Kalium carbonicum

application areas

Kalium carbonicum is a member of the group of potassium salts, which includes, for example, Kalium bromatum, Kalium iodatum and many more. Kalium carbonicum can be used for very different problems. Particular mention should be made of: heart problems (such as palpitations, arrhythmias), rheumatic complaints, neck and back pain and excessive and foul-smelling sweat production. Another large area of ​​application is in gynecology. Here, for example, it can help with cramps in the uterus (including menstrual pain).


People who demand Kalium carbonicum appear weakened and aged primarily from exertion. However, the effort is fruitless, and it leads to frustration and anger. Physical symptoms, for example, are constipation, dryness, coughing and water retention - generally symptoms that represent frustrating exertion. The affected people sweat quickly and with little exertion and freeze easily. The symptoms are made worse by the cold (e.g. in winter).Affected people usually seek relief through warmth and exercise.

Read more on this topic: Homeopathy for constipation

Those affected usually feel an improvement in their symptoms during the day and when they are outdoors. The mood of the Kalium carbonicum people is frustrated and annoyed and therefore easily irritable. They are often easily frightened, sensitive to touch, especially pain, and have many fears.

Kalium carbonicum has another major influence on the genital area. In the affected persons, the libido is rather weak, which is additionally intensified by burning in the genital area or other complaints after sexual intercourse.


Kalium carbonicum has a very broad spectrum of activity and can help with a variety of diseases. First of all, this includes problems of the heart such as angina pectoris (a feeling of tightness in the chest caused by constricted coronary arteries) and palpable palpitations. A related temporary shortness of breath can also be treated with Kalium carbonicum. Furthermore, the gift can help relieve rheumatic complaints, back and neck pain. Concerning the lungs, Kalium carbonicum helps with asthmatic complaints, coughs and colds.

A feeling of coldness and numbness in one or more limbs as well as excessive sweat production are not directly part of the illness, but are nonetheless unpleasant and sometimes restrictive and can also be improved by potassium carbonicum. Since it also has a great influence on the central nervous system and the psyche, it is also used successfully for depressive moods.

Read more on this topic: Homeopathy for Depression

Kalium carbonicum can also be used for cramping menstrual cramps.

Active organs

Kalium carbonicum acts on the whole body, but especially on the organs that are supposed to transport certain substances out. This specifically means the lungs, the upper respiratory tract and the intestines, but also the uterus and genital organs of women during menstruation. Generalized effects, i.e. effects related to the whole body, are particularly the alleviation of rapid, excessive sweating and feelings of cold or inexplicable freezing of individual or several limbs.

Overall, as is typical for most homeopathic medicinal products, Kalium carbonicum does not have a main place of action in the body, but can cause changes in many organ systems.

Usual dosage

The dosage depends on the extent of the person's appearance. If the quickest possible effect is required, it is advisable to give 5 globules in 6X every hour until the desired improvement has occurred. If this state is to be maintained afterwards, you normally switch to a once-weekly dose of 5 globules 30X. This dosage can also be chosen if a long-term change is to be achieved over a longer period of time.

However, these dosages are suggested guidelines; appropriately trained specialists should always be consulted for an exact dosage.

to cough

Kalium carbonicum is also used for coughing. The medicine can help especially with an unproductive, dry cough without sputum. If mucus is produced, it is usually coughed up or cleared of the throat in Kalium carbonicum persons in the morning after waking up or getting up. The ejected mucus is then typically thick, lumpy, and yellowish to greenish. Occasionally, blood admixtures can be noticed, which then mostly result from the constant irritation of the airways from the strenuous cough. A dose of potassium carbonicum can also help with irritated mucous membranes, for example as a result of an unproductive cough.

Read more on this topic: Homeopathy for coughs and homeopathy for asthma

Kalium carbonicum is sometimes recommended for the relief of asthmatic symptoms. Homeopathic treatment can be particularly suitable for seasonal, allergic asthma. If, however, it is a chronic disease that persists throughout the year, homeopathy should in no way replace conventional medical treatment, but rather supplement it.


A miscarriage is an immense burden for the mother and for all relatives. If you have already suffered a miscarriage, taking Kalium carbonicum may help you to cope with this stressful event psychologically. On the one hand, this results from the psychological influence of the drug. Kalium carbonicum can help with (unfounded) anxiety states, especially fear of the future, fear of abandonment and deep-seated dissatisfaction. In addition, a miscarriage in the broadest sense represents a frustrating burden for the patient and thus falls within the scope of Kalium carbonicum.

Read also: Homeopathy for impending miscarriage

Desire for children

If the desire to have children is unfulfilled, it must first be investigated what the cause is. Under certain circumstances, regular administration of Kalium carbonicum can remedy this cause, since the drug includes the genital organs as the site of action. Kalium carbonicum can especially help women who have already had one or even several miscarriages. Here too, however, the following applies: In order to find the right remedy, the specialist knowledge of a trained homeopath or alternative practitioner is required, since, as I said, analyzing the causes of the unfulfilled desire to have children is a prerequisite for successful homeopathic treatment.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Kalium carbonicum can be taken during pregnancy to relieve lower back pain and constipation. Taking it can also help with nausea during pregnancy. Taken regularly, it can also make the cervix less firm and thus facilitate the birth or make it a little less painful. Particular emphasis is also placed on the use in the case of a birth arrest, i.e. contractions that do not further promote the child through the birth canal. Caution is advised at this point, as unproductive contractions cannot be tolerated for long in order to prevent a lack of oxygen on the part of the child.

Read more about these topics: Homeopathy Pregnancy and Homeopathy and Childbirth

Use in children

Kalium carbonicum can also be used in paediatrics, even from infancy. It is particularly suitable for anxious children who have poor sleep through the night (especially when they wake up between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.) and have trouble falling asleep.

Its use has also proven itself in the case of digestive problems, especially gas and pain after eating. However, caution is advised here: If these symptoms occur over several days or even weeks and cannot be alleviated, this can be a sign of an intolerance to lactose or gluten. In order to avoid permanent damage to the child, a doctor should be consulted in this case!