Category : Orthopedics-Online

Vibration training indications, contraindications, risks

Vibration training indications, contraindications, risks

the medical information portal. Helpful information on the subject of vibration training indications.

Vibration training and muscle building

Vibration training and muscle building

the medical information portal. Helpful information on vibration training and muscle building.

Effect of vibration training on the bones

Effect of vibration training on the bones

the medical information portal. Helpful information on vibration training and osteoporosis.

Vibration training exercises

Vibration training exercises

the medical information portal. Helpful information on vibration training exercises.

Vibration training tips

Vibration training tips

the medical information portal. Helpful information on vibration training tips.

Calcareous tendinitis of the shoulder

Calcareous tendinitis of the shoulder - the orthopedic information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of calcar tendinitis of the shoulder that is understandable for laymen.

Inflammation of the shoulder blade

Inflammation of the shoulder blade

Inflammation of the shoulder blade is not uncommon for severe pain and restricted mobility. Medications like ibuprofen or diclofenac can help.

Operation of a calcareous shoulder

Operation of a calcareous shoulder

- your medical information portal. Here, laypersons can find information on the subject of surgery on a calcareous shoulder.

Arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint

Arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint explained in an understandable way.

Exercises against shoulder joint instability caused by an impingement syndrome

Exercises against shoulder joint instability caused by an impingement syndrome

the physiotherapeutic information portal. A lot of helpful information about impingement syndrome and physiotherapy explained in an understandable way.

Follow-up treatment of the rotator cuff tear

Follow-up treatment of the rotator cuff tear

- your orthopedic information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of follow-up treatment of a rotator cuff tear explained in an understandable manner.

Capsule tear in the shoulder

Capsule tear in the shoulder

A ruptured shoulder capsule often leads to severe pain and restricted mobility. To deal with the disease correctly and to avoid becoming chronic, read this article.

Classification of ankle joint dislocation

Classification of ankle joint dislocation

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about the classification of ankle joint dislocation explained in an understandable way.

Which exercises help with a calcified shoulder?

Which exercises help with a calcified shoulder?

With a calcareous shoulder, exercises for mobility and stretching the shoulder as well as muscle building are used. The activity and movement of the muscles and tendons is important, as the increased blood flow leads to the removal of calcium deposits

Surgery to split the shoulder joint

Surgery to split the shoulder joint

the orthopedic information portal. Here you will find helpful and layman-understandable information on the subject of ankle joint dislocation surgery.

Therapy of ankle joint dislocation

Therapy of ankle joint dislocation

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about the therapy of ankle joint dislocation clearly explained.

Pain in the front of the upper arm

Pain in the front of the upper arm

: The orthopedic lexicon. Here you will find a lot of helpful information on the subject of upper arm pain, explained in a layman's way.

These symptoms indicate a dislocated shoulder

These symptoms indicate a dislocated shoulder

If too much force acts on the shoulder joint, the humerus can jump out of its position in the shoulder and lose contact with the socket. This leads to severe pain in the shoulder joint.

What is rotator cuff syndrome?

What is rotator cuff syndrome?

The rotator cuff syndrome usually results from excessive or incorrect loading of the shoulder joint. The pain can mainly be felt in the shoulder joint and can usually be precisely localized by those affected.

This is how long periosteum inflammation lasts

This is how long periosteum inflammation lasts

A general statement regarding the healing time is always very difficult. With appropriate therapy, the inflammation can subside within 4-6 weeks. Depending on the affected area, the healing process may be delayed because areas of the body like