

Zocor® is a prescription drug that is mainly used to lower blood cholesterol levels. It contains the drug simvastatin. Simvastatin, in turn, belongs to the statins.


Zocor® is mainly given in the case of high levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
It is also given for acute coronary syndrome, unstable angina, or heart attack, which are often caused by high cholesterol.

Read more on the subject below Hypercholesterolemia

Simvastatin is also used at a homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia prescribed. This is a hereditary disease that leads to a Disturbance of lipid metabolism comes and thus leads to an increase in the LDL levels in the blood.


At increased Cholesterol levels an attempt will be made for the time being through a healthy lifestyle (low-fat diet, exercise, and weight loss).

If these measures do not lead to the desired lowering of cholesterol levels, will Simvastatin - the in Zocor® contained active ingredient - given.
This causes the Lowering the LDL in the blood and one Increase in HDL, the so-called "Good" cholesterol in blood.

LDL is called "Bad" cholesterol because it brings cholesterol to cells. Too much LDL transports a lot of cholesterol from the liver (this is where cholesterol is formed) to the cells of the body. This allows a Calcification of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) - in the arteries can develop Plaques form.
These plaques can constrict blood vessels, leading to secondary diseases such as Circulatory disorderse.g. in the legs or the brain or even one Heart attack can lead.

Zocor® counteracts this as it is the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase inhibits.This enzyme is important in the body's production of cholesterol. If it is inhibited, less cholesterol is produced in the liver, which can then be transported into the blood via LDL.
As a result, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.


As it is with Zocor® is a prescription drug, the dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Typically 10-40 mg is taken once a day. The Maximum daily dose should not exceed 80 mg and is usually only prescribed for very high cholesterol levels.
In addition to taking Zocor® should be on a low cholesterol diet and exercise be respected.

Side effects

Side effects will occur while taking Zocor® rarely recorded.
It can too increased liver values (Transaminases) come.
More side effects can occur Gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (Diarrhea) or constipation (Constipation) be.
It can also Difficulty sleeping, depression, nonspecific headache, rash, or dizziness occur.

It is important to know that Statins and thus also Simvastatin Nerve damage can evoke. This allows Numbness and muscle twitching occur.
It is important to inform the doctor in charge of this so that Zocor® can be discontinued and a new treatment plan can be worked out.

Especially at Diabetics Care should be taken not to take a drug that contains statins, as numbness is often wrongly attributed to diabetes, with Zocor® being the real cause.

Contraindications and interactions

Of course, Zocor® should not be taken if there is an allergy or hypersensitivity to the active ingredient simvastatin or any of the other components of the drug.
In addition, Zocor® should not be taken if there is an existing liver disease. This can be reinforced by Zocor®.

The drug should also not be administered during pregnancy.
In addition, Zocor® or simvastatin and macrolides (antibiotics) should not be taken together. Macrolides inhibit the breakdown of Zocor® and thus increase the concentration in the blood.
It can do this too Myopathies (Muscle disease) and one Rhabdomyolysis (Dissolution of muscle fibers of the striated muscles) come.

In addition, Zocor® should not be administered in combination with the drugs gemfibrozil (treatment of lipid metabolism disorders) or ciclospoprin A (immunosuppressant).
Also, antifungal agents (antimycotics) should not be taken at the same time as Zocor®.

If non-prescription drugs are taken, the attending physician should be informed beforehand, who can explain possible interactions.

If you are unsure, you should always ask your doctor in order to avoid dangerous interactions!