Middle back pain


Middle back pain is commonly referred to as pain all painthat are in the area of ​​the flanks, so on the lower ribs on the back are located. This middle back pain is a burden on more and more patients and can have different origins.

Usually the cause is found quickly and lack of exercise and comparatively long periods of sitting at the desk are to blame for the back pain. Or it is based on a simple strain that can result, for example, from incorrect posture during exercise. Persistent middle back pain can also be due to a Misalignment or Degeneration of the Spine arise. But also organic causes can be the cause of middle back pain.


Middle back pain is initially a very general symptom and can therefore have many causes. Most often there is a deformation of the spine or weak back muscles.

Scoliosis is one of the typical deformations of the spine. This is a more or less S-shaped curved spine. Scoliosis can be present from childhood, in the worst case only an operation will help, in lighter cases, however, physiotherapy. However, scoliosis can also be acquired, for example through improper stress on the spine. If a woman always carries her heavy handbag on the same shoulder, the muscles and spine try to counteract the one-sided strain. This can lead to scoliosis.

Read more about this under Scoliosis

Incorrect strain affects the back in many ways and can easily lead to middle back pain. Especially when doing sport, you often unconsciously strain your back muscles, as these are postural muscles that are constantly active. If you overdo it with sport or try new exercises, it can lead to strains in the back muscles, which can lead to pain in the middle back. Another cause can be the tension in a certain muscle, des Serratus posterior inferior muscle. This is a secondary immigrated muscle that supports breathing, especially exhalation (Expiration). If this muscle becomes tense, it not only makes breathing difficult, but also pain in the middle back. Not to be forgotten as the cause of back pain

Please also read our page Pain in the back when breathing.

The spine is very narrow and has to hold the entire body upright. Persistent excess weight puts a strain on the spine and, at the same time, can cause slight herniated discs in the thoracic spine, which in turn lead to nerve pain in the back. Since the individual vertebrae of the spine are not firmly connected to each other, but only via the gelatinous intervertebral disc (Intervertebral disc) are held together, a misalignment of a single vertebra is also possible. If, for example, a jerky movement causes the vertebra to be misaligned, this vertebra can pinch its associated nerve, the spinal nerve. If a thoracic vertebra is to blame, this then leads to pain in the middle back.

Appointment with a back specialist?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

The spine is difficult to treat. On the one hand it is exposed to high mechanical loads, on the other hand it has great mobility.

The treatment of the spine (e.g. herniated disc, facet syndrome, foramen stenosis, etc.) therefore requires a lot of experience.
I focus on a wide variety of diseases of the spine.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

In older patients there is often one Spinal wear (arthrosis) to blame for the middle back pain. The vertebrae wears out more and more with age and it can therefore close Entrapment of the nerve come. This is especially painful in the early stages. It is noticeable that pain occurs especially when standing up. However, it can also organic causes cause middle back pain. A Pancreatitis is a Inflammation of the pancreas. This usually becomes noticeable very late, but then with acute severe pain in the abdominal area and also in the middle back.

Other organs, such as the kidney, can manifest as middle back pain. For example, can Kidney stones or one Pelvic inflammation go hand in hand with back problems, but usually in such cases there are also pain when urinating or pain in the abdomen. Even with one lung infection (pneumonia) there may be pain in the middle back, but you also have to have the Concomitant symptoms such as cough and fever. However, the middle back pain may also be caused by a tumor be evoked. A distinction is made with tumors benign (benign) and malicious (malignant) Tumors. If it is a benign tumor, i.e. a tumor that does not spread to surrounding tissue, it can be used remove through surgery. If it is a malignant tumor, the tumor in the back is usually one Daughter tumor and not the primary hearth. Accordingly, pain in the middle back can, in rare cases, also indicate breast or lung cancer.

Illustration middle back pain

Figure Middle Back Back Pain: Back View and Causes (A-D)

Back pain
middle back

  1. Thoracic vertebrae -
    Vertebra thoracica
  2. Left lung -
    Pulmo sinister
  3. Left kidney -
    Ren sinister
  4. Spinal nerve -
    Spinal nerve
  5. Rib body -
    Corpus costae
  6. Right lung -
  7. Pancreas -
  8. Right kidney - Ren dexter
  9. Lower posterior saw muscle -
    Serratus posterior inferior muscle
  10. Lumbar vertebrae -
    Vertebra lumbalis
    A - pneumonia
    B - inflammation of the pancreas
    C - spinal wear
    D - kidney stones or
    Pelvic inflammation

You can find an overview of all images from Dr-Gumpert under: medical images


If you have middle back pain, the first step is usually a anamnese, So a Doctor-patient conversation, done to determine if the patient may have simply overtaken himself or whether the pain is of other origin. Through the Palpation, so that Scan, the doctor can determine whether there is a spasm of the muscle or a misalignment of the spine. Other diagnostic methods are, for example, an X-ray or, if an organic cause is suspected, one Blood collection.


