Category : Orthopedics-Online

Pain in the calf and the hollow of the knee

Pain in the calf and the hollow of the knee

- your orthopedic information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of pain in the calf and the hollow of the knee, clearly explained to laymen.

Symptoms of spinal disease

Symptoms of spinal disease

When it comes to diseases of the spine, a distinction is made between inflammation-related and degenerative diseases. The associated symptoms can range from simple back pain to tension, nausea and symptoms of paralysis

Exercise for knee osteoarthritis

Exercise for knee osteoarthritis

the medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of knee osteoarthritis surgery and sports that is understandable for laypeople.

Popliteal cyst

Popliteal cyst

Your orthopedic information portal. Here you will find a lot of information on the subject of popliteal cysts clearly explained.

Torn muscle fiber in the lower leg

Torn muscle fiber in the lower leg

- your orthopedic information portal. Here you will find helpful information on the subject of torn muscle fibers in the lower leg, clearly explained to laymen.

Achilles tendon pain

Achilles tendon pain

the orthopedic information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of Achilles tendon pain is explained in layman's terms.

Front thigh pain

Front thigh pain

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about anterior thigh pain is explained in an understandable way.

Back thigh pain

Back thigh pain

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of hamstring pain is clearly explained.

Pulling in the calf

Pulling in the calf

A pulling in the calf can have many causes and is variable in its intensity and charisma. Causes can range from banal sore muscles to serious illnesses such as thrombosis.

Pain in the ankle

Pain in the ankle

the orthopedic information portal, here you will find information on the subject of ankle pain that is understandable for laymen.

Outer ankle pain

Outer ankle pain

Outer ankle pain is not uncommon. They are mostly the result of minor accidents while exercising or when the wrong shoes were worn. In the case of pain in the outer ankle, rest and cooling is usually sufficient.

Ankle pain

Ankle pain

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about ankle pain explained in an understandable way.



- your orthopedic information portal. Here you will find a lot of information about achillodynia clearly explained.

Buckle foot in children

Buckle foot in children

the orthopedic information portal with a lot of helpful information on the topic of children with buckled feet.



- the orthopedic information portal. Everything about "metatarsalgia" explained in an understandable way.

Torn ligament in the big toe

Torn ligament in the big toe

the orthopedic information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of torn ligament of the big toe explained in an understandable way.

This is the best way to solve muscle tension!

This is the best way to solve muscle tension!

What is the best way to solve a muscle hardening? What home remedies are there? Is colder or warm more suitable? And many more questions are answered here.

Joint swelling in the knee

Joint swelling in the knee

Dr-Gumpert, your orthopedic information portal. Here you will find helpful information on the subject of knee joint swelling explained in a layman's way.

Upper arm bandage

Upper arm bandage

An upper arm bandage can relieve and support pain and healing after strains or operations. The fit and indication should best be clarified with a doctor.

Swollen forehead

Swollen forehead

In principle, a swelling of the forehead denotes an increase in the volume of the tissue on the forehead, which is caused by an accumulation of fluid. Swelling is visible to the naked eye and is one of the classic signs of inflammation. Causes f