Category : Internal Medicine

Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Colon cancer can be divided into different stages and thus degrees of severity. Therapy is based on the stage. Criteria such as depth of penetration, extent or infestation of other tissues influence the categorization and prognosis.

Can you detect colon cancer in the blood?

Can you detect colon cancer in the blood?

The number of people with colorectal cancer is increasing, so after a certain age a thorough examination for colorectal cancer is required. Which test is still decisive? Is it possible that already blood tests indicate a colon cancer

Life expectancy in colon cancer

Life expectancy in colon cancer

Colon cancer is generally - if diagnosed early - one of the cancers with a relatively good prognosis. Various invasive treatment methods are effective in different stages.

Is Colon Cancer Curable?

Is Colon Cancer Curable?

The curability of colon cancer mainly depends on whether the tumor can be operated on and whether it has already spread. If the tumor can be completely removed and no metastases have settled, the chances of recovery are very good

Chemotherapy for colon cancer

Chemotherapy for colon cancer

Chemotherapy for colon cancer is a common therapy method. This is a mixture of different drugs that recognize and kill tumor cells. This is why chemotherapy for colon cancer is often used after surgery

Metastases in colon cancer

Metastases in colon cancer

the medical information portal. Here you will find information on colorectal cancer metastases that is understandable for laymen.

Appendix cancer

Appendix cancer

The appendix or appendix (appendix) consists mainly of lymphatic tissue. In very rare cases, the cells of the appendix can degenerate and thus lead to an appendix tumor.

Tumor in the abdomen - what does it include?

Tumor in the abdomen - what does it include?

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of "abdominal tumors" explained to laymen.

Home remedies as laxatives

Home remedies as laxatives

the medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of home remedies as laxatives that is understandable for laymen.

Bloated stomach

Bloated stomach

Bloat, also known as "meteorism", describes an accumulation of gas in the abdominal cavity. Those affected also often complain of pain and cramps. The causes are different, but the wrong diet is often the cause. Just

Bloated stomach after eating

Bloated stomach after eating

Your information portal for internal medicine. Here you will find information on the subject of bloated stomach after a meal explained to laymen in a way that is easy to understand.

Causes of Flatulence

Causes of Flatulence

, the internal information portal with lots of helpful information about the causes of flatulence.

Abdominal pain from gas

Abdominal pain from gas

- The medical lexicon. Here you will find helpful information on the subject of abdominal pain due to flatulence explained to laymen.

Home remedies for flatulence

Home remedies for flatulence

, the internal information portal with lots of helpful information about home remedies for flatulence.

Flatulence after alcohol

Flatulence after alcohol

- the internal information portal. Everything on the subject of "gas after alcohol" is clearly explained.

You can tell if you have diaphragmatic inflammation by these symptoms

You can tell if you have diaphragmatic inflammation by these symptoms

Here you can find out why a diaphragm can become inflamed and what symptoms this causes and how these symptoms are expressed.

Causes of Upper Abdominal Pain

Causes of Upper Abdominal Pain

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information about the causes of upper abdominal pain clearly described.

You can recognize a chlamydial infection in men by these symptoms

You can recognize a chlamydial infection in men by these symptoms

Chlamydia classically leads to discharge and a burning sensation in the urethra in men. You may also experience pain when urinating or in the testicles. Disease courses without symptoms can also occur in men and harbor this

STD - Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STD - Sexually Transmitted Diseases

This means infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and mainly transmitted through sexual contact.

Chlamydial infection of the lungs

Chlamydial infection of the lungs

A chlamydial infection in the lungs causes atypical pneumonia. This means that the symptoms are weakened and the course of the disease is atypical.