It is important to notice all other symptoms in addition to the pain in the middle back. If you only have pain in your middle back, this most likely indicates one Muscle spasms or on one Spinal deformation or one Spinal wear down. However, if there are accompanying symptoms such as fever, one can inflammation go out. If you have also felt a lump in the breast, it could be that the pain in the middle back is caused by a daughter tumor, the main focus of which is a breast tumor. Since middle back pain is very general and can mean a lot, that's why it is important the accompanying symptoms to be observed and to inform the doctor.

Right side pain in the middle back

Back pain is a complicated topic about which many questions remain unanswered to this day. This often makes it difficult to treat the pain. Most of the complaints are plain and simple nonetheless everyday one-sided bad posture of the back. This applies to the right middle back as well as to other parts of the back.
Especially Obesity and the insufficient training of the back muscles can often be identified as the cause of back pain. In addition, degenerative ones also play in older age, that is age-related changes in the spine a major role. Likewise, diseases like Herniated discs, spinal stenoses or Gliding vortex should be considered in exploring the pain.

In principle, all of these diseases can occur at any level of the spine, so that they can also be responsible for complaints in the right middle back. On the other hand, however, you can too internal diseases, as the Pneumonia (pleurisy) or psychosomatic difficulties be responsible for related complaints.

Left side pain in the middle back

The causes of back pain are many. This is true even if its location can be clearly identified - for example, on the left side of the middle back. Here, too, the majority of the cases are unilateral Incorrect strain on the spine poor posture in everyday life, obesity and poor training of the back muscles are the most common causes of pain.
That being said, too degenerative diseases such as slipped discs or spinal stenoses are conceivable as a cause of left-sided back pain. In addition, it should not be forgotten that internal diseases can also cause back pain. In the case of the left middle back, for example, is one pleurisy (pleurisy) conceivable which breath dependent can lead to pain.

Especially on the left at the level of the upper abdomen, pain can also radiate into the back, which on a Inflammation of the pancreas (Pancreatitis) or one Duodenal ulcer are based. Overall, however, internal diseases are rarely to blame for back pain.
In contrast, a not insignificant part of the back pain is up psychosomatic backgrounds traced back. So it can be used for up to 40% of all back pain find no organic cause, so that at least a certain percentage of this proportion is of psychosomatic origin.

Bilateral pain in the middle back

As with unilateral, right or left localized pain in the middle back, the rule for bilateral complaints is that they are mainly due to everyday causes. Above all, this includes overweight, poor posture in everyday life and weak back muscles. The associated back pain is often called "unspecific“Because it is hardly possible to find out the exact cause.
In addition, to a much lesser extent, orthopedic diseases are also to be mentioned as triggers for back pain. These include, above all, herniated discs, but also vertebral fractures, spinal stenoses and slipped vertebrae. Blockages of the vertebral joints or pinching of nerves can also lead to pain on both sides in the middle back.

However, internal diseases can also lead to back problems. In the case of pain on both sides of the thoracic spine, this primarily includes pulmonary inflammation (Pleuritis) and in rare cases inflammation of the pancreas (PancreatitisThe physical effects of psychological stress are also often underestimated. It is assumed that a considerable proportion of back pain can also be traced back to psychosomatic backgrounds.

Side pain in the middle back

The cause of side pain in the middle back is mostly im musculoskeletal area to search. Ultimately, this means that they are due to diseases of the spine or back muscles.
Normally, all parts of the back are in one balancewhich enables perfect functioning. Mechanisms such as poor posture in everyday life, untrained back muscles or being overweight can cause this interaction to become unbalanced, so that so-called "unspecific“Back pain is the result.

That being said, (significantly less often) also orthopedic diseases such as a herniated disc, slipping vertebrae or spinal stenosis cause pain on the side of the middle back. In addition, some can in principle internal diseases, such as psychosomatic backgrounds Cause back pain.

Mid-back pain at night

In many cases, the cause of night back pain is simply one unsuitable mattressBoth mattresses that are too hard and too soft can cause pain. The lack of support for the individual spine shape can lead to too Tension in the muscles to lead.
In addition, however, can also degenerative changes the spine become noticeable overnight. Among other things, this is for the Osteoarthritis of the small vertebral joints characteristic. The so-called Ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), a rheumatic disease, in its early phase mainly noticeable through back pain, which is particularly severe at night.

