Proper nutrition for osteoarthritis


In the arthrosis is it a Wear-related, progressive disease of the jointswhich can often only be treated symptomatically. Next Painkillers and physical therapy has been one for a long time appropriate diet recommended. This can stop the osteoarthritis influence positively and Relieve discomfort. Diet involves increasing the intake of foods that are healthy for joints and cartilage. At the same time, harmful foods are avoided. But the most important goal is through diet To lose weight and so those Reduce stress on the joints.

If a patient becomes aware that he can have a positive influence on his illness through diet, the first question that arises is: what should be considered? The first thing to be said about nutrition in osteoarthritis is that it is debatable whether it can actually improve the course and the symptoms. Nevertheless, logical considerations and experience speak for a positive effect through the intake of healthier nutrients and above all through weight loss. However, one should note that one cannot expect a miracle cure and that conventional measures must be continued under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, good nutrition in osteoarthritis does not replace regular visits to the doctor. Nor can it be guaranteed that the disease will not progress and that osteoarthritis surgery may be necessary.

Read about it: Osteoarthritis and obesity

In the Diet change Care should be taken to ensure that a balanced diet is maintained Deficiency symptoms to avoid. It must also be noted that only a permanent special diet can have beneficial effects on osteoarthritis. Generally this consists of more herbal Products. It is due to an increased intake of Antioxidants respect that anti-inflammatory can work.

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Recommended foods for osteoarthritis

There are many recommended foods in the diet for osteoarthritis. What they have in common is that they either have anti-inflammatory effects or are important for good ones Bone or cartilage substance are. In addition, it should be ensured that recommended foods are many Vitamins and minerals included and low calorie alternatives to represent conventional food. The basis of a healthy diet for osteoarthritis is one adequate hydration from min. 1.5-2 L of water a day. Play as recommended foods fruit and vegetables also plays an important role. One should take 3-5 servings of it daily. Especially the Vitamins C, E and D can have a positive effect on osteoarthritis. vitamin C has anti-inflammatory effects and by scavenging free radicals Tissue-protective. Recommended foods in this regard are Paprika, kiwi or lemon. It is just as good for nutrition with osteoarthritis Vitamin E.what is in vegetable oils and wheat grain finds. Vitamin D together with calcium is essential for good Bone structure and therefore extremely important. The need can with low-fat dairy products are covered.

That one low calorie diet is important in osteoarthritis is explained by the hoped-for weight loss. Obesity is the most negative influence on osteoarthritis. Almost all of them are in the diet to meet the energy requirement whole grain products recommended foods. They are more sustainable and thus avoid large insulin spikes, which helps with weight loss. In addition, whole grain bread contains more Minerals, vitamins and healthy fatty acids. It is about Polyunsaturated fatty acidsthat have a positive overall effect on the body. For example, through their heart-protecting function. Unsaturated fatty acids are also found in lean fish and vegetable fats. Fish should be on the menu once a week. In addition, it is worth cooking on Sunflower or rapeseed oil instead of switching to butter. It has been shown in studies that the diet with osteoarthritis Leek vegetables, onions and garlic had a positive effect. Recommended foods can possibly be optimized through dietary supplements. So should the daily intake of chondroitin sulfate or glucosamine sulfate improve the course of osteoarthritis. However, they are not a substitute for a balanced, sensible diet and should at most be used as support.

Food that you should avoid with osteoarthritis

Just as diet can have a positive effect on osteoarthritis, there are foods that should be avoided. These are inflammatory and often generally unhealthy products. In addition, the focus here is also on weight loss. Most expert and study opinions have in common that an essential part of the diet in osteoarthritis is the reduction or better the Avoid meat and eggs is. Special pork meat seems to have a negative effect on the course of osteoarthritis. So-called white meat such as poultry is most likely to be considered harmless. Other foods that one should avoid are other animal products like butter or sausage. Also cheese is one of them. All of these products included pro-inflammatory Substances and unhealthy, saturated fat. In addition, the large amounts of calories contained in it add weight. White flour products are foods that should also be avoided. White bread, toast, and most pastries contain white flour and should be replaced with whole grain products.

Most of them too finished products and especially Fast food of any kind should be avoided. These products contain artificial additives and non-wholesome ingredients, which lead to strong weight gain and release a large amount of oxidative substances. But not only the solid food components have an impact on the body. The beverages consumed are just as important. coffee and alcohol are drinks to avoid. It has been observed that excessive coffee consumption exacerbates osteoarthritis pain and increases the need for medication. The inflammation-promoting substances that are active in coffee also deteriorate the nutrition of cartilage and bones. The same applies to the consumption of alcohol. In addition, should also be on black tea be waived. Like coffee, meat and fats, black tea stimulates the production of acidic substances in the body, which negatively affects the body Bone and cartilage structure affects.

Nutritional example for osteoarthritis

There are many ways you can implement the above nutritional tips for osteoarthritis. The following nutritional example is intended to provide suggestions and show that a suitable diet is not difficult.

  • In the morning: A bowl of whole grain muesli or oatmeal is ideal for breakfast. Together with cut fruit and some low-fat milk or yoghurt, this makes a rich, healthy breakfast.
  • Lunch: Fresh vegetables such as leek, savoy cabbage or kale contain many vitamins and antioxidants. Onions, carrots and potatoes to fill you up can be added. Alternatively, you can use low-fat fish 1-2 times a week; naturally fried in rapeseed oil. Whole brown rice can also be served.
  • In the evening: A snack can now follow here. It is important to eat whole grain bread and avoid meat-based cold cuts or spreads or cheese. Honey or jam are recommended as long as they are not additionally sugared.

In addition to this nutritional example, you must spread over the day enough liquid be respected. The best here are water or juice spritzers.

General tips

To keep an overview, here are some summarizing general tips:

The diet for osteoarthritis can only be used as a supplement to existing conventional medicine be understood. Here, however, with consistent behavior, it can control the course of the Disease positive to influence. A central component of the diet for osteoarthritis is that Weight loss. So all foods that are high in calories and lead to weight gain are, in principle, foods that should be avoided. In particular, this means that meat and animal fats, eggs, coffee and alcohol should be avoided as far as possible. On the other hand are Fruits and vegetables, lean fish, and vegetable fats the most important foods to have a beneficial effect on osteoarthritis. Furthermore, it should be noted that only a long-term change in diet can have an influence on the course. This conversion is best done by light but regular sporting activities accompanied. The role of dietary supplements in strengthening cartilage and bones is not fully understood. Here you should discuss how to proceed with the attending physician.

Further therapeutic measures for osteoarthritis

In addition to changing your diet, there are many other measures that can alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis. On the one hand conservative and operative therapy ooptions distinguished. Diet belongs to the former. The conservative options also include:

  • Regular exercise (swimming, hiking etc.)
  • discharge through bandages, special shoes or insoles
  • Physical therapy with heat pads, infrared light or the like
  • Pain medication

The surgical options include a variety of smaller and larger interventions on the affected joint.

You can find further information on therapeutic measures for osteoarthritis here: Osteoarthritis therapy, Osteoarthritis surgery