cause

Strength Kyphosis mostly occur in people who sit frequently and for a long time. In the age of increasing sedentary work, it is understandable that Spinal kyphosis to the most common misalignments of the spine belong.


Kyphosis should first through regular physiotherapy exercises be treated. That includes that Training the autochthonous back muscles as well as the Chest muscles and stretching the same. Because only with strong muscles can a constant Straightening of the spine respectively. Regular stretching can also prevent the postural damage caused by excessive kyphosis from worsening. Very extreme cases of kyphosis must operational be judged. Must be under general anesthetic the vertebrae are lifted from each other and brought back into the correct angle to each other. Usually the corresponding vertebrae are then blocked and can no longer be moved afterwards. Requirement for this operation but is that the patients are fully grown. TeenagersThose who are in the full growth phase would not benefit from this operation, as the spine would usually bend again at a neighboring point some time later. In adolescents with severe kyphosis it can be tried through Corsets to help. But it is important that this corset is over ¾ worn of the day must be in order to achieve a corresponding effect. The participation of young people in particular is understandably rather limited in this case.
In extreme cases of kyphosis, the spinal angulation also increases Narrowing of the spinal canal (Spinal stenosis) with neurological deficits. A common secondary disease of spinal kyphosis is also secondary disc prolapse, which comes about because the vertebral bodies that are increasingly inclined on one another on one side are the Intervertebral disc can no longer hold, which leads to the slipping of the intervertebral discs. This can be too neurological failures to lead. In the case of neurological symptoms, an operation should be considered sooner and more quickly.