A orthopedic assessment of back pain at night makes perfect sense for these reasons.Especially if the symptoms have existed for a long time, you should not hesitate to make an appointment with your orthopedic surgeon.

Medium back pain with difficulty breathing

A pleurisy (pleurisy) is characterized by strong breath-related pain in the area of ​​the chest and back. In addition, the affected patient suffers from a strong one Feeling sick and fever. A symptom complex of breathing difficulties and pain in the middle back can therefore be attributed to pleurisy.
On the other hand, however, simple ones can also be used Blockages of the vertebral or rib joints lead to breath-dependent pain in the middle back. These can typically be provoked and reinforced by pressing on the corresponding joint. However, such joint blockages set in and of themselves harmless clinical picture and can often be resolved by an experienced orthopedic surgeon.

Therapy - what can you do?

Therapy for middle back pain is of course based on the cause. If it is a question of muscle tension, you can go through professional massages or Back exercises the Loosen up the muscles again. A Scoliosis often does not require any therapy as long as it does not permanently lead to pain.
If the scoliosis is very strong, however, you can first try to strengthen the back muscles and thus the Counteract scoliosis. With children one often waits and hopes that the scoliosis will grow together by giving the children a suitable one corset can carry that straighten the spine. However, if there are significant restrictions and pain, a surgery to be helped. Here will be Titanium rods attached to the vertebral bodies to force the spine to straighten up.
At a Herniated disc of the thoracic spine disappear Pain usually after a while on its own as the spine adapts to the new situation. Of course, there is a lot that can be done to ensure that this condition sets in more quickly.
Please also read:

  • Herniated disc - what to do?
  • Herniated disc of the thoracic spine

If the pain remains, you can start with Painkillers and physical therapy try to treat middle back pain.
However, if in doubt, surgery should also be considered. If the pain in the middle back has an organic cause, this must be treated primarily in order to avoid back pain.
Herniated disc - what to do?

Exercises for middle back pain

To effectively train the muscles of the middle back are above all patience and regularity important. Ideally, you should devote at least a quarter of an hour to training your back every day. This is the only way to achieve permanent improvement in the symptoms. There are enough suitable exercises for this.
The so-called "Trunk lifter". Here you lie on your stomach, stretch your arms and lift your upper body in a slow movement while your legs and buttocks are tense. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds and then put the upper body down. Also suitable for strengthening the middle back is the "bridge", In which you lie on your back with your legs upright and lift your pelvis until your trunk and legs form a straight line.
In addition to such exercises, however, you should too regular relaxation exercises perform, which relieve the back. That being said, you should also rely on one in everyday life healthy posture and sufficient exercise respect, think highly of. The best strengthening exercises are ultimately not enough if the back is stressed incorrectly in everyday life.


A prophylaxis for middle back pain is one good muscle building. Well-trained back and abdominal muscles can greatly relieve the spine. It is very important not to forget the abdominal muscles because these are the ones Antipole to the back muscles represents and helps people to stand upright. This allows a Well-trained abdominal muscles indirectly relieve the spine and thus prevents pain in the middle back. To avoid herniated discs, it helps to keep the back not to overload through heavy lifting at work or during training.


Middle back pain often go away on their own again (for example after a herniated disc). By good training and good physical therapy can be helped very well to most people. Only in serious cases is one surgery (be it with scoliosis or a herniated disc) really necessary. However, the cause of middle back pain is one organic cause, it often looks different. Kidney stones are easy to treat, but if the cause of the pain is in the pancreas, which has become inflamed, the prognosis is poor, as such an inflammation is usually recognized too late and then has a short life expectancy (around 6 months).

Middle back pain during pregnancy

Back pain is not uncommon during pregnancy. In fact, up to three quarters of all pregnant women suffer from complaints in the back or pelvis. It is easy to understand where this pain comes from: As the child's weight increases, the ligaments, muscles and joints of the torso are exposed to increasing stress. This can lead to painful tension and blockages. The middle and lower back are particularly badly affected.
Above all, women who suffered from back pain before pregnancy report particularly often back pain during pregnancy. It is also typical that the symptoms worsen in the evening, as the muscles tire more and more during the day.

In order to master this pain, it is especially important to maintain a healthy posture. The developing child exerts a strong pull on the lumbar spine with its weight, so that many pregnant women fall into a lordosis position, in which the S-shape of the spine becomes stronger. This should be countered as far as possible by consciously raising the pelvis.
In addition, relaxation exercises and gentle training of the back muscles are of great importance. Warmth in the form of cherry stone pillows or hot water bottles can also be helpful in many cases.

Read more about this on our website Back pain in pregnancy.