Category : Sports-And-Fitness

Reactive force

Reactive force

- your training science information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of reactive power explained to laymen.

The crunch

The crunch

- your sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about "The Crunch" explained in an understandable way.

Caution error: measurement errors in force diagnostics

Caution error: measurement errors in force diagnostics

the training science information portal with lots of helpful information on the subject of measurement errors in strength diagnostics.

Abs workout for beginners

Abs workout for beginners

the sports medicine information portal. Here you will find detailed information on the topic of abdominal muscle training.

Washboard abs videos

Washboard abs videos

the sports medicine information portal. In the video you will find the instructions for a washboard abs.

Abs workout at home

Abs workout at home

the sports medicine information portal. Here you will find a lot of information about abdominal muscle training at home, explained in a layman's way.

Triceps extension with the expander

Triceps extension with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of triceps extensions with the expander clearly explained.

Bicep curl with the expander

Bicep curl with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about biceps curl with the expander clearly explained.

application areas

application areas

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about lateral raises with the expander clearly explained.

Butterfly reverse with the expander

Butterfly reverse with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about butterfly reverse explained with the expander in an understandable way.

Coverings with the expander

Coverings with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of coatings with the expander clearly explained.

Abduction with the expander

Abduction with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about abduction with the expander clearly explained.

Adduction with the expander

Adduction with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about adduction with the expander clearly explained.

Lift up with the expander

Lift up with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about lifting with the expander clearly explained.

Push-ups with the expander

Push-ups with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of pushups with the expander clearly explained.

Leg curls with the expander

Leg curls with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information about leg curls explained with the expander in an understandable way.

Abdominal crunch with the expander

Abdominal crunch with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of abdominal crunch explained in an understandable way with the expander.

Lateral kicks with the expander

Lateral kicks with the expander

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the topic of lateral kicks with the expander clearly explained.