How can I relieve kidney pain?


The two kidneys are located on the right and left of the spine under the diaphragm in the so-called kidney bed or in the flank area. Through this position close to the back express themselves Kidney pain often as dull back pain or as crampy back pain with a radiation towards the urinary bladder. Furthermore, it can happen that the pain in the area of ​​the lowest ribs or on the side down to the Lumbar region appear pulling.

Please also read: Differentiation from kidney pain to back pain

Because behind kidney pain serious illnesses to hide, it is better to be able to hide such complaints introduce to a doctor, especially if symptoms other than kidney pain are present.

Notes for a Damage to kidney function are for example Blood in the urine, a foamy urine, Painful urination or a changed urge behavior. Other indications of serious kidney disease are fever, chills, nausea and Vomit or a poor general condition.

Kidney pain can best be treated by the Cause determined to then a appropriate therapy initiate. However, there are various measures that you can take yourself to at least temporarily relieve the pain.

What to do with kidney pain

When suddenly occurring very severe pain or in general with persistent unbearable pain, one should do not hesitate one doctor to consult, otherwise severe consequences can threaten. In general, you should always seek medical help in case of doubt, as the kidneys perform vital tasks. In case of damage should therefore as soon as possible a therapy be started.

However, there are above all for minor complaints Measures that can relieve pain well and that are easy to apply in everyday life. For example, it helps to locate the region where the pain is present to warm. Furthermore, you should generally pay attention to it much to drink. On the one hand, this can be used for a Inflammation of the urinary bladder and urinary tract, which may have already passed through the kidneys, contribute to the causal Pathogen better eliminated can be. On the other hand you can use it too Kidney stones solved better and be washed out.

In general, one should address kidney pain save physically and avoid heavy physical strain.

Home remedies

There are various home remedies that you can use yourself to alleviate kidney pain and make it more bearable. There warmth on the one hand the Pain sensation decreased and at the same time the Increases blood flow, you can make do with a heating pad or a hot water bottle that you can place on the painful region. Generally should drunk copiously become. You can go on different types of tea To fall back on. There are special ones in many supermarkets and pharmacies Kidney and bladder teasthat contain various herbs such as juniper berry, nettle, goldenrod, dandelion or birch leaves and diuretic, anti-inflammatory or. antispasmodic can work.

It has also been proven effective for kidney pain Cabbage wrap to use. The leaves of the cabbage are boiled up a little, then wrapped in a cloth and placed on the painful area. Also linseed are good as a wrap, here the flax seeds are boiled and then processed into a thick paste.


If you have kidney pain Cause unclear should be with over-the-counter pain relievers especially careful bypass. The so-called NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-rheumatic pain relievers), which include, among others Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and aspirin® (Acetylsalicylic acid) should include better not taken become. Already existing damage in the kidney can from taking painkillers aggravated as this further restricts the remaining kidney function.

Medication that one lower risk of kidney damage are for example the pain relievers Paracetamol or Novalgin®(Metamizol), the latter being due to its antispasmodic effect can work well with renal colic.

The Ingestion of the mentioned over-the-counter pain relievers should without medical advice however only temporarily respectively. The causes of severe kidney pain should be clarified by a doctor as soon as possible.

Furthermore should Medicationmainly about the Kidneys excreted be reduced, or until improvement discontinued become.There is a risk that these substances could accumulate in the body and act as toxins.

If the cause of kidney pain is in a bacterial inflammation If the kidney or urinary bladder is present, the doctor will contact you antibiotic prescribe, which should be taken completely even after the symptoms have subsided.

Finally, there are various medications that come with that Kidney stones to be able to help. These can help to dissolve the stones or to prevent stone formation, but you should also get yourself from one here Doctor advise to let.


Depending on the type of pain and the accompanying symptoms, kidney pain various homeopathic remedies used. The effect is mostly on the Normalization of the acid-base balance returned.

For example, the Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) at convulsive discomfort and one Urge to urinate recommended.

To cold and prolonged freezing can be easier Inflammation of the urinary bladder and kidney develop. Thus, one uses as a homeopathic remedy for complaints that are attributed to hypothermia or wetness Dulcamara bittersweet. This can work, for example, against cystitis if you experience symptoms such as painful urination and increased urination.

Arnica montana (Bergwohlverleih) is especially after Accidents and wound injuries used because it accelerates wound healing and relieves pain. So it can with Kidney painthat by a trauma caused by, ingested or in the case of kidney stones.

Another proven means is Colocynth (Colocinth) represents which when urinating occurring cramping pain to help alleviate the entire abdomen.

There are many other homeopathic remedies that can be used for kidney pain in conjunction with another therapy. These should be selected individually according to the symptoms.

Schüssler salts

Both Schüssler salts it is about Alternative medicine preparations. There are Mineral salts in homeopathic dose. It helps with kidney pain Number 7, the Magnesium phosphoricum, as anticonvulsant used.

Furthermore you explain the effect and the influence of the Schüssler salts on the kidneys by the Regulation in the acid-base balance. An excess of acid in the body can lead to an increased tendency to develop Kidney and urinary stones come. Hence in this case Number 9, Sodium phosphoricum, be used supportively.


Heat therapy can provide support to alleviate the symptoms. For flank pain, treatment with hot water bottles or grain pillows can be perceived as pleasant and soothing. Drinking hot beverages such as tea is also helpful. Drafts and cold should be avoided.