Category : Ent

Circulatory disorder of the ear

Circulatory disorder of the ear

Circulatory disorders in the ear can have a major impact. These circulatory disorders are often due to arteriosclerosis and can lead to a complete loss of hearing (sudden hearing loss), but also to tinnitus aurium, the perception of

Timpani effusion

Timpani effusion

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of ear effusion explained to laymen.

Herpes zoster oticus

Herpes zoster oticus

the medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of zoster oticus that is understandable for laymen.



the medical information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of cholesteatoma clearly explained.

Ringing in the ears

Ringing in the ears

the ENT medical information portal. A lot of information on the subject of noises in the ears is clearly described.

Hearing loss

Hearing loss

the medical information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of hearing loss explained in an understandable way.

Torn eardrum

Torn eardrum

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of "torn eardrums" explained to laymen.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease

- your medical information portal. A lot of helpful information about Menière's disease explained in an understandable way.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

Symptoms of tonsillitis

A lot of helpful information about symptoms of tonsillitis explained in an understandable way.

When should I see a doctor with a sore throat?

When should I see a doctor with a sore throat?

If left untreated, sore throats with certain accompanying symptoms can lead to secondary diseases, such as almond abscesses, rheumatic fever and kidney infections.

Pus in the throat

Pus in the throat

Pus in the throat is often caused by a bacterial infection in the throat. Viruses are less common. In any case, the exact cause should be clarified by a doctor. Antibiotics are often used against a bacterial infection.

Sore throat with earache

Sore throat with earache

In addition to a sore throat, there is often also an earache. This is due to the fact that the pathogens causing the sore throat rise through the connecting tube between the throat and the ear and there also an inflammation that spreads

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis

the anatomical information portal with a lot of information on the topic of chronic tonsillitis.

Duration of a sore throat - what is normal?

Duration of a sore throat - what is normal?

Sore throats are stressful and uncomfortable, but usually easy to treat and, with the right therapy, usually go away quickly. In this you will find out how long a sore throat can last and how to behave correctly

Gargling for a sore throat

Gargling for a sore throat

Gargling for a sore throat is a proven way to relieve discomfort. Numerous home remedies such as salt solutions, coconut oil, mouthwash and tea tree oil are suitable for this. Care must be taken not to swallow the gargle solutions.

Sore throat when swallowing

Sore throat when swallowing

Sore throats when swallowing often occur in the context of colds or flu-like infections. The symptoms arise from the inflammation of the lining of the throat and throat. Usually the sore throat heals within a few days. Fresher

Cold in summer

Cold in summer

The causative pathogens of the common cold in summer are viruses. In summer, however, the virus strains involved are different from those in winter. These viruses are all transmitted via the droplet infection.

Exercise for a sore throat

Exercise for a sore throat

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of exercise for a sore throat explained to laymen.

Duration of tonsillitis

Duration of tonsillitis

- your medical information portal. Here you will find a lot of information on the subject of "Duration of tonsillitis" clearly explained.

Treatment of tonsillitis

Treatment of tonsillitis

the anatomical information portal with lots of information about tonsillitis treatment.