Abdominal pain during pregnancy


Almost every woman knows about pain in the abdomen during pregnancy. Especially in advanced pregnancy, they can be triggered by the growing baby. However, other causes can also hide behind the pain, which is why some women are quickly concerned.
The pain can also be felt more like a burning sensation.

Read more on the topic: Burning in the abdomen

If the symptoms persist, it is therefore advisable to visit the gynecologist as soon as possible and to have a more serious illness excluded.


Abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually harmless side effects of pregnancy. The uterus is held in place by several ligaments. As the unborn child grows, the uterus is stretched and this stretching condition is also carried over to the straps. This can be very painful at times, but it is not uncommon and not dangerous either. A comfortable, relaxed body position should relieve the pain. Of course, there can be other causes behind the abdominal pain as well.
At the very beginning of pregnancy, when the woman does not know anything about it, the implantation of the egg can cause pulling abdominal pain. In advanced and late pregnancy, the discomfort can also arise from kicks of the growing baby. A urinary tract infection or other infectious diseases can also cause such pain. More serious causes of the pain could include an ectopic pregnancy, placenta detachment, or premature labor. If there is uncertainty and if the symptoms do not improve on their own, a visit to a doctor is strongly recommended to clarify the serious causes of the abdominal pain.

Types of pain

Common pain

Abdominal pain can happen during pregnancy without a dangerous cause. In most cases of pregnancy it is one Overstretching of the uterine ligamentsthat have to adapt to the increasing burden of the growing child. By quiet sitting or Lie the symptoms usually improve quickly on their own.
In the case of persistent pain that does not show any tendency for improvement or additional symptoms, such as fever, Bleeding, nausea and Vomit should be promptly doctor to be visited. In this case, it is imperative to rule out serious causes of the abdominal pain. When in doubt, it is better to see a doctor early on, even if there is no serious cause of the pain after all. Then the pregnant woman is reassured and the pregnancy is not unnecessarily endangered.

right / left abdominal pain

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur on one side, right or left, or on both sides. Besides the most common cause of Uterine ligament stretch There may be other causes behind the localized pain. Right abdominal pain can for example also on a Appendicitis (appendicitis) Clues. Lower abdominal pain on the left side can on a Diverticulitis, so on one Inflammation of small protrusions in the intestinal wallbe due. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease can also cause such abdominal pain. However, the abdominal viscera can also hurt when the unborn child begins to move. Another option for unilateral abdominal pain is a Ectopic pregnancy. In the process, the fertilized egg falsely nests in the ovary and not in the uterus. This causes severe pain. Also Cysts in the ovaries can cause similar symptoms.

Drawing pains

Drawing pains in the abdomen during pregnancy are typical of one Ligament stretching on the uterus. The growing uterus strains the ligament apparatus, which is characteristic Drawing in the abdomen conditionally. Usually it improves by itself after a while and does not get much stronger in its intensity. However, since other causes can cause pulling abdominal pain, a gynecologist should be consulted in case of doubt.

Furthermore, muscle weakness in the area of ​​the pelvic floor can also be the cause of pulling pains. In the worst case, this leads to one Pelvic floor depression.

Sharp pain

Sharp abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur every now and then, without that a serious cause for these ailments is found. The adolescent baby Always stresses over time more space in the abdomen the mother, whereby the surrounding organs and tissues are squeezed. This can cause pulling as well as stabbing pain, which however will quickly disappear on its own. Persistent, strong and piercing Pain should absolutely medically clarified as a more serious cause could be responsible. For sharp pain in the right lower abdomen is for example to a Appendicitis (appendicitis) to think.

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Typical symptoms of abdominal pain during pregnancy

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can vary in severity. Usually it is drawing pain on one or both sideswhich can be very uncomfortable. Since the causes are mostly harmless, there is usually no need to worry at first. However, there are other symptoms, for example nausea, Vomit, fever or vaginal bleeding, a doctor should be consulted promptly.
The ovaries can be responsible for abdominal pain during pregnancy. Read more on the subject at: Ovarian pain in pregnancy.

Diagnosing abdominal pain in pregnancy

If you experience persistent abdominal pain during pregnancy that does not improve on its own, you should see a doctor. This will be the Examine the abdomen and scan. In addition, he becomes a Ultrasound examination to see if the baby and the uterus are okay. If necessary, the urine examined to a possible Urinary tract infection to exclude. If no pathological finding can be made in all of these examinations, it is probably a harmless cause for the complaints, for example one Overstretching of the uterine straps.
In very rare cases, an MRI is necessary during pregnancy. A MRI during pregnancy is quite possible, but should only be carried out under very strict indications.

Therapy / what to do

The treatment of abdominal pain during pregnancy depends on its cause. If serious illnesses or disorders of pregnancy have been excluded, a harmless cause can be assumed, for example an overstretched ligament in the area of ​​the uterus. In order to alleviate the symptoms, it usually helps if the pregnant woman takes more rest, sits down more often and puts her legs up. This helps relax the abdominal area. A hot water bottle in your back or a warm bath can also help. In some cases, taking magnesium can help, especially to relieve cramp-like abdominal pain.

If there is an organic cause, for example a urinary tract infection, the doctor will prescribe a suitable drug against the infection during pregnancy.

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The prognosis for uncomplicated abdominal pain during pregnancy is very good, as these symptoms occur once in almost every woman during pregnancy. Usually the pain disappears on its own after a short time. If there is a more serious cause for the symptoms, the prognosis depends on the success of the therapy.

Prophylaxis (prevention)

To prevent abdominal pain during pregnancy should be on regular Relaxation times be respected. The pregnant woman should have enough time to rest again and again. Now and then one warm bath, one relaxing massage by the partner and as stress-free everyday life as possible are beneficial for the well-being of the pregnant woman. Also should be on a healthy, high fiber diet and a sufficient amount of water to drink be respected. Moderate exercise also helps during pregnancy to keep the musculoskeletal system flexible. Walks in the fresh air are very suitable for this. This also prevents tension.